Digital Logos Edition
The Knowing the Bible series consists of twelve individual 12-week study guides that offer significant ways to learn and study the Bible. Composed from a variety of gifted authors and edited by J. I. Packer and Dane C. Ortlund, these study guides connect the story of God’s grace through Scripture to practical applications, challenging questions, and theological discussions. This enlightening course will guide you through each book and connect important themes and passages to questions that are provoked. This series is for anyone who wants enrich their Bible studies and can be used for personal or group study.
This Knowing the Bible series is a tremendous resource for those wanting to study and teach the Bible with an understanding of how the gospel is woven throughout Scripture. Here are Gospel-minded pastors and scholars doing Gospel business from all the scriptures—this is a biblical and theological feast preparing God’s people to apply the entire Bible to all of life with heart and mind wholly committed to Christ’s priorities.
—Bryan Chapell, president emeritus, Covenant Theological Seminary
Mark Twain may have smiled when he wrote to a friend, ‘I didn’t have time to write you a short letter, so I wrote you a long letter.’ But the truth of Twain’s remark remains serious and universal, because well-reasoned, compact writing requires extra time and extra hard work. And this is what we have in the Crossway Bible study series Knowing the Bible—as the skilled authors and notable editors provide the contours of each book of the Bible as well as the grand theological themes that bind them together as one Book. Here, in a 12-week format, are carefully wrought studies that will ignite the mind and the heart.
—R. Kent Hughes, senior pastor emeritus, College Church, Wheaton, Illinois
Knowing the Bible brings together a gifted team of Bible teachers to produce a high quality series of study guides. The coordinated focus of these materials is unique: biblical content, provocative questions, systematic theology, practical application, and the gospel story of God’s grace presented all the way through Scripture.
—Philip Graham Ryken, president, Wheaton College
These Knowing the Bible volumes introduce a significant and very welcome variation on the general run of inductive Bible studies. Such series often provide questions with little guidance, leaving students to their own devices. They thus tend to overlook the role of teaching in the church. By contrast, Knowing the Bible avoids the problem by providing substantial instruction with the questions. Knowing the Bible then goes even further by showing how any given passage connects with the gospel, the whole Bible, and Christian theology. I heartily endorse this orientation of individual books to the whole Bible and the gospel, and I applaud the demonstration that sound theology was not something invented later by Christians, but is right there in the pages of Scripture.
—Graeme Goldsworthy, former lecturer in Old Testament, biblical theology, and hermeneutics, Moore Theological College
What a gift to earnest, Bible-loving, Bible-searching believers! The organization and structure of the Bible study format presented through the Knowing the Bible series is so well conceived. Students of the Word are led to understand the content of passages through perceptive, guided questions, and they are given rich insights and application all along the way in the brief but illuminating sections that conclude each study. What potential growth in depth and breadth of understanding these studies offer. One can only pray that vast numbers of believers will discover more of God and the beauty of his Word through these rich studies.
—Bruce A. Ware, professor of Christian theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
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The book of Genesis is foundational to the whole Bible, and to every human life. Genesis tells us who God is, who we are, how things went wrong, and the plan that God has put in place to return the earth to the way it was meant to be. This guide helps us see how the storyline of Genesis foreshadows and connects to the good news about Jesus, and offers penetrating exegetical insights for those of us seeking to better understand God’s plan to bring blessing to all nations.
Mitchell M. Kim is the lead pastor of Living Water Alliance Church. A participant in the 2010 Lausanne Congress for World Evangelization in Cape Town, South Africa, he is passionate about raising up men and women to serve as kingdom workers in our globalized world. He received his PhD from Wheaton College.
The books of Ruth and Esther recount two of the most moving stories in all of Scripture: Ruth, a displaced widow in search of a new home and loving husband, and Esther, a courageous queen intent on saving her people from imminent destruction.
This guide explains the biblical text with clarity and passion—leading us on a journey to discover the God who hears the cries of his people and remains faithful to his promises.
Kathleen B. Nielson (PhD, Vanderbilt University) serves as the director of women’s initiatives at the Gospel Coalition. She is a popular conference speaker and the author or editor of numerous books, including co-editing (with D.A. Carson) Here Is Our God.
The book of Psalms powerfully resonates with the whole spectrum of human emotions and experiences, resounding with heartfelt praise, humble confession, and honest lament.
This guide explains the biblical text with clarity and passion—exploring the Bible’s ability to transform our emotions and incline our hearts toward worship.
Douglas Sean O’Donnell (MAs, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and Wheaton College) is senior pastor of New Covenant Church in Naperville, Illinois. In addition to serving as an instructor for the Charles Simeon Trust, O’Donnell is a member of the North American Patristics Society, the US Board of the Irish Bible Institute, the Center for Pastor Theologians, and the Evangelical Theological Society. He is the author of a number of books, including The Beginning and End of Wisdom, The Song of Solomon and Matthew in the Preaching the Word commentary series.
The book of Proverbs uncovers the foundation of wisdom, marks out the paths that make us wise, and points us to the ultimate source of all true understanding: Jesus Christ.
Helping make sense of a unique book, this guide explains the biblical text with clarity and passion—revealing its wise instruction for godly living that glorifies God and leads to blessing for his people.
Lydia Brownback (MAR, Westminster Theological Seminary) is the author of several books and a speaker at women’s conferences internationally. She has served as director of editorial for Crossway’s Book Division; writer-in-residence for Reverend Alistair Begg; and broadcast media manager for Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, where she produced The Bible Study Hour radio program with James Montgomery Boice. Some of Lydia’s books include the On-the-Go Devotional series as well as A Woman’s Wisdom: How the Book of Proverbs Speaks to Everything.
The book of Isaiah, which alternates between promises of judgment and restoration, reminds God’s people of the magnitude of humanity’s sin, the judgment that we all deserve, and how God displays his glory by saving sinners. This guide shows us how the prophetic promise of cosmic renewal ultimately anticipates the work of Jesus Christ, the servant-king whose death results in new life for all who trust in him.
Drew Hunter studied theology and biblical interpretation at Wheaton College Graduate School before becoming a teaching pastor at Zionsville Fellowship in Zionsville, Indiana.
The book of Matthew paints a powerful portrait of Jesus as Israel’s long-awaited Messiah, the one who would bring God’s kingdom to earth and fulfill his promises to his people. Leading readers through this hope-filled book, this guide explains the biblical text with clarity and passion—inviting us to encounter God’s one and only son: Jesus Christ, the savior of the world.
Drew Hunter (MA, Wheaton College) is a teaching pastor at Zionsville Fellowship in Zionsville, Indiana. Previously he served as a minister for young adults at Grace Church of DuPage and taught religious studies at College of DuPage. Hunter is the author of Isaiah: A 12 Week Study and Matthew: A 12 Week Study.
The Gospel of Mark paints an important portrait of Jesus as Israel’s promised Messiah. Mark’s account also makes clear how Jesus’ kingship confounds public expectations by emphasizing his humility, suffering, and sacrifice. This accessible guide is filled with wise reflections on the biblical text and helps us understand what vibrant faith and authentic discipleship look like as we follow a rejected king.
Dane C. Ortlund is Bible publishing director at Crossway. He is the author of two books and serves as a series editor for the Knowing the Bible series. He received his PhD from Wheaton College.
The Gospel of John reveals an unmatched portrait of Jesus and is arguably the most theologically and philosophically profound account of his life, death, and resurrection in the New Testament. From revealing Jesus’ cosmic identity as being with the Father “in the beginning,” to recounting the many miraculous signs attesting to his mission and divinity, this guide encourages us to worship Christ as Lord and to follow him on mission in the world.
Justin Buzzard received his MDiv from Fuller Theological Seminary and is the founder and lead pastor of Garden City Church in Silicon Valley.
The book of Acts chronicles some of the most important events in Christian history: the coming of the Holy Spirit, the birth of the early church, the scattering of Jesus’ disciples across the known world, and more.
This guide explains the biblical text with clarity and passion—helping us understand the history-shaping events that took place in the years following Christ’s resurrection and ascension.
Justin S. Holcomb (PhD, Emory University) is an Episcopal priest and teaches theology, philosophy, and Christian thought at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and Reformed Theological Seminary. He serves on the boards of REST (Real Escape from the Sex Trade) and GRACE (Godly Response to Abuse in Christian Environments). He also serves on the council board of the Biblical Counseling Coalition.
The book of Romans was Paul’s greatest literary achievement, a majestic letter in which the apostle explains crucial doctrines such as original sin, election, substitutionary atonement, the role of the law, and justification by faith alone. Plumbing the theological depths, this guide explains the biblical text with clarity and passion—helping us to follow along as Paul recounts the history of salvation and illuminates the glories of the death and resurrection of Christ.
Jared C. Wilson is the pastor of Middletown Springs Community Church in Middletown Springs, Vermont. His articles and short stories have appeared in a number of periodicals, and he has written the popular books Your Jesus Is Too Safe, Gospel Wakefulness and Gospel Deeps, as well as the curriculum Abide.
The book of Philippians challenges Christians to remember their true identity as citizens of God’s kingdom, especially when faced with difficult circumstances and painful trials.
Helping us grasp the Apostle Paul’s gospel-centered exhortation to endurance, this guide explains the biblical text with clarity and passion—encouraging us to joyfully imitate Christ in the midst of hardship.
Ryan Kelly (PhD candidate, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) is pastor for preaching at Desert Springs Church in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and serves as a council member for the Gospel Coalition.
The book of James has a well-deserved reputation for providing practical advice, yet it also contains challenging teachings on wealth, anointing with oil, prayer, healing, and the relationship between faith and works. Through clear exposition of the biblical text and thoughtful application questions, this guide helps us rightly understand James as a stirring exhortation to fruitfulness—ultimately reminding us of the necessary connection between genuine faith and heartfelt obedience.
Greg Gilbert received his BA from Yale and his MDiv from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is senior pastor at Third Avenue Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky, and the author of What Is the Gospel? and the co-author of What Is the Mission of the Church?
J.I. Packer (DPhil, Oxford University) serves as the Board of Governors’ Professor of Theology at Regent College. He is the author of numerous books, including the classic best-seller Knowing God. Packer served as general editor for the English Standard Version Bible and as theological editor for the ESV Study Bible.
Dane C. Ortlund (PhD, Wheaton College) is the executive vice president of Bible publishing and Bible publisher at Crossway. He serves as an editor for the Knowing the Bible series and the Short Studies in Biblical Theology series, and is the author of several books, including Edwards on the Christian Life.
Lane T. Dennis is president and publisher of Crossway Books and Good News Tracts. Dr. Dennis earned his BS in business from Northern Illinois University, an MDiv from McCormick Theological Seminary, and a PhD in religion from Northwestern University. Before joining Good News Publishers in 1974, he served as a pastor in campus ministry at the University of Michigan (Sault Ste. Marie) and as the Managing Director of Verlag Grosse Freude in Switzerland. He is the author and/or editor of three books, including the Gold Medallion-award-winning book Letters of Francis A. Schaeffer, and he is the former Chairman of the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association. Dr. Dennis serves as the Chairman of the ESV (English Standard Version) Bible Translation Oversight Committee and as the Executive Editor of the ESV Study Bible.
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