Digital Logos Edition
Grasp the content of Baptist confessions and study the development of Baptist doctrine with William McGlothlin’s Baptist Confessions of Faith. This classic resource collects Anabaptist and Baptist confessions of faith from the latter part of the Reformation through the early twentieth century. Analyze important documents such as The New Connection, First and Second London Confessions of Faith, and The Philadelphia Confession. Compiled into one handy resource, this work is a great reference, providing easy access to the essential texts of the Baptist tradition.
With Logos Bible Software, the Baptist Confessions of Faith is enhanced with cutting-edge research tools. Scripture citations appear on mouseover in your preferred English translation. Important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Powerful topical searches help you find exactly what you’re looking for. Tablet and mobile apps let you take the discussion with you. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.
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“It is not known that the meeting was held, but in 1677 such a meeting seems to have been held, and this Westminster Confession, altered to suit Baptist views of the church and its ordinances, was adopted.” (Page 216)
“After the Act of Toleration, in 1689, the Calvinistic Baptists of England and Wales held their first General Assembly in London.” (Page 217)
“The Anabaptists were not Baptists in the modern acceptation of that term, since they did not insist upon immersion as the only acceptable mode or form of baptism. Some of them practised immersion at least occasionally, but none of them required it as a term of communion, and apparently a majority practised affusion. They held, however, so many fundamental Baptist doctrines that their Confessions deserve a place here. So far as known the mode of baptism was never a matter of discussion among them.” (Page 1)
“They betray no consciousness of dependence, stoutly maintaining the view that their distinctive doctrines were drawn from a direct and faithful study of the word of God under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. So far as the life history of early individual Anabaptists has been traced, they all came out of the Catholic Church, rather than from the sects. This is certainly true of all their leaders, many of whom had been priests or monks in that church.” (Page 1)
“That those which have union with Christ, are justified | from all their sinnes, past, 1present, and to come, by the | bloud of Christ; which justification wee conceive to be | a gracious and free 2acquittance of a guiltie, sinfull crea- | ture, from all sin by God, through the satisfaction that | Christ hath made by his death; and this applyed in the | manifestation of it through faith.” (Page 182)
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