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Products>Lexham Cultural Ontology Dataset

Lexham Cultural Ontology Dataset

Digital Logos Edition

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Understand cultural concepts from the world of the Bible

The Lexham Cultural Ontology Dataset is a massive database of over 1,000 cultural concepts across 80,000 hand-labeled tags covering religious activities, food, music, birth and death practices, marriage rituals, economic structures, and more. Right-click on any biblical text, select “cultural concepts,” and Logos scours this database, showing you the cultural concepts expressed in that passage or word. We’ve identified concepts like atonement, the image of divinity riding on a cloud, sin offerings, building an altar, and much more. This dataset works with the Cultural Ontology Supplemental Dataset to connect you to ancient literature and other resources to enrich your study of the Bible’s cultural context. Because we’ve done the research for you, contextual work that used to take hours can now be done in seconds by anyone.

Discover more ways Logos Bible Software delivers insight for your Bible study with the New Testament Propositional Bible Outlines Dataset.

The Lexham Cultural Ontology Dataset . . .

  • Lists major cultural concepts from the biblical world
  • Identifies over 1,000 cultural concepts across 80,000 hand-labeled tags
  • Works with the Cultural Ontology Supplemental Dataset to connect you to ancient literature and other Bible study resources

Product Details

  • Title: Lexham Cultural Ontology Dataset
  • Author: David Witthoff
  • Cultural Categories: 1,000+
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2014
  • Resource Type: Datasets

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  1. Scott Groethe

    Scott Groethe


    I think there should be more detail. For example under "Abortion and Infanticide" the next node up is "event." Compare that to http://hraf.yale.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/eHRAFTopicsCultures.pdf where it is 840 Reproduction / 847 Abortion and Infanticide And in SIL's Toolbox there is a project called OCM based on the George Murdock Yale system but with even higher up groups. For "abortion-infanticide" they have: 16 Demography / 165 Mortality / Homicide 682, Infanticide and Abortion 847, Mortality in warfare 727, Suicide 762 that is from homicide to suicide, those are all part of 165 Mortality. So they are taking the OCM categories and grouping them even more helpfully since in the Yale entries above there isn't anything more higher up or more general than the 840's. So since SIL is the organization they are, I would think they would let you use that classification system, at least for the entries like this one where event is the next node up, to get more granular. FYI That Toolbox project was part of SIL's LinguaLinks
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