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Envy: The Enemy Within

, 2003
ISBN: 9781441268815


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Envy might well be termed the silent sin. Because while all of us envy others to some extent, few of us acknowledge our problem out loud, let alone try to overcome it and move forward. Bob Sorge draws upon his own pastoral experience--plus the admitted burden of his own envy--to show why and how it can adversely affect the ministry of a church and even prevent revival in people's lives. Sorge reveals why comparison of our ministry and spiritual gifts to that of our fellow believers is to be avoided at all costs so that we do not hamstring God's plan for our growth and the accomplishment of His purposes. This is a must-read for leaders of all churches, great and small--and anyone who wants the peace that comes with a life free of envy.

Product Details

  • Title : Envy: The Enemy Within
  • Author: Sorge, Bob
  • Publisher: Chosen
  • Publication Date: 2003
  • ISBN: 9781441268815

BOB SORGE served as a pastor for 14 years, as well as a music director at Elim Bible Institute, in New York. Now he bases his writing and traveling ministry in Kansas City, Missouri, where he lives with his wife, Marci, and three children. Author of the widely acclaimed, Exploring Worship, Bob has written numerous books that are largely the product of his own spiritual journey. Among his most noted works are The Fire of Delayed Answers, Pain, Perplexity and Promotion (an interpretation of the book of Job), and Secrets of the Secret Place.


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