In this four-course Ministry Leadership Bundle, Dr. Justin Irving illustrates the importance of personal and spiritual formation for effective ministry leadership. A variety of leadership theories are presented and discussed in these courses, with special attention given to the question, “What’s the difference between leadership and management?” Through taking these courses you will gain a better understanding of how to ensure your ministry leadership is biblically based, culturally relevant, and practically effective.
Resource Type: Courseware, including transcripts, audio, and video resources
Courses: 4
Video Hours: 42
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:
About Justin Irving
Dr. Justin Irving is the director of the doctor of ministry program and professor of ministry leadership at Bethel University in St. Paul, Minnesota. Dr. Irving has served as a worship leader and a pastor of leadership development and outreach in the local church. He has focused his writing and research on servant leadership, team leadership in the global context, self-sacrificial leadership, and the relationship between servant leadership and the effectiveness of teams in diverse ethno-linguistic communities.