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Products>The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret to America’s Future (audio)

The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret to America’s Future (audio)



Is it possible . . .

  • That there exists an ancient mystery that holds the secret of America’s future?
  • That this mystery lies behind everything from 9/11 to the collapse of the global economy?
  • That ancient harbingers of judgment are now manifesting in America?
  • That God is sending America a prophetic message of what is yet to come?

Before its end as a nation, there appeared in ancient Israel nine specific warnings and omens of national destruction—these same Nine Harbingers are now manifesting in America with profound ramifications for America’s future and end-time prophecy.

Hidden in an ancient biblical prophecy from Isaiah, the mysteries revealed in The Harbinger are so precise that they foretell recent American events down to the exact days . . . the 3,000-year-old mystery that revealed the exact date of the stock market collapse of 2008 . . . the ancient prophecy that was proclaimed from the floor of the US Senate and then came true . . . and more. The revelations are so specific that even the most hardened skeptic will find it hard to put down. Though it sounds like the plot of a Hollywood thriller—it’s real.

The prophetic mysteries are factual but revealed through a riveting narrative the reader will find hard to put down. The Harbinger opens with the appearance of a man burdened with a message he has received from a mysterious figure called The Prophet. The Prophet has given him nine seals, each containing a message about America’s future. As he tells of his encounters with the Prophet, from a skyscraper in New York City, to a rural mountaintop, to Capitol Hill, to Ground Zero, the mystery behind each seal is revealed. As the story unfolds, each revelation becomes another piece in a larger and larger puzzle, the ramifications of which are, even now, altering the course of America and the world.

Check out the Faithlife Ebooks edition of The Harbinger for a text version!

  • Discusses ancient literature
  • Compares biblical events with current events in America
  • Analyzes ancient prophecies
  • An Ancient Mystery
  • The Prophet
  • Kingdom’s Eve and the Nine Harbingers
  • The First Harbinger: The Breach
  • The Second Harbinger: The Terrorist
  • The Oracle
  • The Third Harbinger: The Fallen Bricks
  • The Fourth Harbinger: The Tower
  • The Fifth Harbinger: The Gazit Stone
  • The Sixth Harbinger: The Sycamore
  • The Seventh Harbinger: The Erez Tree
  • The Eighth Harbinger: The Utterance
  • The Ninth Harbinger: The Prophecy
  • There Comes a Second
  • The Isaiah 9:10 Effect
  • The Uprooted
  • The Mystery of the Shemitah
  • The Third Witness
  • The Mystery Ground
  • Things to Come
  • Eternity
  • The Last Seal
  • Title: The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret to America’s Future
  • Author: Jonathan Cahn
  • Narrator: Jonathan Cahn
  • Edition: Unabridged
  • Publisher: Frontline
  • Print Publisher: Charisma House
  • Runtime: 7.22 hours
  • Product Type: Audiobook
  • Topic: Apocalyptic Literature
Jonathan Cahn, que causó un revuelo nacional e internacional con el superventas del New York Times, EL presagio y El misterio del Shemitá, abre ahora un asombroso cofre del tesoro que contiene los misterios de los tiempos.  Jonathan Cahn lidera Hope of the World Ministries, un alcance internacional de enseñanza, evangelísmo y proyectos de compasión para los necesitados.  También dirige Jerusalem Center/Beth Israel, un centro de adoración formado por judíos, gentiles, y personas de todo trasfondo, a las afueras de la ciudad de Nueva York, en Wayne, Nueva Jersey.  Es un orador muy solicitado en América y otras partes del mundo.

Jonathan Cahn, who caused a national and international stir with the New York Times best-seller The Harbinger and then The Mystery of the Shemitah, now brings us a treasure chest inside of which are contained some of the greatest mysteries of all time. The reader will discover life-transforming secrets, mind-blowing realities, and heart-changing revelations in such mysteries as the Face in the Waters, the Leper King, the Land of Gezarah, the Secret of the Third Prince, the House of Spirits, the Mystery of the Rains, How to Alter Your Past, the Second Scroll, the Similitude, the Mystery of the Eighth Day, and much more. The Book of Mysteries takes the readers on a journey of divine revelation through ancient Scriptures, the laws of Creation, the deep of God’s Word, the hidden streams of history, the most important keys of spiritual truth, end-time mysteries, and the secrets of life.


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  1. Tom



    "Known for their prophetic significance and their revealing of deep mysteries of God’s Word." Thanks Logos, I needed a good laugh, oh, you are serious? Why not publish it in Logos, at least we can see his "proofs" and debunk them faster!
