Digital Logos Edition
In this succinct volume, E.L. Eaton challenges the interpretive and eschatological views held by Charles Taze Russell, founder of the late nineteenth-century Bible Student Movement and precursor to the Jehovah’s Witnesses. In the autumn of 1903, the two pastors held public debates, and after many requests, Eaton edited and published his views on the “Millennial Dawn heresy.” He divides his argument into five parts: principles of biblical interpretation, immortality and soul-sleeping, the present gospel age, the millennium, and probation after death. This is one of the most significant works responding directly to Charles Taze Russell’s eschatological and millennialist views.
Explore more Classic Studies on Eschatology (27 vols.)
This pithy little treatise of 153 pages challenges every doctrine and assails every distinctive feature of the Millennial Dawn theory. It plainly shows how untrue it is and how out of harmony with the Word of God.
—Christian Advocate