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Products>Select Works of Octavius Winslow (14 vols.)

Select Works of Octavius Winslow (14 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $145.30
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Octavius Winslow—sometimes called “the pilgrim’s companion”—shares lasting encouragement and insight for the Christian journey. Warm and devotional in style, Winslow’s writings are full of memorable pieces of spiritual edification and deep theological reflection. This collection contains 14 of his books beloved by generations of Christians. Throughout these volumes, Winslow studies the person and work of Christ and the Holy Spirit, reflects on Scripture, examines important points of doctrine, and discusses the Christian life. Rich with wisdom for your own study, these Christ-centered works are also packed with insights to share with your congregation or class.

With Logos, the Select Works of Octavius Winslow are enhanced by amazing functionality. Scripture citations link directly to English translations, and important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Take the discussion with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.

Looking for more by Octavius Winslow? Check out the Octavius Winslow Collection (4 vols.).

  • Contains a variety of devotional and expository works by Octavius Winslow
  • Provides Christ-centered reflections on Scripture
  • Studies the person and work of Christ and the Holy Spirit
  • Discusses important points of doctrine
  • Shares practical insights into the Christian life

Help Heavenward

  • Author: Octavius Winslow
  • Publisher: James Nisbet and Co.
  • Publication Date: 1869
  • Pages: 212

One of Octavius Winslow’s best-known works, Help Heavenward is a practical look at sanctification. Winslow points readers to Scripture’s truths for encouragement and strength on the journey in light of sin, suffering, and other barriers to believers’ growth in obedience and faith.

It is replete with sound, searching, practical remark, conveyed in the winning and affectionate spirit, and with the luxuriant richness of phraseology by which the author is characterized.

Scottish Guardian

A practical handbook on sanctification with heaven ever in view.

—Joel R. Beeke, president and professor of systematic theology and homiletics, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary

The Precious Things of God

  • Author: Octavius Winslow
  • Publisher: James Nisbet and Co.
  • Publication Date: 1860
  • Pages: 444

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Intended as “not so much a systematic treatise of theology, as the companion, in his hours of devotional, meditative retirement of the experienced and spiritual Christian,” The Precious Things of God is written to remind readers of the unchanging goodness of God and his mercies. Winslow notes, that “ ‘the precious things of God’ which [this volume] unfolds may serve to shed the perfume and luster of Jesus’ name and work around his lone and pensive path—cheering solitude, soothing grief, and dissolving doubt, depression, and gloom.” Winslow discusses the preciousness of Christ, faith, trial, divine promise, Scripture, prayer, and more.

Born Again: From Grace to Glory

  • Author: Octavius Winslow
  • Publisher: John F. Shaw and Co.
  • Publication Date: 1864
  • Pages: 299

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

In Born Again, Octavius Winslow examines the concept of spiritual regeneration, showing that “as the new birth is a spiritual work, the Holy Spirit must be its divine and sole author, from its commencement in grace to its consummation in glory.” With his characteristic warmth and devotional style, Winslow points readers to the finished work of Christ for their hope of salvation and new life. He notes, “realizing that you are clothed in white garments—that God looks upon you only in Christ, comely through his comeliness put upon you—you will daily clasp the girdle of prayer and faith round the robe of righteousness, and so walk with Jesus in all the growing holiness of a full, a free, a present justification of your soul by Jesus Christ our Lord.”

Glimpses of the Truth as It Is in Jesus

  • Author: Octavius Winslow
  • Publisher: Lindsay & Blakiston
  • Publication Date: 1856
  • Pages: 187

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

This volume contains a series of sermons that Octavius Winslow delivered in Scotland. He notes the series “exhibits a variety of themes, having no essential relation to each other, save that which the rays of light may be said to possess—each flowing from the same source, and converging to the same center. . . . The Lord Jesus Christ . . . .” Winslow addresses idolatry, Christian love, pastoral ministry, among other subjects.


  • “The Voice of the Charmer”
  • “Alone with Jesus”
  • “The Pastor’s Request for the Prayers of His Flock”
  • “A Word in Season from Christ to the Weary”
  • “The Axe Laid at the Root”
  • “Broken Cisterns”
  • “The Coming of the Lord in Its Relation to Nominal Christianity”
  • “Christian Love, a Test of Christian Character”

Pisgah Views: The Negative Aspects of Heaven

  • Author: Octavius Winslow
  • Publisher: John F. Shaw and Co.
  • Publication Date: 1873
  • Pages: 212

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Octavius Winslow addresses the descriptions of Heaven in the Bible that are “of an obscure and negative character.” He notes that “the design of this little work is to serve a twofold, soul-animating, purpose—as a staff, aiding faith’s ascent of the glorious height of Pisgah; and then from its summit—as a glass, bringing nearer to its sanctifying and comforting view those sublime beauties and winning attractions of the ‘land which is very far off,’ an which, in our present imperfect state, are best understood and felt in their shadowy and negative forms.” Winslow discusses Heaven in terms of no more curse, night, sea, hunger and thirst, pain, tears, death, and temple.

Personal Declension & Revival of Religion in the Soul

  • Author: Octavius Winslow
  • Publisher: John F. Shaw and Co.
  • Publication Date: 1841
  • Pages: 271

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

In this volume, Octavius Winslow brings readers’ focus to their own hearts and relationship with God. Winslow urges readers to examine the condition of their love for God, their faith, their prayer lives, and their knowledge of doctrine, and to discover any causes for decline in these areas. He goes on to encourage readers to seek revival and growth in the finished work of Christ.

An Experimental and Practical View of the Holy Spirit

  • Author: Octavius Winslow
  • Publisher: John F. Shaw and Co.
  • Publication Date: 1840
  • Pages: 355

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Octavius Winslow practically examines the Holy Spirit, helping everyday readers understand the role of the Spirit in the believer’s life. Winslow discusses the sealing, witness, and indwelling of the Spirit, as well as the Spirit’s work in regeneration, sanctification, prayer, and as a comforter. He notes, “All that we spiritually know of ourselves, all that we know of God, and of Jesus and his Word, we owe to the teaching of the Holy Spirit. And all the real light, sanctification, strength, and comfort, we are made to possess on our way to glory, we must ascribe to him.”

The Lord’s Prayer

  • Author: Octavius Winslow
  • Publisher: John F. Shaw and Co.
  • Publication Date: 1866
  • Pages: 394

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

In The Lord’s Prayer, Octavius Winslow presents a treatise “on the spirit of the Lord’s Prayer.” In each chapter, Winslow takes word or phrase in the prayer and provides an exposition of a certain aspect of the prayer based on that word. Throughout this work, Winslow discusses the filial, catholic, celestial, reverential, prophetical, submissive, dependent, penitential, forgiving, watchful, devotional, and adoring spirit of the Lord’s Prayer.

The Ministry of Home: Brief Expository Lectures on Divine Truth

  • Author: Octavius Winslow
  • Publisher: William Hunt & Company
  • Publication Date: 1868
  • Pages: 359

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Octavius Winslow presents brief lessons on various topics that are designed to be used in family devotions. He states his object in this volume to “supply simple and brief expositions of divine truth, suitable for domestic instruction and closet mediation; thus aiding the ‘priest over his own house’ in conducting family worship, and in other ways training his children and his household for God and for eternity. . . . It has been the earnest aim of the author to make Christ the substance of each reading and the center of the entire work.”

The Sympathy of Christ with Man: Its Teaching and Its Consolation

  • Author: Octavius Winslow
  • Publisher: Robert Carter & Brothers
  • Publication Date: 1863
  • Pages: 452

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The Sympathy of Christ with Man is designed “exhibit and illustrate the practical character of our Lord’s emotional nature—thus linking him in closer and more personal actuality with our circumstances.” Octavius Winslow discusses the humanity of Christ as it is married with his divinity, examining his sympathy with bereavement, temptation, and perseverance, as well as his sensitiveness to desertion, suffering, and more.

The Tree of Life

  • Author: Octavius Winslow
  • Publisher: John F. Shaw and Co.
  • Publication Date: 1868
  • Pages: 288

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Octavius Winslow discusses the leading incidents of Christ’s life, noting that “his life can alone be properly studied in the light of its doings . . . . ‘not words, but deeds,’ might have served for its motto.” In this work he aims to “unfold the ‘way of life’ that each chapter should contain an epitome of the gospel plan of salvation.”

Divine Realities: Spiritual Reflection for the Saint and Sinner

  • Author: Octavius Winslow
  • Publisher: John F. Shaw and Co.
  • Publication Date: 1860
  • Pages: 266

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Octavius Winslow seeks to “lead the reader into a closer acquaintance with a few . . . divine realities” in this volume. He presents a series of thoughtful reflections on essential truths of Scripture in a devotional style.


  • The Untrodden Path
  • Going Home
  • My Times in God’s Hand
  • The Bosom of the Father
  • Only Trust Me
  • It Is Well
  • All Things for the Best
  • Go and Tell Jesus

Thus Saith the Lord: Words of Divine Love

  • Author: Octavius Winslow
  • Publisher: John F. Shaw and Co.
  • Publication Date: 1872
  • Pages: 148

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

In Thus Saith the Lord, Octavius Winslow presents a collection of brief devotional readings. These meditations on Scripture’s truths are rich with theological reflection as well as practical insights for daily life.

Midnight Harmonies: Thoughts for the Season of Solitude and Sorrow

  • Author: Octavius Winslow
  • Publisher: Robert Carter & Brothers
  • Publication Date: 1853
  • Pages: 279

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

This devotional work presents Scriptural reflections especially suited to times of trial and sorrow. Pointing to the love and sovereignty of Jesus Christ in all, Octavius Winslow presents meditations on the Word for the comfort and encouragement of believers in difficult seasons of life.

Octavius Winslow (1808–1878) was an important Baptist (and later Anglican) preacher and writer in nineteenth century England and America. Born in London, England, he was raised in New York. He was ordained as a pastor in 1833 and held pastorates in New York, Leamington Spa, Bath, and Brighton. A prolific author, his richly devotional writings exhibit his Reformed, experiential convictions, as well as his distinctly warm and ardent style.


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  1. Junho Hwang

    Junho Hwang


    Looking forward to see this work be available in Logos. I have many classic works in my Logos library which are in public domain, because the search function, underline and note function, and reverse Bible reference function make the resource very useful.
  2. Nicky



    Just thought it would be worth letting anyone interested in this collection know that the books are free to download in ebook format on the Octavius Winslow archive website (So unsure why Logos are trying to sell them or if they even have permission to when they are a free resource?) - https://octaviuswinslow.wordpress.com/e-books/


Collection value: $145.30
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