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Embracing God as Father: Christian Identity in the Family of God

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Adopted into God’s Family

The image of the Prodigal Father is striking—God searches for the lost and weary to save them. Once saved, we are adopted into his family, through Christ, to become sons and daughters of the one and only Father. In this theologically rich and deeply personal book, Daniel Bush and Noel S. Due show us the loving heart of the Father toward his children. Jesus said, “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father” (John 14:9)—he and the Father are one in their love and joy and desire to bless. Embracing God as Father helps us see God as he truly is and see who we are as his sons and daughters.

Take your study even further with the Embracing God as Father: Study Guide by Lee Beckham. Reflection questions guide you through the book as you explore what it means to be a son or daughter of God the Father. In the Logos edition, the editable answer boxes will sync across all Logos platforms—desktop, tablet and mobile apps—so you can take your notes with you.

Praise for Embracing God as Father

Reading Embracing God as Father was not dissimilar to my first reading the words of Jesus about the true nature of a Father who ‘gives good things’ to his children. As I read, I was overwhelmed again by a heavenly Father who revealed himself to us in Jesus. I found myself sometimes moved to tears and sometimes laughing the laughter of the free and loved. Read this book and rejoice in your Father!

From the foreword by Steve W. Brown, Former Professor Emeritus of Preaching and Pastoral Ministry, Reformed Theological Seminary; Founder and President of Key Life Network


  • Preface
  • Foreword by Steve W. Brown
  • Introduction
  • God the Father: All in All
  • Filled with Fullness
  • The Father’s Plan
  • The Lord in Our Midst
  • The Father’s Cross
  • Freed to Rest
  • Being in the Spirit
  • Walking in the Spirit
  • Confident Access
  • Joyful Mission
  • Perfecting Sons and Daughters
  • The United Family
  • Conclusion
  • Afterword

The Embracing God as Father Study Guide by Lee Beckham is included with your purchase of the digital edition as a stand-alone Logos resource.

Product Details

  • Title: Embracing God as Father: Christian Identity in the Family of God
  • Authors: Daniel Bush and Noel S. Due
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2015
  • Pages: 122
  • Format: Logos Digital, Paperback
  • Trim Size: 5.5x8.5
  • ISBN: 9781577996262

About the Authors

Daniel J. Bush is teaching pastor for NorthPointe Church, a new church plant in northern Kentucky. Dan holds a B.Sci. from Michigan Technological University, the M.Div. and Th.M. degrees from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and a Ph.D. in systematic theology from the University of Aberdeen (Scotland).

Noel S. Due is regional resourcing pastor for the Lutheran Church of Australia based in Cairns, Queensland. He has ministered as a pastor, lecturer, conference speaker for over 25 years. Originally a schoolteacher, Noel holds the degree of B.Th. (Hons) and the Graduate Diploma of Pastoral Studies from Flinders University of South Australia, and a D.Min. from Reformed Theological Seminary (Jackson, Mississippi).

Lee Beckham has over 25 years of lay ministry experience with churches, campus ministries, and military Christian fellowships. For the past 14 years, he has served as a ruling elder at Alexandria Presbyterian Church (Alexandria, VA), with responsibilities in administration, evangelism, missions, and lay counseling. He holds a B.Sci. from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology and an M.Sci. from Georgia Institute of Technology.

Sample Pages from Embracing God as Father


11 ratings

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  1. Michael Kinch
    The content of this book was good. It was presented in an easy to read format and the the author covered his material fairly well. He brought forward some excellent points that I had not considered previously. I was disappointed in the format of the book in that it did not have any page numbers. Even when I copied sections and pasted it in my notes there was no page numbers listed. The other thing that disappointed me is that the study guide is sold as a separate volume.
  2. John Echols

    John Echols


  3. Dennis Smith

    Dennis Smith


  4. Jerry Anthony Mills
  5. bonnietfowler



  6. Gus Jones

    Gus Jones


  7. Chris



  8. Faithlife User
  9. O. Normann Sæterlid
    Would like to read this book, - the naming of "Adoption" is only one modality of which the bible speaks of how we are to becomes sons of God. The other modality is that we are also the Bride to the Bridegroom, and thus are to become part of God's Family by Marriage as we rise up to new life into the Second Adam in Christ. I missed the May discount so I cannot afford this book as others take favor, and 19 USD is simply too much for a little 122 page pamphlet and even in a digital form, which should be far cheaper. which is a general tendency with Logos which has as their primary interest in business, though in want of hiding that intention behind their christian veneer. Despite so, I am glad Logos exist. Blessings.
  10. Larry Czarnecki
