Digital Logos Edition
These four volumes from the Perspectives Series have been crafted to tackle the particular issues which have been a source of conflict and division throughout the history of the church. From baptism to election, from church polity to worship style, these volumes contain chapters written by pastors and scholars who hold views divergent from one another, and who seek to find points of mutual understanding and resolution.
This series contains more than twenty contributions from pastors and scholars such as Jack W. Cottrell, Walter C. Kaiser, Dan Kimball, Clark H. Pinnock, and James R. White. Each book contains chapters written by prominent representatives from various theological traditions, along with responses by other contributors. In each book, the authors engage the topic at hand, and react graciously and honestly to other perspectives. The resulting collection permits each perspective to speak for itself, and invites readers to listen in on a conversation between some of the church’s most eloquent and gifted thinkers. These books not only contain insightful wisdom on today’s most hotly contested topics, but also serve as a model for how Christians can engage one another and address conflicting perspectives in the church.
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How does God intend his people to be governed and guided? How a church organizes itself can be its greatest strength and greatest weakness. Organization and leadership are crucial to the work of the kingdom of God, but with polity often comes politics. The decision as to who offers earthly governance to the body of Christ cannot be made in a cultural or historical vacuum. The Bible must be examined to determine God’s intent for the governing of his people.
Perspectives on Church Government presents in counterpoint form the basic models of church government which have developed over the course of church history with a view toward determining which is most faithful to Scripture. Each chapter is written by a prominent representative from within each tradition and deals with the biblical, historical, and theological issues for each governance tradition. In addition, each writer provides a brief response to other traditions.
How does God ordain who will spend eternity with him? Did God decide that certain specific persons would go to heaven or hell before he created the world? Did God know everything that will ever happen before he created anything? If so, did God know this because he determined these things would happen, or vice versa? Will everyone eventually go to heaven? Answers to these and many other theological questions reveal various perspectives on the doctrine of election.
Perspectives on Election presents, in counterpoint form, five common views of predestination that have developed over the course of church history, with a goal of clarifying which one is most faithful to Scripture. Each of the main chapters is written by a prominent representative from within one of the five belief systems and addresses the major biblical, historical, and theological issues of that tradition. In addition, each writer provides a brief response to other presentations.
How does the Holy Spirit function in the life of a believer? The questions as to how the third person of the Trinity operates have garnered much discussion throughout the Christian age. How are we to understand the nature of the relationship of the believer and the Holy Spirit? With such incongruity of thinking and charged convictions, meaningful dialogue is often missing from these discussions.
Perspectives on Spirit Baptism presents in counterpoint form the common beliefs on the baptism of the Holy Spirit which have developed over the course of church history with a view toward determining which is most faithful to Scripture. Each chapter is written by a prominent representative from within each tradition—with the biblical, historical, and theological issues within that tradition. In addition, each writer provides a brief response to the other traditions.
Perspectives on Christian Worship presents, in counterpoint form, five basic common beliefs on Christian worship that have developed over the course of church history with a view toward determining which is most faithful to Scripture. Each chapter is written by a prominent person within each tradition, and each writer has the opportunity to respond to each differing view.
3 ratings
Scott J Sherwood
Debra W Bouey
Joshua Thompson
John Goodman