Digital Logos Edition
Best-known as one half of Westcott-Hort, the team that produced the acclaimed Westcott-Hort Greek New Testament, Brooke Foss Westcott was also a minister and prolific writer, as well as an eminent biblical scholar. This collection fleshes out that scholarship with pastoral, as well as academic, works on studying and interpreting Scripture. From sermons and studies of the miracles and titles of Jesus used in the Gospels, to a defense of the Resurrection, to a survey of the New Testament canon on historical grounds, to a psalter arranged for public worship, this collection is rich with insights into understanding and applying the Bible to every situation and aspect of life.
In the Logos edition, the Biblical Studies of B.F. Westcott is enhanced by amazing functionality. Scripture citations link directly to English translations, and important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Take the discussion with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.
Expand your B.F. Westcott collection! Be sure to also pick up B.F. Westcott on Christianity and the Western World (7 vols.) and the Collected Sermons and Letters of B.F. Westcott (9 vols.).
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This volume presents sermons preached by B.F. Westcott at the University of Cambridge. He notes, “the subject which I have approached in these sermons was directly suggested by the services of the three Sundays after Epiphany on which they were preached; and the festival of the conversion of St. Paul, which fell within the same period, seemed to furnish in some sense a practical illustration of the lessons which it conveys.” Westcott focuses on the miracles of the Gospels, examining them across the whole as one epiphany of Christ, and relating them to the broader narrative of the Gospels and of Scripture. The sermons reprinted here also include notes.
Responding to criticism of the historicity of the Resurrection and the claim that believing in Christ’s triumph over death is incompatible with reason, B.F. Westcott considers the Resurrection and elementary Christian truths “as miraculous revelation from the side of history and reason.” His essay examines the historical reality and importance of the Resurrection, noting that “it is not too much to assert that the fact of the Resurrection (as the typical miracle of the Gospel) becomes more natural as we take a more comprehensive view of history, and more harmonious with reason as we interrogate our instincts more closely.”
This volume collects short studies designed as an introduction and supplement to The Gospel of the Resurrection. Brooke Foss Westcott notes, “It has been my aim in writing them to realize as distinctly as I could the characteristic teaching of each manifestation of the Risen Christ both in relation to the first disciples and in relation to ourselves.” The studies examine each manifestation to shed light on the circumstances under which the fact of the Resurrection was made known, and the Resurrection itself, along with the Christian Church that was founded upon belief in the Ascended Lord.
This volume collects sermons preached in Westminster Abbey during Brooke Foss Westcott’s residence in August 1885 and January 1886. Westcott endeavors to guide readers to the sure hope through trials that comes through “patience and through comfort of the Scriptures.” Drawing from the book of Hebrews, he presents some lessons which “show how much seems to be loss in regard to our religious circumstances proves to be gain by turning our minds from things temporal and provisional to Christ Himself.” The appendix contains a sermon preached at Cambridge, designed to give practical application of the teaching.
This volume compiles characteristic selections from the writings of B.F. Westcott—including passages from sermons, essays, and addresses—on a variety of topics in individual Christian life and society—representing how, as Westcott wrote, “Christianity takes account of the whole nature of man, consecrating to its service the natural exercise of every power and the fulfilment of every situation in which he is placed.”
Of interest to pastors and divinity students as well as laypeople, this compendium of selections focuses on various aspects of Christian life, and role of the Christian and of the church in the world. Particularly interesting are Westcott’s writings on the relationship of Christianity to art and literature, as editor Stephen Phillips notes, with “their unique teaching on the mission of poet and painter ‘to present the truth of things under the aspect of beauty.’”
Stephen Phillips was a reader and chaplain of Gray’s Inn.
In the Paragraph Psalter, Brooke Foss Westcott arranges the Psalms for public worship, compiling this Psalter in order that the “chanting of the Psalms may contribute in the highest degree to the edifying of the choir and of the congregation.” The arrangement found in this volume was made and tested during Westcott’s time serving at Peterborough, and is designed to “exhibit the general structure of the Psalms in such a manner as to suggest the variety of musical treatment which is required in different Psalms and in different parts of the Psalms for their true interpretation.”
In A General Survey of the History of the Canon of the New Testament, Brooke Foss Westcott gives an overview of the New Testament on purely historical grounds, not considering the separate books individually, but “as claiming to be parts of the apostolic heritage of Christians.” Westcott connects “the history of the New Testament canon with the growth and consolidation of the Catholic Church,” highlighting “the relation existing between the amount of evidence for the authenticity of its component parts and the whole mass of Christian literature.”
Brooke Foss Westcott’s The Bible in the Church offers a “popular account of the collection and reception of the Holy Scriptures in the Christian Churches.” Written as “attempt to answer a request which has been made to [Westcott] from time to time, to place in a simple form the substance of History of the Canon of the New Testament,” this volume is expanded to include the whole Bible, producing a concise and readable historical introduction to the Bible’s history from the Apostolic Age through the sixteenth century.
This volume compiles 10 brief lectures by Brooke Foss Westcott examining the different titles used to refer to Jesus in John’s Gospel, such as “the Christ,” “the bread of life,” and “the light of the world.” Westcott studies these titles as a series of self-revelations of Jesus, exploring how they illustrate the inspiration of the Bible, as well as the divinity of Jesus. The text also includes three appendixes with three additional sermons preached at Cambridge that explore some of the main conclusions in a different form and more detail.
Revised and supplemented from content originally published in the Expositor in 1887, this text was designed help readers better understand the aim and character of the Revised Version of the New Testament. B.F. Westcott—one of the best-known contributors to the translation—guides readers in their systematic study, offering hints and helps to those who desire to study the Revised Version translation.
Brooke Foss Westcott (1825–1901) was a British bishop, biblical scholar, and theologian serving as bishop of Durham from 1890 until his death. Westcott studied at Trinity College in Cambridge where he graduated in 1848. He stayed at Trinity, where in 1849 he obtained his fellowship and was ordained deacon and priest. He received honorary degrees from Oxford in 1881 and Edinburgh 1883. In 1890, he became the bishop of Durham.
Westcott authored several works, including Introduction to the New Testament in the Original Greek, A General View of the History of the English Bible, Westcott-Hort Greek New Testament, and Saint Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians.
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Stephen E Moser
Gregory Pickett