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Praying Backwards: Transform Your Prayer Life by Beginning in Jesus’ Name

, 2005
ISBN: 9781441259301

Digital Logos Edition

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“In Jesus’ name, Amen.” Like the closing credits of a movie, these familiar words signal the end of a prayer. But what does it mean to offer our prayers in Jesus’ name? Though we say the words, do we really mean them? If no, then how would the content and character of our prayers change if we did? Praying Backwards introduces believers to the transforming process of beginning our prayers in Jesus’ name—not by moving a simple phrase, but by understanding and embracing the meaning behind the phrase. To truly pray in Jesus’ name is to reorder our priorities in prayer—and in life—away from ourselves and toward Jesus and his kingdom. It is to pray, “Not my will, but your will be done.” It is to pray boldly, expectantly, and persistently. If you want to revolutionize your prayer life, begin by Praying Backwards.

In the Logos edition, this volume is enhanced by amazing functionality. Important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Take the discussion with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.

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Resource Experts
  • Explores what it means to pray in Jesus’ name
  • Presents a Reformed teaching on prayer and Christian living
  • Features an ideal work for group or personal study
  • Praying in Jesus’ Name: In Jesus’ Name, Begin
  • Praying in Jesus’ Way: Not My Will but Yours
  • Praying without Doubting: Trusting Our Father, the King
  • Praying in the Spirit: Power beyond Our Power
  • Praying Boldly: As a Child of God
  • Praying Expectantly: For All Things Always
  • Praying Persistently: Never, Never Give Up
  • Praying in God’s Will: Within the Fence of Righteousness
  • Praying in God’s Wisdom: Within the Fence of Prudence
  • Praying Forward: Paddle and Pray

Top Highlights

“The message of this book is to put first in our hearts what those words are supposed to mean: ‘I offer this prayer for Jesus’ sake.’ When Jesus’ priorities come first, our prayers will change. They will be less self-oriented, more Christ-directed, more blessed, and ultimately most satisfying to our hearts.” (Page 16)

“Somehow proper prayer must put more trust in God’s will than in human wants; otherwise failure to get the things we want will force us to doubt either the power of prayer or the ability of God.” (Page 20)

“Thus prayer in Jesus’ name is not an incantation to make us worthy of divine attention; it is a confession that we are unworthy of even approaching God apart from the mercy and merits of our Savior. We pray in the name of Jesus to profess our need of him and to proclaim our trust in the provision of righteousness he made for us.” (Page 22)

“We are supposed to be saying that everything we prayed for was offered ‘in Jesus’ name’—for his honor and purposes. When we pray ‘in Jesus’ name,’ we pray for his sake more than our own. We still present our desires and concerns to God, but we do so in the context of yielding our priorities to Christ’s priorities. The final phrase of our prayer reminds us, as well as commits us, to submit all our requests to the glory of Jesus.” (Page 13)

“The golden thread that knits the petitions together is the seeking of God’s will.” (Page 45)

Across the years I have learned so much from Bryan Chapell, that I thought the laws of mathematics would keep me from learning much more. But it happened again! I never close a prayer without saying in Jesus name, but suddenly I came to see that merely to stack my own agenda for God on top of the word ‘Jesus’ doesn’t quite trim the egotism from my conversations with God. Now it is clear, the first word of my prayer should be Jesus. This will keep my selfish needs to influence the Almighty in perspective.

Calvin Miller, author; professor, Beeson Divinity School

This is the book I have been waiting for! Finally a book on prayer which puts the person of our Lord before the petitions on our lists. What a novel idea . . . prayer as a means of becoming more preoccupied with the beauty of Jesus’ name than paralyzed by the burden of our needs! Bryan has given us an incredibly timely and practical study on prayer. He shows us how the gospel moves us from using prayer as a formula for manipulating God, to enjoying prayer as a forum for fellowshipping with our heavenly Father who delights to care for us and bring great glory to his Son, Jesus. If you buy only one book on prayer, I’d recommend this one.

—Scotty Smith, senior pastor, Christ Community Church, Franklin, Tennessee

Christians are often perplexed and discouraged by the seemingly few answers to prayer they receive. With his usual careful exposition of Scripture and his helpful applications to daily life, Bryan Chapell tackles this issue head on with a book that should encourage all of us to ‘pray and not lose heart’ (Luke 18:1).

Jerry Bridges, author, The Discipline of Grace

  • Title: Praying Backwards: Transform Your Prayer Life by Beginning in Jesus’ Name
  • Author: Bryan Chapell
  • Publisher: Baker
  • Print Publication Date: 2005
  • Logos Release Date: 2012
  • Pages: 208
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subject: Prayer › Christianity
  • ISBNs: 9781441259301, 9780801065279, 1441259309, 0801065275
  • Resource ID: LLS:551E439890DCC055FB1FA51E896C5E06
  • Resource Type: Monograph
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2022-09-28T20:32:29Z
Bryan Chapell

Dr. Bryan Chapell is the senior pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church in Peoria, Illinois and president emeritus at Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri, where he has served in leadership capacities since 1985. Dr. Chapell is an internationally renowned preacher, teacher, and speaker, and the author of many books, including Christ-Centered WorshipEach for the OtherHoliness by GracePraying BackwardsThe Hardest Sermons You’ll Ever Have to Preach, and Christ-Centered Preaching, a preaching textbook now in multiple editions and many languages that has established him as one of the nation’s foremost teachers of homiletics. He and his wife, Kathy, have four children.


2 ratings

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  1. Edith



    I appreciate the perspective of this book very much. It is always pointing to LORD God, Father, Son, & Holy Spirit. It focuses on where the power of prayer really comes from.
  2. Steven Blader

    Steven Blader

