Digital Logos Edition
Take a closer look at key characters of the Bible with the Face2Face collection. These volumes offer accessible introductions to important biblical figures. Individual books covers the major events that shaped the lives of David, Daniel, Samuel, Peter, Judas, and others. The authors draw connections between the ways God worked through great people in the Bible to the ways God works today. These books are not merely historical overviews, they reveal how everyone—both then and now—fits into God’s plan.
Each book is well-organized, clearly and concisely written, and includes discussion questions for further reflection and study. The Face2Face series is ideal for readers seeking in-depth study and for those encountering major biblical characters for the first time.
In the Logos editions, these volumes are enhanced by amazing functionality. Scripture citations link directly to your preferred English translations, and important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.
Want more from this series? Order Face2Face Series Upgrade 2 (2 vols.)!
I continue to be thankful for the publications of Day One. They are biblical; they have sound theology; and they are relative to the issues at hand. The material is condensed and manageable while, at the same time, being complete—a challenging balance to find. We are happy in our ministry to make use of these excellent publications.
—John MacArthur, pastor-teacher, Grace Community Church, California
At an early age, Daniel was taken from the city of Jerusalem to live the remainder of his days in Babylon. But while living in Babylon, Daniel continued to live for Jerusalem. In Babylon, he lived for the God of grace he had come to know in Jerusalem. Going face to face with Daniel requires Christians to go face to face with this piercing question: are we willing to live for God while we live in a world that is opposed to God?
Every Christian who has longed for heaven has lamented still living in Babylon. Roger Ellsworth not only brings us face to face with Daniel the prophet, but points us hopefully to the heavenly Jerusalem. Faithful to the text and immensely practical, this book teaches us how to live for the glory of God in a corrupt world.
—C. Ben Mitchell, Graves Professor of Moral Philosophy, Union University, Jackson, TN
Daniel is one of the great heroes of the Bible. In a time of great uncertainty and difficulty, he shines forth as one who worships the only true God. In this book, Roger Ellsworth excels in drawing out the practical nature of Daniel’s faith, how he dealt with real life situations and put the Living God at the very center of everything. This is a book for everyone, for we all need to be reminded what it means to stand firm and live for the Glory of God. Read this book! You will be greatly blessed.
—David Clark, joint editor, Christian Hymns
Roger Ellsworth has served as pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church, Benton, Illinois, since 1988. He is the author of some 30 books, including Opening up Philippians, Opening up Psalms, and People in the Passion of Jesus. He has also served as president of the Illinois Baptist State Association and as chairman of the board of trustees of South Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Raised in obscurity, young David would not have featured on a list of candidates for the future king of Israel—but God had different ideas! Read about how God’s magnificent plan unfolded in the life of this remarkable man and in the lives of those around him.
Michael Bentley has an enviable knowledge of the Bible and an admirably simple way of relating its events, and then interweaving the stories with their relevance to our life. Thus, we see how the actions related in the Bible can still be appropriate today in the way we live our lives.
—Fran Godfrey, BBC Radio
It is easily the most fascinating account of David’s life that I have ever read. As a believer I profited, I learned, I was challenged and I gained biblical knowledge and insight. It seemed as though David was a contemporary, living somewhere near me, facing many of the same difficulties I face—yes, contemporary in the best biblical sense.
—Dr. Kent Philpott, pastor, Miller Avenue Church, Mill Valley, CA
Michael Bentley worked as a bookshop manager and served in the British army before his call to the ministry. His diverse background includes freelance religious reporting for national and local radio and television, being a religious education teacher, and holding pastorates in Surrey, South East London and Berkshire. He is also closely involved with his local community as a member of various committees and councils. Now retired, he still preaches regularly and has a ministry of writing, with some ten books in print and more in preparation.
Raised in obscurity, then shooting to prominence in the nation of Israel, David became a powerful figure and everyone loved him—well, not quite everyone. Read about his battles, his triumphs, and also his troubles in this engaging, easy-to-use guide.
Michael Bentley treats the life of David in a simple, straightforward fashion, never losing sight throughout of the practical significance he has for us, and constantly holding before us David’s greater Son, the Lord Jesus. A very good and satisfying book!
—Roger Ellsworth, pastor, Immanuel Baptist Church, Benton, IL
. . . a book which is full of wisdom.
—Chris Porter, minister, Easthampstead Baptist Church, England
Michael Bentley worked as a bookshop manager and served in the British army before his call to the ministry. His diverse background includes freelance religious reporting for national and local radio and television, being a religious education teacher, and holding pastorates in Surrey, South East London and Berkshire. He is also closely involved with his local community as a member of various committees and councils. Now retired, he still preaches regularly and has a ministry of writing, with some ten books in print and more in preparation.
Elijah, the fiery prophet, lived in a time of intense spiritual darkness. People were openly disobeying God’s commands, and true worship seemed to have been all but snuffed out—yet God was still at work! Bringing the power of his word and Spirit into this situation, he used Elijah to break the darkness and to draw people back to himself. This fascinating encounter with Elijah draws out his significance in God’s plan and provides us with practical help to live for Christ in the spiritual darkness of the twenty-first century. Each chapter includes questions and points for reflection, making this an ideal book to be used in small groups or for personal study and devotion.
A literary fanfare for the common man!
—J. Keith Johnson, South Mobile Baptist Church, AL
Simon Robinson is the senior minister of Walton Evangelical Church, Chesterfield, England. He has also written several other books, including Jesus, the Life-changer, Improving your Quiet Time, Opening up 1 Timothy, and God, the Bible and Terrorism. He also preaches and teaches in Asia and the United States.
The stories from the life of the prophet Elisha are well known—his call by Elijah, Naaman’s healing from leprosy, the miraculous provision of oil for a widow and her two sons, and of a son for the Shunammite woman and her husband. But what are we to learn from him and his life? In these studies Jim Winter explores how Elisha was very different in character from Elijah, yet was still used to bring justice and righteousness back to the nation of Israel. He demonstrates how both his life and death point us to the life, ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Called to succeed the great Elijah in ministering to Israel in godless and corrupt times, Elisha faced enormous challenges. Jim Winter brings us face to face with this under-appreciated prophet, reminding us all the while that the God who was sufficient for him is still sufficient. Ministers of the Gospel may find special encouragement for their own challenges by walking with Jim Winter in the footprints of the prophet. The many illustrations makes Jim Winter’s book very readable. The applications make it very helpful. The pictures of Christ make it very valuable, reminding us that in Christ alone we find meaning for this life and hope for the life to come.
—Roger Ellsworth, minister of Immanuel Baptist Church, Benton, IL
All credit to Jim Winter for the way he opens up the life of Elisha. He takes us into the past through the pages of Scripture and brings us face to face with this great prophet. Then he brings Elisha into our present, deftly drawing out the principles that make him relevant to our day. But then he goes one step further. With warmth and biblical sensitivity he brings us to Christ. So here, in handling these passages, Jim Winter does what every true expositor should do: he brings us face to face with Jesus!
—Mark G. Johnston, minister, Grove Chapel, Camberwell, England
Jim Winter has been an evangelical pastor in England for over 20 years and has preached and lectured in the UK, USA, and south east Asia. After a long period of ministry in London’s inner city, he now lives and ministers in the south of England. He is the author of Opening up Ecclesiastes, Depression: A Rescue Plan, and Travel with William Booth.
We are no longer in the world in which Ezra lived: we no longer have God revealing his hand at work with canonical authority. However, like Ezra, we do have God’s revelation of the future unfolding of history which, like the promises made through Jeremiah, reveal how his plans and purposes are being and will be worked out until the time comes for the world in which we live to be made new: with a new heaven and a new earth.
Come face to face with this remarkable man; learn important lessons from his life and experiences; and then go and live them out in the real world!
The neglected Bible includes books like Ezra. Tucked away in the Old Testament is a record of how a largely unseen God moves through world events, demonstrating that he is mighty to save. Chris Hughes has worked to understand and apply the message of a book that does not need to remain neglected.
—Declan Flanagan, chief executive, Rural Ministries
Can God be trusted? That’s one of the ultimate questions for people exploring the Christian faith. In short pithy chapters, Chris Hughes shows us that God is working it all out according to plan—his story and ours. And he does it through ordinary like Ezra who find themselves caught up in God’s extraordinary purposes. This short book will deepen your confidence in God and whet your appetite to get involved in the biggest drama in history.
—Richard Underwood, pastoral director, The Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches (FIEC)
Chris Hughes has made the book of Ezra come alive for the modern reader. It is full of useful historical background, with great illustrations and application for our lives today and many references to other biblical passages that make it a must for teachers and preachers. It is a challenge and an encouragement to tall who are seeking to serve Christ in difficult times.
—Jim Winter, author and pastor
Chris Hughes came to know the Lord while attending the youth club of an Evangelical Anglican Church on the Sussex coast. He has been involved in youth and other work in a number of Churches and latterly served an FIEC Church near Southampton as assistant pastor and then pastor for some fourteen years.
Joseph’s life is a story of dramatic ups and downs, but while not ignoring the practical lessons that can be drawn from his life, Roger Ellsworth fastens our attention on Joseph’s place in the drama of God’s redemptive plan. The sometimes chaotic nature of Joseph’s circumstances did not mean that God’s plan was thrown off track. Those circumstances were part of the plan. That is the lesson that can bring us comfort in our own chaotic and turbulent times. We can rest assured that God is moving forward to finish his plan to the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The life of Joseph towers above the landscape of patriarchal history, pointing us to the ultimate Savior—as Roger Ellsworth makes so perfectly clear. Read these warm-hearted and practical pages and be edified. Ideal for both group and personal study.
—R. Kent Hughes, senior pastor emeritus, College Church, Wheaton, IL
If you’re looking for one of those disastrous studies that explore a biblical character as a model for coping with your problems, you will find Roger Ellsworth’s Face2Face with Joseph disappointing; but if you’re eager to see how biblical life finds its niche in God’s plan, how human crud is bundled up in God’s providence, or how a suffering servant points you to an unguessable Savior—well, then, here is your ticket.
—Dale Ralph Davis, former professor of Old Testament, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, MS
Roger Ellsworth has served as pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church, Benton, Illinois, since 1988. He is the author of some 30 books, including Opening up Philippians, Opening up Psalms, and People in the Passion of Jesus. He has also served as president of the Illinois Baptist State Association and as chairman of the board of trustees of South Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
In God’s plan to save lost sinners, Jesus had to suffer and die. But that meant there had to be people who would bring this about. How did Judas, one of the Twelve and part of Jesus’ inner circle of followers for several years, become one such person? What can we learn from one of the Bible’s grimmest portraits?
You will not “enjoy” this book—at least, I hope not—but read with a prayerful, humble spirit, it is truly edifying.
—Paul E. Brown, retired pastor and author of several books, Lancaster, UK
The strength of this little book is that it speaks to heart and conscience. Andrew forces me to look at myself and to examine my heart. Any book that does that is worth reading.
—Stephen Rees, pastor, Grace Baptist Church, Stockport, UK
Andrew Wheeler has given us a perceptive study of one of the Bible’s most enigmatic and tragic figures. In doing so, he reminds us how very far one can go in religion without ever possessing the true knowledge of Christ.
—Roger Ellsworth, pastor, Parkview Baptist Church, Jackson, TN
Andrew Wheeler was born in Northampton and graduated from Lancaster University. He studied philosophy in his undergraduate and postgraduate years. He is a member of Free Grace Baptist Church in Lancaster, where he is presently extensively involved in youth work and has also engaged in training for the pastoral ministry.
Can the short account of a brief incident from the life of a woman of dubious character say anything to us today—a woman who lived over 3,000 years ago and whose city was doomed to destruction? Yet if all Scripture is God-breathed and profitable to equip us for doing God’s will then the answer must be a resounding—Yes! But—and what a but that is—what is that Yes going to be—why did God record for us the events leading up to the escape of this woman, not just from the eve of destruction, but from the dawn of the day of destruction itself?
God’s blessings come in surprise packages, and none more so than Rahab of Jericho. What an astonishing woman she was! Her story certainly provokes many questions. Why was she a prostitute when her family were also living in Jericho? Surely they would have dissuaded her from following that lifestyle? She had two spies go to visit her, but what were they doing in a prostitute’s house when they were supposed to be viewing the land? And why did she betray her people to certain death? Thankfully you can come face to face with Rahab through the pages of Chris Hughes’ fine book and get a sight of this remarkable woman; more importantly, however, you will see the God of grace who calls and uses even prostitutes to fulfil his purposes in the world.
—Clive Anderson, minister, Butts Church, Alton, England
Here is a very readable practical book with encouraging insights into a lesser-known but surprisingly significant Bible character—Rahab. Throughout the story of this Jericho call-girl, the amazing grace and purpose of God is seen in both the Old and New Testaments. You might be prompted to be less choosy about those you consider building a relationship with. God surprises us!
—David Abernethie, retired minister
In less than a dozen short, punchy chapters, we are introduced to the mini-drama of the heroine Rahab in her ruin and redemption, set against the backcloth of ‘the greatest story ever told’ of the Joshua/Jesus the hero of it all. An excellent resource.
—Dr Steve Brady, principal, Moorlands College, Christchurch, England
Chris Hughes came to know the Lord while attending the youth club of an Evangelical Anglican Church on the Sussex coast. He has been involved in youth and other work in a number of Churches and latterly served an FIEC Church near Southampton as assistant pastor and then pastor for some fourteen years.
Welcome to the world of dirt roads and oxcarts, cattle and sheep, sandals and robes! Welcome to the world of Samuel—one of the most important men in the history of the nation of Israel. Samuel was a great prophet occupying a unique position in the history of his nation. For a long time Israel had been ruled by judges, but Samuel ushered them into a new era in which they were governed by kings. However, we are not taking this face to face look at Samuel because we are interested in his historical uniqueness, but rather because he can help us to know the God who made us and who has a wonderful purpose for all who live for him.
Insightful biblical interpretation and powerful theological truths are compellingly portrayed and carefully explained throughout this book. I heartily commend Face2Face with Samuel for a wide range of readers.
—David S. Dockery, president, Union University, Jackson, TN
Roger Ellsworth has served as pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church, Benton, Illinois, since 1988. He is the author of some 30 books, including Opening up Philippians, Opening up Psalms, and People in the Passion of Jesus. He has also served as president of the Illinois Baptist State Association and as chairman of the board of trustees of South Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Sennacherib was once a name that sent chills down spines, yet today, relatively few have heard of him, and even fewer know much about him. Lord Byron immortalized one part of his life in a poem, but there was much more to this man than king and fearsome warrior. Coming face to face with him in this book not only reveals a complex and multi-talented man, but also the formidable enemy that the land of Judah, its king Hezekiah and prophet Isaiah were confronted with at a time of national crisis.
Today, many Christians across the world find themselves faced with situations that appear to be beyond their control. How should they react in such circumstances, and what help can they expect to receive? This book, while dealing with real history, also focuses on life in the twenty-first century and gives pointers towards being faithful witnesses of Jesus Christ.
Clive Anderson brings ancient history to life. Out of the stony slabs of antiquity, Sennacherib emerges, flesh and blood. . . . This book is a must for preachers and teachers and an invaluable aid to Bible study. It is easily accessible scholarship—providing accurate background knowledge, sound biblical exposition and searching application.
—Dr. Jim Winter, author, and pastor, Horsell Evangelical Church
Clive Anderson is the pastor of the Butts Church in Alton, Hampshire, and a member of The British Museum Society, The British School of Archaeology in Iraq, and The Egyptian Exploration Society, and leads tours to the Middle East and Egypt and around the British Museum. He is the author of Opening up Nahum, Opening up 2 Peter, Travel with Spurgeon, Gunpowder, Treason and Plot, and has co-authored with Brian Edwards Through the British Museum with the Bible. Clive has spoken in the USA, Europe, and in the Far East, and is also a frequent broadcaster on local radio.
Simon Peter is one of Scripture’s most fascinating characters. Plucked from obscurity to be a disciple of Jesus of Nazareth, he embarked on a journey that featured both stunning failures and impressive triumphs. Through it all, he was sustained and helped by the grace of God. He rises from the pages of Scripture to assure us that the same grace is available to and sufficient for us. No one can ever fall so far as to be beneath the reach of that grace or rise so high as no longer to need it.
Too often people do not see the real humanity of biblical characters and fail to see the connections between various parts of Scripture. Roger Ellsworth helps to address these issues in his compelling study of Simon Peter. When one traces the references to Peter through the Gospels, Acts and the letters of Paul and Peter himself, it helps not only in understanding Peter but also in seeing the unity of Scripture. This book is accessible yet rich in thought and application.
—Ray Van Neste, PhD, associate professor of Christian studies and director, R.C. Ryan Center for Biblical Studies, Jackson, TN
Roger Ellsworth has served as pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church, Benton, Illinois, since 1988. He is the author of some 30 books, including Opening up Philippians, Opening up Psalms, and People in the Passion of Jesus. He has also served as president of the Illinois Baptist State Association and as chairman of the board of trustees of South Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Many of us today face lives that we would never have chosen for ourselves. We can often feel as if we are helpless victims, suffering pain carelessly inflicted by others. Bathsheba and the two Tamars (of Genesis 38 and 2 Samuel 13) were women with lives like this: all were victims of inappropriate sexual relationships, and all knew deep personal pain as a result. In this sympathetic study, Julia Jones examines what the Bible tells us about the lives of these women. Drawing out key lessons along the way, she highlights the wonderful fact that, by his grace, God enabled each of these damaged women to be used for his purposes—showing that God can use our dark times for good, too.
Can there be hope and healing for victims of sexual abuse? God’s Word says ‘Yes!’ In this book, Julia Jones brings timeless lessons from the lives of three Bible women and shows how God’s wonderful grace can reach into situations of pain and despair.
—Sharon James, author
Many a Bible reader would gloss over these distasteful episodes in Bible history. Julia Jones demonstrates that they have much to teach an age in which every sexual taboo has been broken and the consequent chaos and dysfunction is commonplace. This readable book offers an understanding of failure and shame which is biblical, God-centred and empathetic.
—Ann Benton, author
Julia Jones was born and brought up in Yorkshire, England, and became a Christian during her student days. She later returned to student work with UCCF. For the past 16 years, Julia has been involved in church ministry alongside her husband, Daryl. She is part of the FIEC women’s ministry team and speaks at women’s conferences. She is author of A Cup of Cold Water, also published by Day One.
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Debra W Bouey