Digital Logos Edition
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Was Adam an accident of nature or a deliberative, purposeful design?
While observations seem to validate evolutionary theory, long before Darwin, a man named David voiced a different view. And both men can’t be right.
Cutting-edge research presents new findings on:
Biochemist Fazale Rana and astronomer Hugh Ross discuss these discoveries and propose a new scientifically testable model for human origins. Can human evolution be declared a fact? Or does creation make more scientific sense?
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“Even though paleontologists have discovered a menagerie of hominids, they cannot seem to establish evolutionary connections among them.28 Without these connections, human evolution cannot be declared a fact but remains a theory (see chapter 9). Instead of solidifying evolutionary hypotheses about human origins, each new hominid find generates more turmoil.” (Page 38)
“Contrary to popular perception of the Genesis Flood account, RTB’s model for human origins posits that the Flood was geographically limited (confined to the environs of Mesopotamia), not global. Still, the RTB model considers the extent of the Flood to be ‘universal’ in that all humanity was impacted by it.” (Page 51)
“Clearly, any stance that regards the universe and Earth as merely 6,000 to 10,000 years old lacks scientific credibility” (Page 41)
“When God formed the animals and birds from the ground (Genesis 2:19), He did not impart to them this ‘breath of life.’29 People stand apart from animals in that humankind alone received spirit life from God.30 Only humans concern themselves with morality, purpose, destiny, hope, questions about life and death and judgment after death, and questions about God’s existence and character.” (Page 49)
“A perspective consistent with the Bible can regard hominids in much the same way as the entire scientific community does—as real animals that existed in Earth’s past.” (Page 29)
This is a scholarly, in-depth scientific treatment of the origin of human beings from an old-earth creationist point of view that is based on a belief in the historicity and reliability of the Genesis record.
—Dr. Norman Geisler, dean, Southern Evangelical Seminary
Fazale Rana and Hugh Ross have produced a creation model on the origin of man that is at once as comprehensive in its data-gathering as it is challenging in the depth of its detail. Readers, regardless of their perspective on the matter of human origins, will be impressed with the fairness, balanced, and scope of the arguments. Who Was Adam takes the creationist/evolutionist debate to a whole new level but insists on grounding the debate in the new evidences from genetics, biochemistry, archaeology, geology, and even astrophysics and the biblical narrative of creation.
—Walter C. Kaiser, Jr., president, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary; Colman M. Mockler Distinguished Professor of Old Testament
Hugh Ross earned a B.Sc. in physics from the University of British Columbia and an M.Sc. and Ph.D. in astronomy from the University of Toronto. For several years he continued his research on quasars and galaxies as a post-doctoral fellow at the California Institute of Technology. For eleven years he served as minister of evangelism at Sierra Madre Congregational Church.
Today he directs the efforts of Reasons to Believe, an institute founded to research and proclaim the factual basis for faith in God and his Word, the Bible. He also hosts a weekly television program called “Reasons to Believe” on the Trinity Broadcasting Network and a weekly live call-in radio program on several stations throughout the United States. Over the years, Dr. Ross has given hundreds of lectures, seminars, and courses, both in the United States and abroad, on Christian apologetics.
He lives in southern California with his wife, Kathy, and sons, Joel and David.