Digital Logos Edition
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Expand your grasp on nineteenth-century Russian philosophy with two important works by the lesser-known contemporary of Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky—Vladimir Soloyov.
An influential thinker and writer, Solovyov played an important part in the development of Russian philosophy, poetry, and in the spiritual renaissance of the early twentieth century. Solovyov is famous for exploring ideas such as the universal Church, the evolution of the God-man, the “Eternal Feminine,” and love as the highest revelation and proof of immortality. This collection couples two pieces that display some of his best work. Drawing from Orthodox theology, he presents original contributions in moral philosophy, grappling with essential questions of the human existence.
In War, Progress, and the End of History, Solovyov uses a “drawing room discussion” format to dialogue about the central problem of evil in the world from a Christian worldview. He also discusses the coming of the Antichrist, seeking to “show beforehand this deceptive visor” who “will cast a glittering veil of good and truth over the mystery of utter lawlessness in the time of its final revelation.” The Justification of the Good argues for human morality, and examines the practical interplay of Christian goodness with the many institutions of world, from the family to the nation to economic and penal systems.
In the Logos editions, these valuable volumes are enhanced by amazing functionality. Scripture citations link directly to English translations, and important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Take the discussion with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.
Philosopher Vladimir Soloyov tackles the problem of evil and the coming of the Antichrist in this work, developing his thoughts in three discussions: “War,” “Progress,” and “The End of History,” to which is added “A Story of the Antichrist.” Using the dialogue form of these discussions, he seeks to “illumine in some clear and easy way the main aspects of the problem of evil, which must concern everybody” with this “drawing room discussion.” His object is “apologetic and polemic . . . [setting] out clearly and prominently the vital aspects of Christian truth, in so far as it is connected with the question of evil.”
In one of his last and most mature works, Vladimir Soloyov explores the law of higher idealism, with an object “to show the good as truth and righteousness . . . the only right and consistent way of life in all things.” He argues for human morality and “the good” as being from, and existing fully in God, in this work. This work produces a rich outline of his moral philosophy which draws from Orthodox theology.
Vladimir Solovyov (1853–1900) was a philosopher, theologian, poet, and literary critic. He taught philosophy at Moscow University and was one of Russia’s leading nineteenth-century intellectuals. A close friend of Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Solovyov also played an important part in the development of Russian philosophy, poetry, and in the spiritual renaissance of the early twentieth century. He is also the author of The Meaning of Love and The Crisis of Western Philosophy: Against the Positivists.