Digital Logos Edition
When William Barclay died in 1978, Denis Duncan wrote in the British Weekly, “The world does not often grow up a man of such immense industry, talent, knowledge, humanity, and faith. . . . That his immense knowledge of theology and languages should actually reach the ‘plain man,’ in the language of the people, combining the twin qualities of simplicity and profundity is, by any standards, a modern miracle.”
This collection presents some of the most engaging volumes from Barclay’s diverse body of work. New Testament Words examines 70 of the most important Greek words in the New Testament, focusing on their relevance for preachers. Jesus as They Saw Him analyzes all of the names Jesus was called in the New Testament. Lastly, The Lord’s Supper gets at the heart of Christianity’s central sacrament, revealing the reality behind the ritual.
In the Logos edition, the SCM William Barclay Collection is enhanced by amazing functionality. Scripture citations link directly to English translations, and important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Take the discussion with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.
Check out Barclay’s beloved New Daily Study Bible series.
While Barclay’s theology of the Lord’s Supper has been found wanting by some academics, considerable personal correspondence and requests to use the liturgy contained in this book shows that once again, for the ordinary reader, the author has managed to bring new meaning to what he claims has woefully become “a ritual rather than a reality.”
“When we can neither grasp nor teach the truth,” Barclay goes on, “It is better to get hold of some part of the truth which we can understand and on which we can act. All I have tried to do is to examine the history of the sacrament, and then to set down a view of it which I know is incomplete and which I know means something vital to those to whom it has been through the years presented.”
Whatever more we may wish to say about this central act of Christian worship, Dr. Barclay has given us its heart, which is Jesus Christ himself, known, worshiped, loved, and obeyed. For this every reader of his book will thank him.
—Norman Pittenger, late honorary senior member, King’s College, Cambridge
In this readable volume, William Barclay presents the best in modern scholarship on how Jesus was perceived by Jewish and Roman contemporaries. Barclay examines all of the names Jesus is called by in the New Testament—including Jesus, Son of God, Son of Man, Lamb of God, High Priest, Lord, the Word, and many more—analyzing what each title meant to those who interacted with Jesus in the first century.
Herein Dr. Barclay has gathered and expounded the New Testament titles and interpretations of Jesus. Crisp, compact, informed, the book has all the marks of Barclay at his best. As always he draws on an apparently bottomless well of relevant and useful illustrations. There is the characteristic feeling for words and care in translation and exposition.
—Expository Times
Here are the findings of modern scholarship at its best presented in a readable and interesting manner. Some of the intricacies of textual criticism are so ingeniously handled as to make them intelligible to the reader with little or no theological training. Any intelligent churchgoer will benefit from these expositions of scriptural themes, for Dr. Barclay neither minimizes his readers’ intelligence, nor assumes that they possess knowledge of biblical background.
—Church Gazette
Greek is among the richest of all languages, its words covered in several layers of meaning. William Barclay presents 70 key words from the Greek New Testament, with their background and significance expounded by the master linguist and educator. Barclay pays special attention to Greek vocabulary as it is relevant for preaching the Bible.
Dr. Barclay’s enthusiasm is infectious, and he gives to the layman an interesting introduction to the Greek language.
—Times Literary Supplement
[William Barclay] was so saturated in the things he knew, so excited by them also, and so in touch with the people to whom he wanted to tell what he knew, that he brought them together with ease.
—British Weekly
William Barclay (1907–1978) was an author, radio and television presenter, Church of Scotland minister, and professor of divinity and biblical criticism at the University of Glasgow.
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Rev. Don Godwin
Pastor Terry Brown
Ian Carmichael
Steven Duncan