Digital Logos Edition
No other book of the New Testament has attracted as much attention from commentators as the Fourth Gospel. It has stirred minds, hearts, and imaginations from Christianity’s earliest days. In The Gospel of John, Francis Moloney unfolds the identifiable “point of view” of this unique Gospel narrative and offers readers, heirs to its rich and widely varied interpretative traditions, relevance for their lives today.
The Gospel of John’s significance for Christianity has been obvious from the time of Irenaeus. It was also fundamental in the emergence of Christian theology, especially in the trinitarian and christological debates that produced the great ecumenical councils, from Nicaea to Chalcedon.
What sets this commentary on the Fourth Gospel apart from others is Moloney’s particular attention to the narrative design of the Gospel story. He traces the impact the Johannine form of the Jesus story has made on readers and explicates the way in which the author has told the story of Jesus. Through this he demonstrates how the Gospel story articulates a coherent theology, christology, and ecclesiology.
In the Logos edition, this volume is enhanced by amazing functionality. Important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Take the discussion with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.
Save more when you purchase this book as part of the Sacra Pagina New Testament Commentary Series
“What Barrett said of v. 1 can be applied to vv. 1–2: ‘John intends that the whole of his gospel shall be read in the light of this verse. The deeds and words of Jesus are the deeds and words of God; if this be not true the book is blasphemous’ (Barrett, Gospel 156).” (Page 35)
“Jesus as the logos of God but this new character, the mother of Jesus, does not know this. Yet with unconditional trust in the efficacy of his word (ho ti an legę̄) she issues instructions to the servants. She is the first person in the narrative to show, at the level of the action of the story, that the correct response to the presence of Jesus is trust in his word.” (Pages 67–68)
“The true disciple is the one to whom discipleship is given by the Father and who believes in the Son (vv. 64–65). It is not information that makes a disciple, but a Spirit-filled response to the Father made known in the word of Jesus.” (Pages 228–229)
“The traditional site for the writing of the Gospel of John—Ephesus—remains one of the best locations for the blend of traditions that lies behind the Gospel.” (Page 5)
“Jesus’ life is based on his having kept the commandments of God, having done the will of the Father (perfect tense: teterēka), evident in his ongoing abiding in the love of the Father (present tense: menō). The disciples are to repeat, in their relationship with Jesus, what Jesus has always had with the Father: a loving mutuality shown by the unconditional observance of his commandments.” (Page 422)
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Jim Rudolph