Digital Logos Edition
Western culture is more diverse than ever, and the resources in this collection equip you to engage with people from a variety of religious, philosophical, and theological perspectives. Interact with arguments made by the “new atheists,” and see how their claims hold up against rational Christian responses. Try out a new evangelism method—one based not on manipulative sales pitches but genuine questions and caring interaction. Familiarize yourself with Mormon beliefs and compare them to historical, orthodox Christianity. With resources on creating rational arguments, engaging with a pluralistic culture, and evangelism, this collection presents apologetic methods designed for the unique challenges of the twenty-first century West.
In the Logos edition, these volumes are enhanced by amazing functionality. Important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Take the discussion with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.
Refine your apologetic techniques with the Baker Apologetics Collection (5 vols.).
Reinventing Jesus cuts through the rhetoric of extreme doubt to reveal the profound credibility of historic Christianity. Meticulously researched yet eminently readable, this book invites a wide audience to take a firsthand look at the primary evidence for Christianity’s origins.
J. Ed Komoszewski is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary. He is the author of Putting Jesus in His Place: The Case for the Deity of Christ.
M. James Sawyer has taught theology, church history, and historical theology for nearly 30 years. He is professor of theology at Pacific Islands Evangelical Seminary in Guam and is director of Sacred Saga ministries. He is the author of Survivor’s Guide to Theology.
Daniel B. Wallace is professor of New Testament at Dallas Theological Seminary. He is a noted textual critic, head of the Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts, and author of Greek Grammar beyond the Basics, Revisiting the Corruption of the New Testament, and New Testament Syntax (2 vols.).
This is a much-needed look at sharing Christ with unbelievers, based not on guerrilla hard-sell tactics, but on engaging questions and caring interaction. Filled with humor and stories, this book provides a challenging yet encouraging look at evangelism in our world today. It argues that asking questions and starting meaningful conversations is a far better method for sharing faith than prepared lectures or statements. It gives advice on what people need to hear in response to the world around them.
Questioning Evangelism is the most insightful, illuminating and heartening book I’ve read on the subject in the last 10 years.
—Barry Cooper, contributor, The Briefing
Randy Newman is a minister with Campus Crusade for Christ and is the author of Corner Conversations: Engaging Dialogues about God and Life and Bringing the Gospel Home: Witnessing to Family Members, Close Friends, and Others Who Know You Well.
A new culture is emerging—one of spiritual openness, moral flexibility, and social diversity. This diversity culture makes evangelicals uncomfortable, not because they feel threatened, but because they feel excluded. Writing from the perspective of a conservative evangelical, author Matthew Raley tackles the social tensions between evangelicals and the diversity culture. Drawing on analysis of contemporary media, ancient sources, and Scripture, The Diversity Culture examines cultural barriers and how they can be broken. This incisive and much-needed book gives believers the understanding and tools they need to cross socioeconomic, ethical, and ideological barriers and heal relationships in the name of Christ.
Matthew Raley is senior pastor of the Orland Evangelical Free Church in Northern California. He is the author of the novel Fallen.
A logical argument contains premises, objections, conclusions, and rebuttals. Yet when it comes to arguments defending the Bible and faith, too often people defer to assumptions rather than logical analysis. It may be that they don’t fully understand what they believe or that they have never been shown how to explain their beliefs.
Robert Velarde has developed an accessible means for visually mapping apologetics. In A Visual Defense, he shows that visual representations of arguments are not only useful critical thinking tools, but also can help Christians understand how arguments flow. After a discussion of why apologetics is necessary and how argument diagrams can help, Velarde gives readers specific arguments for and against God and Christianity so they can put their mapping skills into practice.
Faith and reason are related. When armed with a solid analytical strategy and biblical knowledge, Christians can be equipped to tackle any challenge of faith. Christians can both make a robust, positive case for truth and demonstrate that the Christian faith can withstand the most difficult intellectual attacks.
Robert Velarde is the author of The Heart of Narnia, Inside the Screwtape Letters, and The Lion, the Witch, and the Bible.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints currently boasts millions of members, thousands of missionaries, and congregations on every continent as well as in the vast majority of the world’s countries. It’s clear that their influence is still growing in our communities, places of business, and in the political arena. It’s also clear that Christians need to be prepared to answer questions from Mormon friends, neighbors, coworkers, and fellow believers.
With more than six decades of combined experience, the authors tackle such tough questions as: Why don’t you accept Mormons as Christians? Do you believe Mormonism is a cult? If the LDS church is not true, which church is? How can you explain the many contradictions found throughout the Bible?
After offering analysis and responses to these and other questions, McKeever and Johnson provide helpful appendices that summarize Mormon beliefs, provide 101 Bible references to use in conversation, and expose common logical fallacies. Originally published in the 1980s, this volume has been a classic resource to help Christians become more successful in sharing their faith with Mormons.
Bill McKeever is a Christian apologist specializing in the differences between Mormonism and Christianity. He is the founder of Mormonism Research Ministry and is the author of Mormonism 101: Examining the Religion of the Latter-Day Saints and Questions to Ask Your Mormon Friend: Effective Ways to Challenge a Mormon’s Argument without Being Offensive.
Eric Johnson is a Christian apologist speciailizing in equipping the church to respond to the claims of Mormonism. He is the associate editor of Apologetics Study Bible for Students and is a regular contributor to the Christian Research Journal.
Today’s “new atheists” proclaim themselves to be our culture’s party of reason. It is a claim they cannot sustain. Reason is the new atheists’ weakness, not their strength—and in fact, the Christian faith is a far better place to look for true reason.
In 16 carefully constructed essays by more than a dozen Christian thinkers including William Lane Craig, Sean McDowell, and Timothy McGrew, True Reason unmasks the frequent irrationality displayed by leading atheists like Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and Christopher Hitchens. The authors go on to show the great extent to which the Christian faith has historically supported sound reasoning, and that Christian thinkers, past and present, have demonstrated real excellence in reasoned, rational thinking.
Tom Gilson is the national field director for the student apologetics alliance Ratio Christi, and the author of numerous blogs, articles, and columns appearing on the web and in print. His articles have appeared in Discipleship Journal, Touchstone Magazine, and Salvo.
Carson Weitnauer is US director for Ravi Zacharias International Ministries and president of the Christian Apologetics Alliance.
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Debra W Bouey
Donovan Neufeldt