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Products>When I Don’t Desire God: How to Fight for Joy (with audio)

When I Don’t Desire God: How to Fight for Joy (with audio)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $24.98
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For over 25 years John Piper has trumpeted the truth that “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him.” He calls it Christian Hedonism. The problem is that many people, after being persuaded, find that this truth is both liberating and devastating.

It’s liberating because it endorses our inborn desire for joy. And it’s devastating because it reveals that we don’t desire God the way we should. What do you do when you discover the good news that God wants you to be content in him, but then find that you aren’t?

If joy in God were merely the icing on the cake of Christian commitment, this book would be insignificant. But Piper argues that joy is so much more. Our being satisfied in God is necessary to show God’s worthiness and to sustain sacrifices of love.

Jesus endured the cross for the joy that was set before him. He tasted it. It sustained him through the deepest suffering. His Father was glorified. His people were saved. That is what joy in God does.

The absolutely urgent question becomes: What can I do if I don’t have it? With a pastor’s heart and with radical passion for the glory of Christ, John Piper helps you answer that question. This product includes the audio and Logos editions of When I Don’t Desire God.

Audiobooks add new dimension to your digital library. When you listen in Logos, the audio syncs word-for-word with the text. Your audiobooks also sync across devices—pause a book anytime on your home computer, then pick up where you left off in your car or on your laptop. Listen on your lunch breaks, as a family, or as part of your personal devotional time. Tap into the power of Logos Bible Software in a whole new way.

Resource Experts
  • Explains the importance of being joyful in God
  • Discusses methods of attaining joy in God and strengthening your faith
  • Encourages full commitment and contentment in God
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John Piper (1946–) is a widely respected theologian and bestselling author who served as Pastor for Preaching and Vision of Bethlehem Baptist Church for 33 years. He still serves as chancellor of Bethlehem College and Seminary. Logos has collected his sermons in the John Piper Sermon Archive (1980–2014).

Piper attended Wheaton College where he majored in literature and minored in philosophy. He completed his Bachelor of Divinity at Fuller Theological Seminary, where he studied under Dr. Daniel Fuller. Piper received his doctorate in theology from the University of Munich and taught biblical studies for six years at Bethel College.

In 1994, Piper founded Desiring God Ministries, which provides Piper’s sermons, articles, and information on titles he has authored. One of his bestsellers, Desiring God, prompted the name of the ministry.


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    Collection value: $24.98
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