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Products>Sonnenschein's Library of Quotations (9 vols.)

Sonnenschein's Library of Quotations (9 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $104.91
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Find the perfect quote for your next lesson, sermon, or presentation. These pages gather thousands of humanity’s most important ideas in their most elegant expression.

Featuring the distilled wisdom of a massive library of classical and modern texts, Sonnenschein’s Library of Quotations is an excellent resource for teachers, preachers and writers of any kind. You’ll find exactly the words you were looking for—both in English, and the original language—along with a citation to the quote’s original source. This collection also includes two reference works that succinctly summarize common historical and political allusions—so from the Abecedarians to the Zurich Compromise, you’re always in the know. Savor the essence of philosophies from the Platonic Idealism of the fifth century BC to the German Idealism of the eighteenth century—from “know thyself” to “I think, therefore I am.”

In the Logos editions, these volumes are enhanced by amazing functionality. Important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Study each quote in its full original context with a library of classic literature and philosophy. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.

Find even more of mankind’s most memorable quotations with the Classic Quotations Collection (4 vols.).

  • Gathers thousands of quotes from the most influential thinkers from throughout Europe and ancient Near East
  • Provides quotes in their original language alongside an English translation
  • Includes citations to the source of each quotation
  • Covers more than 2,500 years of history, from Ancient Greece to the beginning of the twentieth century

Dictionary of Quotations: Classical

  • Editor: Thomas Benfield Harbottle
  • Series: Quotation Reference Series
  • Languages: Latin, Greek, and English
  • Publisher: Swan Sonnenschein & Co.
  • Publication Date: 1897
  • Pages: 664

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

From Plato to Virgil and beyond, this volume gathers the most significant thoughts from classic Greek and Latin literature. Each quote includes the original language, an English translation, and a citation to the source. An index of authors and subjects—in English and the original language—makes finding the perfect quote an effortless process.

Thomas Benfield Harbottle (d. 1904) was an English historian who compiled numerous reference works. He is also the editor of Dictionary of Battles from the Earliest Date to the Present Time.

Dictionary of Quotations: English

  • Editor: Philip Hugh Dalbiac
  • Series: Quotation Reference Series
  • Publisher: Swan Sonnenschein & Co.
  • Publication Date: 1903
  • Pages: 510

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

From Shakespeare, to John Locke, to Thomas More, this volume gathers the most significant literary, philosophical, and theological thoughts from the English-speaking world. Each quote includes a citation to the source, and an index of authors and subjects makes finding the perfect quote an effortless process.

Philip Hugh Dalbiac (1855–1927) was a British army officer, historian, and Conservative MP. He was first commissioned as a second lieutenant in 1875, and served intermittently through World War I.

Dictionary of Historical Allusions

  • Editor: Thomas Benfield Harbottle
  • Series: Quotation Reference Series
  • Publisher: Swan Sonnenschein & Co.
  • Publication Date: 1903
  • Pages: 320

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Have you ever needed a refresher on which Treaty of Paris was which? This dictionary of historical allusions will help you keep treaties, movements, battles, and compromises straight with succinct summaries that keep you in the know.

Thomas Benfield Harbottle (d. 1904) was an English historian who compiled numerous reference works. He is also the editor of Dictionary of Battles from the Earliest Date to the Present Time.

Dictionary of Contemporary Quotations

  • Editor: Helena Swan
  • Series: Quotation Reference Series
  • Publisher: Swan Sonnenschein & Co.
  • Publication Date: 1904
  • Pages: 608

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Tennyson, Emerson, Yates, Browning, and more. This collection gathers some of the most memorable quotations from English literature in the nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries. Each quote includes a citation to the source, and an index of authors and subjects makes finding the perfect quote an effortless process.

Helena Swan was an early-twentieth-century historian. She is also the author of Girls’ Christian Names: Their History, Meaning, and Association and Who’s Who in Fiction? A Dictionary of Noted Names in Novels, Tales, Romances, Poetry, and Drama.

Dictionary of Quotations: French and Italian

  • Editors: Thomas Benfield Harbottle and Philip Hugh Dalbiac
  • Series: Quotation Reference Series
  • Languages: French, Italian, and English
  • Publisher: Swan Sonnenschein & Co.
  • Publication Date: 1904
  • Pages: 582

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

From Rabelais, to Voltaire, to Dante—this volume gathers the most significant literary, philosophical, and theological thoughts from the French and Italian speaking worlds. Each quote includes the original language, an English translation, and a citation to the source. An index of authors and subjects—in English and the original language—makes finding the perfect quote an effortless process.

Thomas Benfield Harbottle (d. 1904) was an English historian who compiled numerous reference works. He is also the editor of Dictionary of Battles from the Earliest Date to the Present Time.

Philip Hugh Dalbiac (1855–1927) was a British army officer, historian, and Conservative MP. He was first commissioned as a second lieutenant in 1875, and served intermittently through World War I.

Dictionary of Quotations: German

  • Editor: Lilian Dalbiac
  • Languages: German and English
  • Series: Quotation Reference Series
  • Publisher: Swan Sonnenschein & Co.
  • Publication Date: 1906
  • Pages: 496

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

From Goethe to Schiller, this volume gathers the most significant literary, philosophical, and theological thoughts from the German speaking world. Each quote includes the original language, an English translation, and a citation to the source. An index of authors and subjects—in English and the original language—makes finding the perfect quote an effortless process.

Lilian Dalbiac was a British historian and writer. She was the fourth daughter of the British industrialist and Liberal MP Charles Seely, and the husband of Conservative MP and historian Philip Hugh Dalbiac.

Dictionary of Political Phrases and Allusions: With a Short Bibliography

  • Editors: Hugh Montgomery and Philip G. Cambray
  • Series: Quotation Reference Series
  • Publisher: Swan Sonnenschein & Co.
  • Publication Date: 1906
  • Pages: 424

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

From ad valorem to a Zollverein, this dictionary of political phrases and allusions covers court cases, legal terminology, and more. This volume will help ensure that when you’re always in the know when studying Western history.

Hugh Montgomery was an early-twentieth-century British historian and writer.

Philip G. Cambray was a twentieth-century British political scientist and writer. He was the author of several works on Irish and British history and politics.

Dictionary of Quotations: Spanish

  • Editors: Thomas Benfield Harbottle and Martin Andrew Sharp Hume
  • Languages: Spanish and English
  • Series: Quotation Reference Series
  • Publisher: Swan Sonnenschein & Co.
  • Publication Date: 1907
  • Pages: 497

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

From Cervantes to El Cid, this volume gathers the most significant literary, philosophical, and theological thoughts from the Spanish speaking world. Each quote includes the original language, an English translation, and a citation to the source. An index of authors and subjects—in English and the original language—makes finding the perfect quote an effortless process.

Thomas Benfield Harbottle (d. 1904) was an English historian who compiled numerous reference works. He is also the editor of Dictionary of Battles from the Earliest Date to the Present Time.

Martin Andrew Sharp Hume (1847–1910) was an English historian, journalist, and translator. Hume spent much of his life with relatives in Spain, and published several volumes on Spanish history and a biography of Philip II.

Dictionary of Oriental Quotations: Arabic and Persian

  • Editor: Claud Field
  • Languages: Arabic, Persian, and English
  • Series: Quotation Reference Series
  • Publisher: Swan Sonnenschein & Co.
  • Publication Date: 1911
  • Pages: 368

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

From the Quran to ancient Persian proverbs, this volume gathers the most significant literary, philosophical, and theological thoughts from ancient Arabia and Persia. Each quote includes the original language, an English translation, and a citation to the source. An index of authors and subjects—in English and the original language—makes finding the perfect quote an effortless process.

Claud Field (1863–1941) was a British historian and Orientalist. He wrote several popular studies of Persian, Arabic, and Russian culture.


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  1. Léa Wang

    Léa Wang


    I would like to see the sample pages. On the english domain, I can see that. In German it does not work. It works only after deleting from https://de.logos.com/images/PageScans/45416pages/008/45416_008_01.jpg the de so it becomes https://logos.com/images/PageScans/45416pages/008/45416_008_01.jpg


Collection value: $104.91
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