Digital Logos Edition
Exegesis is a dynamic process. It is as much an art as it is a science—extraordinarily rewarding when done well, but difficult and problematic if done carelessly. For a text as important as the Bible, proper exegesis is vital—for interpretation, sermon preparation, and study. Yet the history of biblical interpretation—and interpretation of the Old Testament in particular—is riddled with problematic exegesis. In the Handbook for Hebrew Exegesis: A Step-by-Step Approach to Understanding the Old Testament Narrative, Professor Timothy S. Laniak introduces readers to rich and accessible exegetical tools for understanding and interpreting the Old Testament.
The Handbook for Hebrew Exegesis is unique in two ways. First, it leads you inductively into upper level Hebrew grammar and exegesis. Second, it combines an introduction to traditional exegetical methodology with an appreciation for the growing interest in the Bible’s literary artistry. Each chapter begins with a theoretical introduction to an exegetical method. This is followed by a step-by-step description of how to utilize the method. Every chapter concludes with a bibliography of further exegetical resources. Throughout, Laniak helps readers toward richer and more rewarding exegesis.
The Logos Bible Software edition of Laniak’s Handbook for Hebrew Exegesis is designed to encourage and stimulate your study of the Old Testament. With Logos, every word is essentially a link. That means clicking on any Scripture reference brings you straight to the Hebrew text or your English translation, and double-clicking on any Hebrew word automatically searches your Hebrew lexicons for a match—instantly providing a wealth of linguistic and textual data. That makes the Handbook for Hebrew Exegesis ideal for both English-only study and advanced Hebrew scholarship.
“Perhaps the ideal metaphor for exegesis is looking at a passage through a set of lenses.” (Page 7)
“Exegesis’ is the ‘leading out’ of meaning from a text. Meaning that was once perhaps quite clear to an original audience is now distant from us in time, language, and culture.” (Page 7)
“It can be viewed as a set of questions put to a text” (Page 7)
“literary issues such as genre, form, grammar, syntax, and key words” (Page 7)
“look outward to the larger canon to locate the passage theologically” (Page 7)
13 ratings
Douglas Ray
Professor Mario Porras
Zackery Logan Stringer
Faithlife User
Dennis Pulley
Faithlife User
Pedro J Martinez
W. D. Hindenlang
John Goodman
Bill Shewmaker