Digital Logos Edition
The 7-volume New Testament Studies Collection brings together the voices of scholars from China, New Zealand, Korea, and the United Kingdom to confront the exegetical, historical, interpretive, and theological challenges on diverse New Testament topics. From an evangelical perspective and with penetrating analysis, the authors examine the central theological and textual themes of the New Testament:
The authors represented in this collection are among the best in their field, and their books are the result of lengthy post-graduate work, making these volumes ideal for both New Testament and Greek scholars, as well as seminary and graduate students. Pastors and teachers will also find the penetrating exegesis and probing historical and cultural analysis useful for sermon preparation and teaching.
What’s more, with the Logos edition of the New Testament Studies Collection (7 Vols.), you can perform powerful searches and access a wealth of exegetical, historical, textual, and interpretive information on the New Testament quickly and easily! Hovering over Scripture references instantly displays the verse you’re looking at, and clicking on it takes you directly to your Greek text or English translation! Your digital library gives you the tools you need for research, sermon preparation, and Bible study—all at the click of a button!