Digital Logos Edition
Explore biblical theology with monographs from a diversity of experts. The Studies in Biblical Theology series includes a wealth of resources to help you understand the development of various doctrines, concepts, and terminology across the Old and New Testaments. Investigate the characteristics of worship in the early church with studies on its liturgy and sacraments. Fine-tune your understanding of Jesus’ ministry by exploring his wilderness experience and the nature of his mission. Delve into detailed word studies, investigate Christological titles used by Paul, and come to a new appreciation of the Ten Commandments. These in-depth treatments will give you a better grip on key theological themes found throughout the Bible.
In the Logos edition, this collection is enhanced by amazing functionality. Scripture citations link directly to English translations, and important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Take the discussion with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.
For another great resource on biblical theology, check out the Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology.
This comprehensive study of Paul’s language of “the body” knits together all of his great themes: the body of sin and death, in which man has fallen; the body of Christ on the cross, through which we are saved; Christ’s body, the Church; and the resurrection of the body. Nearly all of the main tenets of the Christian faith are represented here—the doctrines of man, sin, the incarnation and atonement, the church, the sacraments, sanctification, and eschatology. This study presents Paul’s conception of the body as the key to understanding his entire theology.
John A.T. Robinson (1919–1983) was the bishop of Woolwich. A British New Testament scholar, he is the author of many books influential in the development of liberal Christianity, including Honest to God and Redating the New Testament.
In this study of the sacrament of communion in the New Testament, A.J.B. Higgins synthesizes the views of continental scholarship previously unavailable in English while presenting his own study of New Testament evidence. This monograph sheds light on a New Testament teaching with profound implications for corporate worship.
A.J.B. Higgins is a British New Testament scholar and the author of Jesus and the Son of man and The Son of Man in the Teaching of Jesus.
Investigate the “demythologization” controversy that rocked the theological world in the middle of the twentieth century. In 1941, Rudolph Bultman proposed that historic and theological claims in Scripture should be separated. According to Bultmann and others, the New Testament writers held to certain supernatural beliefs that were no longer plausible. In this monograph, Ian Henderson presents the contours of Bultmann’s argument and his detractors’ rebuttals. He avoids taking a position, allowing readers to draw their own conclusions.
Ian Henderson is associate professor of New Testament at McGill University in Montreal Canada. He specializes in Hellenistic rhetoric and poetics and synoptic literary criticism.
In this monograph, Oscar Cullmann surveys how the earliest Christians worshipped. Drawing on the evidence of the New Testament, and especially the writings of John, Cullman identifies the major elements in early Christian liturgy and the scriptures from which those practices were drawn.
Oscar Cullman (1902–1999) taught Greek, New Testament, and early Christianity at the University of Strasbourg, the University of Basel, and the Sorbonne in Paris. He is best known for his many books and prolific speaking about Christianity and history. Upon his death at 96, the World Council of Churches honored him for his extensive ecumenical work.
In this response to claims made in Rudolph Bultmann’s Theology of the New Testament, Reginald H. Fuller explores the presuppositions found in the theology of the early church. Bultmann argued that Jesus’ message was the presupposition of New Testament theology, and not a part of the theology itself. Fuller disagrees, proposing an alternative to Bultmann’s interpretation—one that more fully integrates the teachings of Jesus with those of the early church.
Reginald Fuller (1915–2007) was a biblical scholar specializing in Christology. He was professor emeritus at Virginia Theological Seminary and wrote the influential treatise The Foundations of New Testament Christology.
This in-depth study explores numerous Hebrew and Greek terms associated with time and eternity in the Bible. James Barr identifies distinctions between terms associated with time, the translation of those terms, and the philosophical and theological implications of the vocabulary.
James Barr (1924–2006) was an Old Testament scholar noted for his contributions to the study of biblical languages. His book The Semantics of the Biblical Languages remains one of the most influential books on the subject. He held professorships at the University of Edinburgh, University of Manchester, Princeton University, and Vanderbilt University.
This collection of studies by John A.T. Robinson covers a slew of topics such as Johanine literature, the temptations of Jesus, and baptism. Though addressing a diversity of issues in New Testament interpretation, these studies are unified in their attempt to present alternative positions to those generally accepted by biblical scholarship.
John A.T. Robinson (1919–1983) was the bishop of Woolwich. A British New Testament scholar, he is the author of many books influential in the development of liberal Christianity, including Honest to God and Redating the New Testament.
The Gospel of Thomas, a valuable source document of early Christian Gnosticism, has aroused considerable interest among students of the New Testament and patristic period. This study highlights the relationship of the Gospel of Thomas to the New Testament. It illumines the principles and methodology of gospel criticism, forcing readers to reconsider problems which previously appeared to be solved by critical orthodoxy.
Hugh Montefiore (1920–2005) was an Anglican bishop, New Testament scholar, and environmental advocate. He wrote more than 20 books, including The Probability of God, Christianity and Politics, and On Being a Jewish Christian.
H.E.W. Turner (1907–1995) was an Anglican clergyman, professor, and writer. He specialized in patristic writings and is the author of The Pattern of Christian Truth, Why Bishops? Their Origins, Functions, and Traditions, and Historicity of the Gospels.
This selection of essays cover important theological topics such as the cosmological Christ, the significance of Christ as Savior, and various issues in Johanine studies. References to Greek and Hebrew have been reduced to the bare minimum, making this volume accessible to anyone interested in biblical theology.
T.W. Manson (1893–1958) was a New Testament scholar and minister in the Presbyterian Church of England. He was Yates Professor of New Testament Greek and Exegesis at Mansfield College in Oxford and Rylands Professor of Biblical Criticism and Exegesis at the University of Manchester. He is the author of The Sayings of Jesus and The Teaching of Jesus.
This study explores the significance of the theme of “wilderness” in the New Testament. Beginning with its Old Testament origin, Ulrich W. Mauser traces its development through the intertestamental period and the various New Testament writers, highlighting the implications of Christ’s own wilderness experience.
Ulrich W. Mauser (1926–2008) was a theologian and Otta A. Piper Professor of Biblical Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary from 1991–1999. His experiences as a child in Nazi Germany led him to become an advocate for peace.
This volume in SCM’s Studies in Biblical Theology explores the tension and incompatibility between prophets and statesmen. William McKane explains the cultural context of the prophets, their interaction with the leaders of their time, and explains the implications of their ministries for contemporary life.
William McKane was professor emeritus of Hebrew and Oriental Languages at the University of St. Andrews.
This essay examines Paul’s use of Christological titles and their significance. Werner Kramer analyzes the Greek terms for Christ, Lord, and Son of God, demonstrating how each underscores the divinity and uniqueness of Jesus.
Werner Kramer was a New Testament scholar. He is the author of Christ, Lord, Son of God.
The Ten Commandments constitute the best known and most influential single passage in the whole Old Testament. It is remarkable, therefore, that until recently there have been very few books in English devoted especially to the understanding and interpretation of it and working with full competence withing the recognized methods of modern Old Testament scholarship. This book accomplishes just that, taking a traditio-historical approach to this influential passage.
Eduard Nielson was a German New Testament scholar. He is the author of Shechem: A Traditio-Historical Investigation and, with H.H. Rowley, Oral Tradition: A Modern Problem in Old Testament Introduction.
These essays, written by a group of Cambridge scholars, and edited by Ernst Bammel, were presented to C.F.D. Moule to mark his 60th birthday. They offer a variety of insights into the trial of Jesus.
Ernst Bammel was a New Testament scholar. He is the author of Jesus and the Politics of His Day.
In this study, Frederick H. Borsch compares the Christian and gnostic conceptions of “the Son of Man.” He concludes that the phrase was much more common among gnostic Christians and non-Christian gnostics than those in the mainstream.
Frederick H. Borsch was an Episcopal Bishop of Los Angeles from 1988 to 2002. He currently serves as a professor of New Testament and chair of Anglican studies at The Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia. A frequent contributor to Proclamation, he is author of Many Things in Parables and Power in Weakness: New Hearing for Gospel Stories of Healing and Discipleship in the Augsburg Fortress Studies in the Gospels Collection (7 vols.).
This study applies redaction criticism to one small portion of the synoptic tradition, namely the “sign of Jonah.” Richard A. Edwards examines the problems surrounding the Sign of Jonah and traces its development from the gospels to the original source document known only as “Q.” In the process he unearths new insights into the community that produced the Q document.
Richard A. Edwards was educated at Princeton University, The Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia, and the University of Chicago Divinity School, where he obtained his MA and PhD degrees. He has been an instructor at Bethany College and a professor of religion at Thiel College in Greenville Pennsylvania. He has contributed a number of articles to various theological publications.
In this Old Testament study, Walther Zimmerli traces the Hebrew conception of hope according to the Yahwist writer, the Psalms, and the prophetic writings. Zimmerli explores exactly what Old Testament people hoped for, and compares it to the New Testament conception of hope.
Walther Zimmerli (1907–1984) was professor of Old Testament at the University of Göttingen, Germany, and one of the most important biblical scholars of the twentieth century. Among his many works published in English are The Old Testament and the World,and The Law and the Prophets.
Old Testament scholar Klaus Koch believes that serious study of apocalyptic literature has been abandoned by academia. The Rediscovery of the Apocalyptic represents his attempt to thrust it into the forefront of theological scholarship. A historical-theological introduction, this volume examines the rise and decline of the apocalyptic and campaigns for its resurgence.
Klaus Koch (b. 1926) is a German Old Testament scholar. He is the author of Book of Books: The Growth of the Bible and From Amos to Jesus: Biblical Eschatology and Its Social and Political Implications.
In this introduction, Robert Morgan explores the nature and task of New Testament theology. Writing from a historical-critical perspective, he argues that New Testament theology addresses the fundamental questions of theology as a whole. He puts the discipline in historical perspective and outlines methods for its study. This volume includes his translations of William Wrede’s “The Task and Method of ‘New Testament Theology’” and Adolf Schlatter’s “The Theology of the New Testament and Dogmatics.”
Robert Morgan was a New Testament scholar and professor at Oxford University. He is the author of New Testament Theology since Bultmann.
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