Digital Logos Edition
Journey into the context of Scripture, and see how it was originally read. The Bible in Its Ancient Context acts as your expert tour guide, providing historical insight on the people and events portrayed in the Bible. Each one of these hand-curated articles, originally published in Bible Study Magazine, will help you see God working in specific moments and on a grand scale to bring people to himself. And you’ll discover the Bible’s relevance for us today.
“Carl Sagan famously said, ‘Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.’5” (source)
“The Bible is both a historical and spiritual book. As a historical book, written for certain people in a certain time, the Bible is meant to be read in its context—discerned based on details of the period.” (source)
“Love deprived of truth deteriorates into self-love. Truth divorced from love breeds self-righteousness.” (source)
“During the first two centuries, Roman persecution of the Church was sporadic and local.” (source)
“The narrator simply says, ‘They offered strange fire before Yahweh, which he had not commanded them’ (Lev 10:1). After two chapters of meticulous obedience, this last statement—‘which he had not commanded them’—is jarring.” (source)
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John D. Barry is the CEO and Founder of Jesus' Economy, a non-profit dedicated to creating jobs and churches in the developing world. He also serves as a missionary with Resurrect Church Movement, the domestic division of Jesus' Economy dedicated to equipping U.S. churches to alleviate poverty and plant churches. John is the general editor of Faithlife Study Bible and Lexham Bible Dictionary. He has authored or edited over 30 books, including The Resurrected Servant in Isaiah, Cutting Ties with Darkness, and the daily devotional Connect the Testaments. John formerly served as founding publisher of Lexham Press and is the former editor-in-chief of Bible Study Magazine. John speaks internationally on engaging the Bible, poverty, and spreading the gospel.
Rebecca Van Noord is the former editor-in-chief of Bible Study Magazine. She has developed content for several Bible reference products, including Lexham Bible Dictionary and Faithlife Study Bible.
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Richard C. Hammond, Jr.
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Rev. Prof. José Carlos Bertoni
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Clifford t. Olford
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