Digital Logos Edition
Theologian and New Testament scholar D.A. Carson’s award-winning books have been celebrated for their combination of erudite scholarship and accessible, timely insights on the state of Western culture and thought. Carson has also edited and contributed to numerous scholarly volumes on doctrine and the contemporary church, hermeneutics, and biblical theology. This selection of some of those works includes contributions from world-class scholars such as Douglas Moo, John Frame, Kevin Vanhoozer, and R.T. France.
The essays in The Church in the Bible and the World demonstrate how ministers and theologians from diverse contexts apply the timeless message of Scripture to pressing cultural issues. In the classic Hermeneutics, Authority, and Canon, Carson and a bevy of master-scholars address sticky issues surrounding the doctrine of Scripture. These and other collections are accompanied by Carson’s oft-cited Divine Sovereignty and Human Responsibility—a comprehensive and authoritative look at one of the Bible’s most perplexing tensions.
In the Logos editions, these volumes are enhanced by amazing functionality. Important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Take the discussion with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.
Don't miss the Crossway D.A. Carson Collection (7 vols.).
Both theology and philosophy wrestle with the tension between divine sovereignty and human responsibility. In Christianity, this tension is particularly acute because God is both omnipotent and benevolent.
This tension underlies numerous other questions about the nature of God, the meaning of free will and choice, the concept of divine repentance, the reign of God, and perhaps most of all, the significance of the incarnation.
Renowned scholar D.A. Carson brings clear insights and finely-honed exegetical skills to this important issue. In his treatment, the tension between divine sovereignty and human responsibility is not so much as a problem to be solved as a framework to be explored.
All too often, problems of biblical hermeneutics are so closely tied to technical biblical study that it’s difficult to see their relationship to day-to-day issues confronting the church. Here, eight international scholars from seven countries demonstrate the vital relevance of hermeneutics to everyday church life and ministry. The writers focus on the biblical doctrine of the church and how the church carries out its mission in various cultures.
Originally presented as lectures at Tyndale House in Cambridge, England, these essays have been revised in light of the discussion and criticism that followed. They include careful biblical analyses of the nature of the church, its opponents, and of such modern concerns as social justice and liberation theology. The result is a stimulating reassessment of the role that Scripture plays in bringing Christ to persons within their cultural contexts.
As Christianity impacts vastly different social contexts around the world, new questions arise about the interpretation of the church’s biblical identity and mission. Contributors such as Edmund P. Clowney, Ronald Y.K. Fung, and D.A. Carson, discuss mission, ministry, worship, syncretism, persecution, biblical theology, and more in these essays from the World Evangelical Fellowship.
In this essay collection, celebrated New Testament scholar D.A. Carson and six other contributors argue that Sunday is “a new day of worship that was chosen to commemorate the unique, salvation-historical event of the death and resurrection of Christ, rather than merely being another day for celebrating the Sabbath.”
In these essays, prominent scholars address issues such as recent scholarship on the doctrine of Scripture, the limits of harmonization, the impact of the Enlightenment on the doctrine of Scripture, and more. A long-celebrated resource with contributions from scholars such as Douglas J. Moo and Kevin Vanhoozer, Hermeneutics, Authority, and Canon will give you clarity on cherished doctrines that are, too often, little understood.
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D.A. Carson (b. 1946) is one of the most respected New Testament scholars in the world. Currently research professor of New Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and president of The Gospel Coalition, his sermons are featured in the D.A. Carson Sermon Archive (553 sermons). You can find more of Carson’s work in the Baker D.A. Carson Collection (15 vols.) and the D.A. Carson “Love of God” Collection (3 vols.).
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Joseph Ezeigbo