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Products>Rushdoony Biblical Studies Collection (8 vols.)

Rushdoony Biblical Studies Collection (8 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $151.92
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For more than forty years, Rousas John Rushdoony wrote prolifically on history, philosophy, and psychology, and his writings exerted powerful influence on the Christian Reconstructionism movement. The Rushdoony Biblical Studies Collection gathers eight volumes in which Rushdoony applies biblical principles to the modern era.

The Rushdoony Biblical Studies Collection (8 vols.) contains studies of Elijah and Elisha, topical commentaries on the books of Daniel and Revelation, and a study of moral standards in the Old Testament. This collection also contains books which examine the entire Bible to produce a biblical philosophy of history and a biblical philosophy of psychology. Rushdoony also outlines the doctrine of God’s sovereignty, based on a thorough examination of Scripture, and examines both confession and atonement as it is depicted in the Bible.

With the Logos edition of the Rushdoony Biblical Studies Collection (8 vols.), these important works by Rousas John Rushdoony, you can take advantage of extensive linking, advanced search functionality, and the other powerful tools in your digital library. Access to the commentaries, topical studies, and theological studies in this collection is now easier than ever!

Resource Experts
  • Topical commentaries on the books of Daniel and Revelation
  • An examination of the moral standards of the Old Testament
  • Books on God’s sovereignty, confession, and atonement
  • Scripture references linked directly to the Bible translations in your digital library (that you own)
  • Title: Rushdoony Biblical Studies Collection (8 vols.)
  • Author: Rousas John Rushdoony
  • Publisher: Ross House Books
  • Volumes: 8
  • Pages: 2,586

Chariots of Prophetic Fire: Studies in Elijah and Elisha

  • Author: Rousas John Rushdoony
  • Publisher: Ross House Books
  • Publication Date: 2007
  • Pages: 163

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

There is a marked resemblance between our time and that of Elijah and Elisha. Theirs was a time of judgment; ours is as well. But there is a deeper resemblance. Their day was an age of syncretism, of radical compromise between the worship of the Lord and Baal in worship. The two had been blended together to make one religion, so that a refusal to see the necessity for uncompromising religion marked Israel.

Israel rarely denied the Lord or professed open apostasy. Rather, it pursued a course of religious syncretism, using the name of the Lord but absorbing with their religion whatever other faith was expedient for them. Thus, they were not open pagans, but pagans who practiced their unbelief under cover of the Lord's name.

Syncretism is again our problem. Numerous forces, powers, and persons are accorded sovereignty over man. Today, Baal-worship is again prevalent in the name of the Lord. Humanistic statism is easily and readily submitted by churchmen.

Elijah and Elisha's day was one of prosperity, a false prosperity that was largely the product of inflation. Our age, too, has been marked by an inflationary prosperity, and the loosening of moral and religious standards is one result. People want things, not qualities or virtues. This mindset demands more material wealth for men and diminishes the need for moral and educational performance and excellence. It is now a virtue to tolerate evil and to be intolerant of any material lack for man.

In Chariots of Prophetic Fire, R.J. Rushdoony challenges the church of our day to resist compromise and the temptation of expediency, and realize that the power today does not lie in politics or governments but in God's men of faith.

Thy Kingdom Come: Studies in Daniel and Revelation

  • Author: Rousas John Rushdoony
  • Publisher: Ross House Books
  • Publication Date: 2001
  • Pages: 271

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

First published in 1970, this book helped spur the modern rise of postmillennialism. Revelation's details are often perplexing, even baffling, and yet its main meaning is clear. It is a book about victory. It tells us that our faith can only result in victory. That's why knowing Revelation is so important. It assures us of our victory and celebrates it. Genesis 3 tells us of the fall of man into sin and death. Revelation gives us man's victory in Christ over sin and death. The vast and total victory, in time and eternity, set forth by John in Revelation is too important to bypass. This victory is celebrated in Daniel and elsewhere, in the entire Bible. We are not given a defeated Messiah. These eschatological texts make clear that the essential good news of the entire Bible is victory—total victory.

The Biblical Philosophy of History

  • Author: Rousas John Rushdoony
  • Publisher: Ross House Books
  • Publication Date: 1969, 1997
  • Pages: 138

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

What is history? Out of the millions of events and persons of the past, how are certain events selected as significant? On what ground do we stress the one and neglect the other? And when is an event history? Church historians and secular historians alike give a version of history as totally the product of impersonal natural forces, so that God and Christ become not only abstracted from the past, but also very remote from the present.

For the orthodox Christian who grounds his philosophy of history on the doctrine of creation, the main spring of history is God. Time rests on the foundations of eternity, on the eternal decree of God. Time and history, therefore, have meaning because they were created in terms of God's perfect and totally comprehensive plan. The humanist faces a meaningless world in which he must strive to create and establish meaning. The Christian accepts a world which is totally meaningful and in which every event moves in terms of God's purpose; he submits to God's meaning and finds his life therein. This is an excellent introduction to Rushdoony. Once the reader sees Rushdoony's emphasis on God's sovereignty over all of time and creation, he will understand his application of the presupposition in various spheres of life and thought.

The Death of Meaning

  • Author: Rousas John Rushdoony
  • Publisher: Ross House Books
  • Publication Date: 2002
  • Pages: 180

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

For centuries, humanistic philosophers have produced endless books and treatises which attempt to explain reality without God or the mediatory work of his Son, Jesus Christ. Modern philosophy has sought to explain man and his thought process without acknowledging God, his revelation, or man's sin. God holds all such efforts in derision and subjects their authors and adherents to futility. Philosophers who rebel against God are compelled to abandon meaning itself, for they possess neither the tools nor the place to anchor it. The works of darkness championed by philosophers past and present need to be exposed and reproved.

In this volume, Dr. Rushdoony clearly articulates each major philosopher's position and its implications, identifies the intellectual and moral consequences of each school of thought, and traces the dead-end to which each naturally leads. There is only one foundation. Without Christ, meaning and morality are anchored to shifting sand, and a counsel of despair prevails. This penetrating volume provides clear guidance, even for laymen unfamiliar with philosophy.

Revolt Against Maturity: A Biblical Psychology of Man

  • Author: Rousas John Rushdoony
  • Publisher: Ross House Books
  • Publication Date: 1997, 1987
  • Pages: 334

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Revolt Against Maturity is a study of biblical psychology. Biblical psychology contrasts sharply with a science of the mind based on the religious presuppositions of humanism, which regards man as having no constant nature. A science of the mind based on humanism views the mind as a clean slate, and man's nature as plastic to be molded by men and institutions in the image of man for the new order he will establish. The biblical view, however, sees psychology as a branch of theology: the study of all that Scripture declares about God. Theology is essential not only to the study of psychology, but also to ethics, anthropology, soteriology, eschatology, and more. Biblical psychology assumes that man is created in the image of God directly, and not indirectly through theistic or any other kind of evolution. Man has already been determined and defined by God. Thus it is God who has established the limits and nature of the mind. This volume on biblical psychology properly articulates the purpose of psychology, defines its limits, and orients its goals.

The Cure of Souls: Recovering the Biblical Doctrine of Confession

  • Author: Rousas John Rushdoony
  • Publisher: Ross House Books
  • Publication Date: 2007
  • Pages: 320

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Whether we acknowledge it or not, we all have some form of a doctrine of confession despite our initial prejudices against it—it is, as Rushdoony demonstrates, an inescapable concept. This leaves us to ask ourselves the question: "Is my doctrine of confession biblical?"

In an effort to "cure souls" many churchmen have resorted to a Freudian approach to counseling instead of a faithful application of the Scriptures to man's psychological and emotional dilemmas—crises brought on more so by rebellion and sin, than heartache.

In this volume, Rushdoony cuts through the misuse of Romanism and modern psychology to restore the doctrine of confession to a biblical foundation—one that is covenantal and Calvinistic. This approach helps remove confession from the morass of man-centered pietism. Rushdoony writes, "When we uncover our sins in confession, God covers them by Christ's atonement." Therefore, without a true restoration of biblical confession, the Christian's walk is impeded by the remains of sin. This volume is an effort in reversing this trend.


  • Author: Rousas John Rushdoony
  • Publisher: Ross House Books
  • Publication Date: 2007
  • Pages: 519

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The word "sovereignty" means "one who is above all." It is the supreme and highest power. The Christian defines the Sovereign Lord as unlimited, independent, with original authority.

For fallen man, sovereignty belongs to the state because the state is the source of law. Since the Christian can have no other gods, history is defined appropriately by Augustine as a conflict between the City of Man and the City of God. As in all conflicts, we must choose this day whom we will serve.

Calvinists often limit the doctrine of sovereignty to a systematic theological definition of God. Much more work is needed in developing the implications of sovereignty for the Kingdom of God and its application in terms of the law—the Word of God.

In this posthumously published volume, R.J. Rushdoony examines the comprehensive implications of God's sovereignty with a clear eye to critiquing the various places where man posits sovereignty—especially the sovereign state. This is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the crises of our times.

Salvation and Godly Rule

  • Author: Rousas John Rushdoony
  • Publisher: Ross House Books
  • Publication Date: 1983
  • Pages: 661

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Man was called to dominion, and to establish his reign over the world under God. By his fall, man introduced the reign of death into the world, and as long as he remains in the fall, sin reigns in him unto death, both in time and eternity. Christ, however, by his grace and the gift of righteousness, enables man to reign in this world, and to reign through righteousness in time and eternity.

Salvation means reigning. We are now established in kingship, and described as "more than conquerors."

The full meaning of salvation cannot be understood apart from the fact of reigning. The multiple use of the word "reign" in Romans makes clear the centrality of reigning in the doctrine of redemption. To defer this fact to another world is a false separation into two alien realms—one (the material) surrendered to one god, and the other (spiritual) reserved for the other god. Neither is biblical.

St. Paul is emphatic: we "reign in life." In this volume, Rushdoony shows how the biblical doctrine of salvation requires it.

Rousas John Rushdoony (1916–2001) was a well-known American scholar, writer, and author of over thirty books. He held B.A. and M.A. degrees from the University of California and received his theological training at the Pacific School of Religion. An ordained minister, he worked as a missionary among Paiute and Shoshone Indians and as a pastor to two California churches. He founded the Chalcedon Foundation, an educational organization devoted to research, publishing, and cogent communication of a distinctively Christian scholarship to the world at large. His writing in the Chalcedon Report and his numerous books inspired a generation of believers to be active in reconstructing the world to the glory of Jesus Christ. Until his death, he resided in Vallecito, California, where he engaged in research, lecturing, and assisting others in developing programs to put faith into action.


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