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Learn how the books of Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy anticipate and help us understand the gospel as it is present in the New Testament. This collection provides a wealth of materials that focus on the theological interrelation of the testaments, and explain how these Old Testament books use metaphor and symbolism to uncover the unity of the Bible’s message and the inspiration of Scripture.
The Logos editions of Classic Commentaries and Studies on Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy Upgrade enhance your study with amazing functionality. Fully integrated into your digital library, the Timeline enables you to instantly contextualize the people, places, and ideas discussed in the journal with thousands of other biblical and world events. Perform powerful searches to instantly gather relevant biblical texts and resources together. Free tablet and mobile apps let you take the discussion with you. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.
Looking for more commentaries and studies on these Old Testament books? Check out Classic Commentaries and Studies on Leviticus (21 vols.) and Classic Commentaries and Studies on Numbers and Deuteronomy (20 vols.).
Develop an understanding of God’s plan of grace by following Joseph Seiss through the intersection between God’s proscribed ceremonies in Leviticus and display the gospel in the New Testament. Seiss shows how the thematic interrelation of the two testaments, and displays the remarkable unity of the Bible’s writers and thus argues for the divine inspiration of Scripture.
Joseph A. Seiss (1823–1904) was a Lutheran dispensational minister. He was a member of the Plymouth Brethren. In addition to being a pastor, he was also a prolific writer and editor. Seiss edited Prophetic Times and The Lutheran and wrote many books, including Last Times, Ecclesia Lutherana, Voices from Babylon, and Luther and the Reformation.
Learn how the offerings commanded in the first seven chapters of Leviticus foreshadow and call for the person of Christ in the New Testament. William Kelly sets each offering in its ancient context detailing the function it performed, the work it accomplished, and its place in Israel’s life. He traces the significance of each offering for the Christian life, and demonstrates how each anticipates the appearance of Christ and his work on the cross.
William Kelly (1823–1906), born in Ireland, moved to London after attending Trinity College in Dublin. Deeply involved with the Plymouth Brethren, he also became a prolific writer, earning the respect of theologians such as Henry Alford. He is quoted as having said “There are three things real—the cross, the enmity of the world, the love of God.”
Discover how the feasts of ancient Israel—though very much for the people’s own good and edification—served the larger aim of displaying the grace that God would bestow on the whole world in Jesus Christ. Examine each feast and learn how the particularities or each festival pointed to God’s plan and celebrated both his law and his bountiful blessings on Israel.
William Kelly (1823–1906), born in Ireland, moved to London after attending Trinity College in Dublin. Deeply involved with the Plymouth Brethren, he also became a prolific writer, earning the respect of theologians such as Henry Alford. He is quoted as having said “There are three things real—the cross, the enmity of the world, the love of God.”
See Jesus in every detail of the book of Leviticus as Eleanor Herr Boyd reveals how the gospel permeates every law, sacrifice, and feast of the Bible’s third book. Listing references to New Testament passages wherever possible, Boyd present a narrative commentary that thoroughly explains how Leviticus anticipates New Testament themes.
Eleanor Herr Boyd was an Old Testament scholar and author of several books including How to Study the Bible, The Gospel in Genesis, The Gospel in Exodus, and The Meaning of the Cross.
Prepare to study Leviticus—and its mysterious and enigmatic ceremonies and sacrifices—with Charles Coates’ annotated outline. Detailing the most salient points of each section of Leviticus, Coates’ handbook is reliable guide for your Bible study.
Charles A. Coates (1862–1945) was a prominent English Bible commentator and preacher.
Equip yourself to study the challenging book of Deuteronomy with C.A. Coates informative annotated outline of the book. Begin your exploration of Deuteronomy with this handbook that helps you identify major issues in the book and leads you through Moses’ fifth book chapter by chapter.
Charles A. Coates (1862–1945) was a prominent English Bible commentator and preacher.
The Century Bible is one of the earliest attempts to combine extensive explanatory notes with the biblical text for the purpose of augmenting study of the Bible. This volume covers Leviticus and Numbers. While similar in style to a commentary, this commentary also resembles a modern “study Bible.” A.R.S. Kennedy provides an informative introduction covering authorship, genre, and the position of each book in the Christian canon. He also provides commentary on Leviticus and Deuteronomy throughout and uses the Revised Version of the Bible. It includes a map of Judah and Israel, as well as images of significant sites and artifacts and Kennedy’s observations on the text.
A.R.S. Kennedy (1859–1938) was professor of Hebrew and Semitic languages at the University of Edinburgh and professor of Hebrew at the University of Aberdeen from 1887 to 1894. His other works include The Unique Claims of the Jews, The Medals of Christ with Hebrew Inscriptions, and Creeds and Churches.
Drawing upon Greek and Latin classics for comparison, Simon Patrick explores the rituals, events, and people found in Leviticus. Providing contextual commentary, semantics, and extensive annotation, the author offers extensive interpretation and studies of the text.
Simon Patrick (1606–1707) was educated at Boston Grammar School and Queens College, Cambridge. Patrick became the vicar of Battersby and dean of Peterborough before being appointed bishop of Ely.
In The Book of Numbers, George F. Genung presents succinct commentary on the origins, interpretation, intention, and acceptance of Leviticus. Discussing literary methodology, transposition from oral tradition, compilation, and history, Genung formulates critical interpretation from historical and semantic implications.
George F. Genung was educated at Union College before becoming dean of Richmond Theological Seminary.
Engage the stories of Numbers with a commentary that explains the Hebrew text, addresses modern scholarship, and reinforces traditional interpretations of the Pentateuch’s final book. Walter Betteridge is critical of modern scholarship’s historical-critical approaches to Numbers, and he draws on the nuances of the Hebrew text to put forth a strong case for reading the book as a historical document.
Walter R. Betteridge (1863–1916) was an early-twentieth-century Bible scholar and commentator. He was a professor at Rochester Theological Seminary, New York.
Explore the book of Deuteronomy with this devotionally oriented commentary designed to draw spiritual lessons from an often overlooked Old Testament book.
John Cumming (1810–1881) was minister of the Scottish National Church. Cumming was the author of many works including Apocalyptic Sketches, Daily Life, The Great Tribulation, and The Seventh Vial.
Study the last three of Moses’ books using this guide designed to help lay students maximize their Bible study and enrich their spirituality. Providing an in-depth examination of the themes in each biblical book, each chapter is followed by study questions that emphasize recall and retention. Suitable for classroom or personal study.
Grace Saxe published studies designed for small group use for several books of the Bible in the early twentieth century.
Illuminate the nature, purpose, and intent of the Jewish laws by examining them in their historical context and discovering how they affected everyday life in ancient Israel. An early work in social history, this work examines the relationship of the biblical narrative with other resources such as archaeology and other ancient documents.
E.C. Wines (1806–1879) was a Congregational minister and president of St. Louis University. In 1862 he became the secretary of the New York Prison Association and, in 1870, secretary of the National Prison Association.
The sequal to The Ages before Moses, The Mosaic Era provides a continuous exposition of the major historical episodes in Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. John Monro Gibson clarifies historical questions, explains Jewish law and rituals, and orients the Old Testament passages toward the New Testament’s revelation of Christ.
John Monro Gibson (1838–1921) was minister at St. John’s Wood Presbyterian Church in London. He was a popular preacher and biblical commentator. His works included The Gospel of St. Matthew, The Ages before Moses, and Christianity according to Christ.
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