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Products>A Case for Amillennialism, Expanded Edition: Understanding the End Times

A Case for Amillennialism, Expanded Edition: Understanding the End Times

, 2013
ISBN: 9781441222244

Digital Logos Edition

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In a clear and accessible manner, Kim Riddlebarger presents and defends amillennialism—the belief that the millennium is a present reality centered in Christ’s heavenly reign, not a future hope of Christ’s rule on earth after his return—as the historic Protestant understanding of the millennial age. Recognizing that eschatology—the study of future things—is a complicated and controversial subject, Riddlebarger begins with definitions of key terminology and an overview of various viewpoints and related biblical themes. He then discusses key passages of Scripture that bear upon the millennial age, including Daniel 9, Matthew 24, Romans 11, and Revelation 20. Finally, he evaluates the main problems facing each of the major millennial positions and cautions us to be aware of the consequences of each view.

In the Logos edition, this volume is enhanced by amazing functionality. Scripture citations link directly to English translations, and important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Take the discussion with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.

Resource Experts
  • Defines and discusses key terms to provide a strong foundation for discussion
  • Explores key passages that are relevant to the millennial age
  • Offers thorough exegesis, and brings biblical balance to the discussion of the millennial age
  • Part I: First Things First
    • Defining Our Terms
    • A Survey of Eschatological Views
    • How Do We Interpret Bible Prophecy?
  • Part II: Biblical and Theological Concerns
    • The Covenantal Context of Old Testament Eschatology
    • These Things Were Foretold
    • According to the Prophets
    • Christ and the Fulfillment of Prophecy
    • The Nature of New Testament Eschatology
    • The Kingdom of God
    • The New Creation, the Israel of God, and the Suffering Church
    • The Antichrist
    • The Blessed Hope
  • Part III: Exposition of the Critical Texts
    • Daniel’s Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks
    • The Olivet Discourse
    • Romans 11
    • Revelation 20:1–10
  • Part IV: Awaiting the Blessed Hope
    • Signs of the End
    • Evaluating Millennial Options

Top Highlights

“Amillenarians believe that the millennium is a present reality (Christ’s heavenly reign), not a future hope (Christ’s rule on earth after his return).” (Page 22)

“The first is that the New Testament should explain the Old.” (Page 50)

“Two basic presuppositions underlie the dispensational system of biblical interpretation. These are (1) the ‘literal’ interpretation of prophetic sections of the Bible and (2) the recognition of a distinction between the church and Israel.” (Page 48)

“A third critical factor is the analogia fidei or the ‘analogy of faith.’ This refers to the importance of interpreting an unclear biblical text in light of clear passages that speak to the same subject rather than taking the literal sense in isolation from the rest of Scripture.” (Page 51)

“The major covenants in the Old Testament took two basic forms, covenants of promise and covenants of law. In covenants of promise, God himself swore the oath to fulfill all the terms and conditions. In covenants of works or law, the people of God swore the oath of ratification.” (Page 59)

For combining thorough exegesis, readability, and lucid argumentation on this important subject, this volume has no peers.

Michael Horton, professor of systematic theology, Westminster Seminary, CA

By careful examination of the key biblical passages, Dr. Riddlebarger will help and encourage Christians both to understand the real teaching of the Bible and to appropriate the blessing of this truth.

W. Robert Godfrey, president and professor of church history, Westminster Theological Seminary, CA

Carefully argued, clearly and charitably written, this work brings needed balance and sense to the debate over the subject of the millennium.

Cornelis P. Venema, author, The Promise of the Future

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Dr. Riddlebarger has been a visiting professor at Westminster Seminary California since 2000. He is a minister in the United Reformed Churches in North America and senior pastor of Christ Reformed Church in Anaheim, California. He has taught as adjunct professor of systematic theology and apologetics at Simon Greenleaf University and was visiting professor in Reformation studies at Concordia University. He has co-hosted the White Horse Inn national radio broadcast since 1990. He regularly contributes articles to Modern Reformation, Tabletalk and is a scholar of the theology of B.B. Warfield. Among his publications are The Man of Sin: Uncovering the Truth about the Antichrist, A Case for Amillennialism: Understanding the End Times, Power Religion (contributor), Christ the Lord (contributor), and Roman Catholicism: Evangelicals Analyze What Unites and What Divides Us (contributor).


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