Digital Logos Edition
Arguing for the need both to preach Christ in every sermon and to preach regularly from the Old Testament, Sidney Greidanus develops a christocentric method that will help preachers do both simultaneously. Greidanus challenges Old Testament scholars to broaden their focus and to understand the Old Testament not only in its own historical context but also in the context of the New Testament. Suggesting specific steps and providing concrete examples, this volume provides a practical guide for preaching Christ from the Old Testament.
In the Logos edition, this volume is enhanced by amazing functionality. Important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Take the discussion with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.
Interested in similar titles? Be sure to check out Eerdmans Preaching Resources Collection (9 vols.).
“Summing up this section, we can define ‘preaching Christ’ as preaching sermons which authentically integrate the message of the text with the climax of God’s revelation in the person, work, and/or teaching of Jesus Christ as revealed in the New Testament.” (Page 10)
“In preaching Christ from the Old Testament, we can often link the Old Testament message to some facet of the person of Christ: the Son of God, the Messiah, our Prophet, Priest, and King.” (Page 9)
“Sound expository preaching always requires these three basic moves: from (1) determining the original meaning, to (2) the meaning in the context of the whole canon, to (3) the application of this meaning for our hearers today.” (Page 231)
“Second, look for a type not in the details but in the central message of the text concerning God’s activity to redeem his people.” (Page 257)
“Fourth, the relation of a genuine type to its antitype is marked by escalation.” (Page 256)
Sidney Greidanus makes a major contribution to modern preaching with this work. . . . A great resource tool for sermon preparation. . . . Greidanus achieves a scholarly work, but one that is filled with great insight and integrity.
—Ministries Today
[This book} has wonderful insights and is written in a splendid way. This would be the kind of book most pastors ought to read. It gives a clear theological outline of a problem that plagues the modern church—failure to give credence to the Scripture from which Jesus himself preached.
—Clergy Journal
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Jacob Morris
Matt DeVore
Chris Flick
Noah Lang
Elsie Montgomery