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Products>Catholic Audiobook Collection (5 vols.)

Catholic Audiobook Collection (5 vols.)


Collection value: $76.94
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Enjoy 40 hours of wisdom from great Catholic theologians spanning from the fourth century to the present day. Listen to influential works by Augustine of Hippo, John of the Cross, Teresa of Avila, G.K. Chesterton, and Scott Hahn. Unabridged versions offer the complete picture. Study the development of Catholic thought with Augustine’s Confessions and examine contemporary theologian Scott Hahn’s Reasons to Believe, taking a trip through Teresa of Avila’s Interior Castle along the way. The Catholic Audiobook Collection brings the sweeping history of Catholic thought directly to your mobile device, computer, and car.

Logos audiobooks add new dimension to your digital library. When you listen in Logos, your audiobooks sync across devices—pause a book anytime on your home computer, then pick up where you left off in your car or on your laptop. Listen on your lunch breaks, as a family, or as part of your personal devotional time. Tap into the power of Logos Bible Software in a whole new way.

  • Offers wisdom of great Catholic theologians from the fourth century to the present day.
  • Presents influential works of Catholic thought
  • Provides unabridged versions in 40 hours of runtime

Individual Titles

The Confessions of St. Augustine (audio)

  • Author: Augustine of Hippo
  • Narrator: Simon Vance
  • Edition: Unabridged
  • Publisher: christainaudio
  • Runtime: 13 hours

Saint Augustine’s contributions to Christian theology are second to no other postapostolic author’s in the whole sweep of church history. Yet alongside his doctrinal treatises, Augustine tells a story of his life devoted to Christ as his only satisfaction. The Confessions is at once the autobiographical account of Augustine’s life of Christian faith and at the same time a compelling theology of Christian spirituality for everyone. Among the most important classics in Western literature, it continues to engage modern readers through Augustine’s timeless illustrations and beautiful prose. Augustine’s Confessions is a book to relish the first time through and then profoundly enjoy over a lifetime of revisiting.

Augustine of Hippo (354–430) was born in Thagaste, Numidia, in Northern Africa. He studied rhetoric in Carthage when he was 17. As an adult, Augustine abandoned the Christianity of his youth to pursue Manichaeism. Through his Manichaen connections, Augustine became professor of rhetoric at the imperial court of Milan. While in Milan, Augustine was heavily influenced by the bishop of Milan, Ambrose. Influenced by Ambrose and by the biography of St. Anthony, Augustine began exploring Christianity and eventually reconverted. He was baptized in 387 and returned to Africa. There he was ordained and became a well-known preacher and apologist for the Christian faith. He was eventually made Bishop of Hippo, an office he held until his death in 430.

Dark Night of the Soul (audio)

  • Author: John of the Cross
  • Narrator: Michael Kramer
  • Edition: Unabridged
  • Publisher: christianaudio
  • Runtime: 5.5 hours

Part poetic masterpiece, part mystic treatise, The Dark Night of the Soul—by sixteenth-century Carmelite monk, St. John of the Cross—addresses the feeling of being forgotten by the presence of the almighty that every Christian desirous of walking more closely with God must pass through in order to learn to walk by faith and not by sight.

John of the Cross (1542–1591) was born Juan de Yepes Alvarez at Fontiveros, Old Castile, Spain. He was a major figure of the Counter-Reformation, as well as a Spanish mystic, Catholic saint, Carmelite friar, and priest. John of the Cross reformed the Carmelite Order and is considered—along with Saint Teresa of Ávila—as a founder of the Discalced Carmelites. He is a Doctor of the Church and venerated as a saint in the Roman Catholic, Anglican, and Lutheran Traditions.

Interior Castle

  • Author: Teresa of Avila
  • Narrator: Susan Denaker
  • Edition: Unabridged
  • Publisher: christianaudio
  • Runtime: 9 hours

A true masterpiece of spiritual reflection, Interior Castle contains the autobiographical journey of Teresa of Avila. She describes the spiritual life as a castle with many levels. Each individual begins in the lowest level of the castle steeped in the awareness of sin and a passion for spiritual maturity. As her metaphor unfolds, St. Teresa devotes a considerable amount of time to the contemplative life and the soul’s union with God. St. Teresa was plagued by constant illness and pain, making her spiritual meditations a vivid and tangible expression of devotion to Jesus Christ.

Teresa of Avila (1515–1582) is Doctor of the Church and venerated as a saint in the Roman Catholic, Anglican, and Lutheran Traditions. She lived her life in Spain, where she was a Carmelite nun, a mystic, and a theologian. She was cofounder of the Discalced Carmelites along with St. John of the Cross. Among her other works are The Way of Perfection and her autobiography, The Life of Teresa of Jesus.

Orthodoxy (audio)

  • Author: G.K. Chesterton
  • Narrator: Simon Vance
  • Edition: Unabridged
  • Publisher: christianaudio
  • Runtime: 6.5 hours

Orthodoxy is G.K. Chesterton’s most well-known work. First published 100 years ago, Orthodoxy is a classic work that is part memoir, part apologetics. It exhibits Chesterton at his finest—a combination of literary wit, theological acumen, and pointed cultural critic.

Orthodoxy has become a classic, taking its place on the shelves of thinking Christians beside Augustine’s Confessions and C.S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity. Chesterton’s goals for Orthodoxy are simple: “I have attempted in a vague and personal way, in a set of mental pictures rather than in a series of deductions, to state the philosophy in which I have come to believe. I will not call it my philosophy; for I did not make it. God and humanity made it; and it made me.” He sharply criticizes the prevailing secular understanding of truth while documenting the genesis of his own spiritual journey. Throughout, Chesterton comments on the intellectual giants of his day—H.G. Wells, Walt Whitman, Arthur Schopenhauer, and George Bernard Shaw.

Chesterton’s Orthodoxy [is] one of my favorite books. I think it’s the only book I have read more than twice (except for the Bible).

John Piper

In reading Chesterton, as in reading MacDonald, I did not know what I was letting myself in for. A young man who wishes to remain a sound atheist cannot be too careful of his reading. There are traps everywhere—‘Bibles laid open, millions of surprises,’ as Herbert says, ‘fine nets and stratagems.’ God is, if I may say it, very unscrupulous.

—C.S. Lewis

[My] greatest influence in writing was G.K. Chesterton, who never used a useless word, who saw the value of a paradox, and avoided what was trite.

—Fulton J. Sheen, archbishop

G.K. Chesterton was born in London in 1874. He worked at the Redway and T. Fisher Unwin publishing house until 1902, when he began writing regularly—his weekly columns appeared for decades in the Daily News and The Illustrated London News. In all, he wrote more than 80 books, hundreds of poems, 200 short stories, and 4,000 essays. Among his writings are his famous apologetic work Orthodoxy, a biography of Thomas Aquinas, his Father Brown detective stories, The Napoleon of Notting Hill, and The Man Who Was Thursday. He died on June 14, 1936 in Buckinghamshire.

Reasons to Believe: How to Understand, Defend, and Explain the Catholic Faith (audio)

  • Author: Scott Hahn
  • Edition: Unabridged
  • Publisher: christianaudio
  • Runtime: 6 hours

In Reasons to Believe, Scott Hahn, a convert to Catholicism, explains the “how and why” of the Catholic faith—drawing from Scripture, his own struggles and those of other converts, as well as from everyday life and even natural science.

Hahn shows that reason and revelation, as well as nature and the supernatural, are not opposed to one another; rather, they offer complementary evidence that God exists. He is someone, and he has a personality, a personal style, that is discernable and knowable. Hahn leads readers to see that God created the universe with a purpose and a form—a form that can be found in the book of Genesis and that is there when we view the natural world through a microscope, through a telescope, or through our contact lenses.

At the heart of the book is Hahn’s examination of the 10 “keys to the kingdom”—the characteristics of the Church clearly evident in the Scriptures. As the story of creation discloses, the world is a house that has a father, a palace where the king is really present. God created the cosmos to be a kingdom, and that kingdom is the universal Church, fully revealed by Jesus Christ.

This book should be required reading for every Catholic college student and especially for every priest, seminarian, and deacon. This is apologetics made fascinating.

—Benedict J. Groeschel, CFR, founder of the Office for Spiritual Development, Catholic Archdiocese of New York

Often we are asked to give an account of the hope that is in us, to explain our Catholic faith. In Reasons to Believe, Scott Hahn offers that explanation in a clear, cogent, and compelling manner, by answering the most frequently raised questions about aspects of Church teaching. It is a must-read for Catholics who want to be able to explain the faith they hold and cherish. This work should be of immense value.

—Donald W. Wuerl, archbishop, Archdiocese of Washington, DC

A great aid to anyone interested in the biblical, patristic, and historical reasons to believe in Jesus Christ as a Catholic Christian.

John Michael Talbot, founder, Brothers and Sisters of Charity, Little Portion Hermitage, Eureka Springs, Arkansas

Scott Hahn is the bestselling author of numerous books, including The Lamb’s Supper and Rome Sweet Home. Hahn received his BA in theology, philosophy, and economics from Grove City College in Pennsylvania, his MDiv from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and his PhD in biblical theology from Marquette University. He entered the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil, 1986. In 2005, he was appointed Pope Benedict XVI Chair of Biblical Theology and Liturgical Proclamation at St. Vincent Seminary in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. Currently, he is a professor of theology and Scripture at Franciscan University of Steubenville, and the founder and director of the Saint Paul Center for Biblical Theology.


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    Collection value: $76.94
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