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Mobile Ed: NT307 Archaeology and the New Testament (5 hour course)

Digital Logos Edition

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Craig Evans describes the world of Jesus and the early church based on archeology. He draws connections between archaeological finds and relevant Scripture passages and theological issues. Evans discusses how archaeology sheds light on the synagogues of Israel, literacy of the time, Pilate and Caiaphas, and burial traditions.

Resource Experts

Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion you should be able to:

  • Discuss the tasks of archaeology and relate them to interdisciplinary interaction with other physical and social sciences
  • Present a picture of Galilean culture in the first half of the first century AD
  • Describe the architectural typology of Jewish synagogues that prevailed for several centuries both before and in the Common Era
  • Address the question of the literacy of Jesus and His disciples
  • Describe traditional Jewish burial practices and relate them to descriptions of Jesus’ burial and resurrection in the Gospels
  • Offer archaeological evidence that refutes popular theories that Jesus survived the crucifixion, did not rise from the dead, and was married and fathered children

Course Outline


  • Introducing the Speaker and the Course

Unit 1: The Tasks of Archaeology

  • Recovery of Material Culture
  • Studying Archaeology with The Archaeological Encyclopedia of the Holy Land
  • Related Disciplines
  • Contribution of Science
  • Spectrometrical Analysis: An Example of Science Aiding Archaeology
  • Other Enhancements and Analyses
  • Important Excavation Sites
  • Preview of Remaining Course Topics

Unit 2: Jesus and the Synagogues

  • Jesus Visited the Synagogues
  • Searching for Synagogue References in the New Testament
  • But Were There Synagogues?
  • The Capernaum Synagogue
  • Have We Found Peter’s House?
  • Gamla
  • The Herodium
  • Jericho
  • Studying Jericho with Image Searching and the Bible Facts Report
  • Jerusalem
  • Magdala
  • Masada
  • Modi’in and Qiryat Sefer
  • Nazareth and Sepphoris
  • Researching the Theory that Jesus Was a Jewish Cynic

Unit 3: Books and Artifacts

  • Book Culture and Literacy
  • The Suffering Servant and Jesus
  • Researching New Testament Quotes or Allusions to Isaiah
  • The Qumran Scroll and the Leningrad Codex
  • The Aramaic Targums

Unit 4: Pilate and Caiaphas

  • The Caiaphas Ossuary
  • Other High Priests and Miriam
  • Finding and Exporting Images of Ossuaries
  • Pontius Pilate
  • Finding Pilate in the Writings of Josephus and Philo
  • Procurator or Prefect?

Unit 5: Jewish Tombs and Burial Traditions

  • The Importance of the Archaeology of Burial
  • Jewish Burial Practices: Burial and Funeral
  • Jewish Burial Practices: Ossilegium
  • The Soul Departs Three Days after Death
  • Resources for Studying Ancient Cultural Backgrounds

Unit 6: Jesus’ Death and Burial Compared with Jewish Burial Traditions

  • Why Such Large Crowds Followed Jesus
  • Whitewashed Tombs
  • Let the Dead Bury Their Own Dead
  • Researching Matthew 8:22 with the Passage Guide
  • Lazarus
  • Jesus is Anointed with Perfume
  • Two Sites Are Claimed to Be Jesus’ Burial Place
  • Studying Joseph of Arimathea with Bible Facts
  • Jewish Piety Required Burial
  • Did Pilate Permit the Burial of Jesus?
  • Burial Restrictions for Executed Criminals
  • The Death and Burial of Jesus
  • The Talpiot Tomb Prompts Speculation
  • Solving the Mystery of the Gable
  • More Conclusions Concerning the Talpiot Tomb


  • Summing Up the Course

Product Details

  • Title: NT307 Archaeology and the New Testament
  • Instructor: Craig A. Evans
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2015
  • Product Type: Logos Mobile Education
  • Resource Type: Courseware, including transcripts, audio, and video resources
  • Courses: 1
  • Video Hours: 5
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:

About Craig A. Evans

Craig A. Evans is the Payzant Distinguished Professor of New Testament and director of the graduate program at Acadia Divinity College in Wolfville, Nova Scotia. He has written extensively on the historical Jesus and the Jewish background of the New Testament era. His books include Jesus and His Contemporaries: Comparative Studies, a commentary on Mark in the Word Biblical Commentary, Jesus and the Ossuaries, and Ancient Texts for New Testament Studies. He has recently served on the advisory board of the Gospel of Judas for National Geographic Society and has appeared frequently as an expert commentator on network television programs such as Dateline, and in various documentaries on the BBC, the Discovery Channel and the History Channel.

Getting the most out of Mobile Ed

Logos Mobile Education is a highly effective cross-platform learning environment that integrates world class teaching with the powerful study tools and theological libraries available in Logos Bible Software. Every course provides links to additional resources and suggested readings that supplement the lecture material at the end of every transcript segment.

This course was produced with screencast videos. These videos provide tutorials showing you how to use Logos Bible Software in ways that are tied directly into the content of the course. We are now producing Activities resources as a replacement for screencast videos. We plan on updating this course to include this additional Activities resource in the future for no extra charge.



6 ratings

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  1. David Tucker

    David Tucker


    I just completed this course and really enjoyed it. I had recently visited the Holy Lands with our tour including a couple active archaeology sites and I found this helpful to better appreciate the methodology and analysis that has been done. I agree there could have been more provided with photos and maps, but for my purposes (light personal study) I still came away with many insights, understanding and a several apologetics points. Dr. Evans as usual does a great job.
  2. Alessandro



  3. Allen D. Holden
  4. Simon’s Brother
    Could there be more sites and topics covered ? Yes. Could there be more use of visuals ? Yes. Was I disappointed with the course ? No. For what it was I found in interesting and informative. I learnt about topics I have not previous knowledge or exposure. Unit 5 and 6 on Jewish Burial Traditions and their relationship to Jesus Death and Burial was particularly helpful. I found Craig Evans engaging, he came across as passionate about the topics he discussed and despite the lack of visuals I never found it dry or boring. Instead I had to drag myself away from the course when it was time to end my study session. It is a shame Craig Evans book "Jesus and His World: The Archaeological Evidence" is not currently in Logos as the course structure and the align somewhat. I'm looking forward to working through this course again in the future and digging into my library to see what additional informaiton I can learn about the topics presented. A course like this is going to be limited in how much it can cover and for what it does cover it does look at some valuable topics in relationship to understanding the cultural background of the NT.
  6. Myke Harbuck

    Myke Harbuck


    Unfortunately, I must agree with Jeffrey's review from a couple months ago. This lecture was disappointing. The potential for a great lecture was there, but whoever designed this course really missed the mark. This course featured very few "archaeological" sites, and the ones that were featured were most often without any pictures or illustrations. In the entire lecture there were only a handful of diagrams and even less photos. I mean, really, how do you teach "New Testament Archeology" without actually teaching and illustrating the material culture found at NT sites. The funny things is...I took this class while on an archaeological dig in Bethsaida of Galilee in the the Holy Land. Each evening we toured various NT archeological sites, and I thought, "Man, Why wasn't this site or that site in the lectures, or why wasn't this find illustrated in the lecture. You simply cannot have an archaeology course without vivid photos of material culture finds, and without a multiplicity of sites where those finds were uncovered. As such, this class was more of a "background" to archeology than it was an NT Archeology course. Thus the title is very misleading. I will say there there is some value in this course. It just needed LOTS more thought and development in order to measure up to the actual title. I hope the other MobileEd course measure up. Maybe some one at FL will read the reviews and consider our input. As I professor, I would never present the material here as a fully developed course, unless more sites were added, and more illustrations / photos of those sites were included.
  7. Jeff



    Disappointing I bought an archeology course from the great courses. It cost less than £50. It comprises of 24 thirty minute lectures. The lectures were so visual, it is absolutely brilliant. So when the teacher spoke about a place there is normally a map that points to location and many images of the place that is being talked about. Unfortunately this logos course comes nowhere close. It's dry lectures with hardly any visuals. You would think a course on archeology would be filled with images; it is not. So from this point of view it is very disappointing. Sure there are lots of information but without images its not very interesting because you cannot connect with it.


Collection value: $274.99
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