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Products>Selected Historical Studies in African-American Christianity (15 vols.)

Selected Historical Studies in African-American Christianity (15 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $231.85
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What challenges did African-Americans face as they established their spiritual roots during the late nineteenth-century in America? This collection provides 15 volumes that explore the plight and Christian spiritual journey of African-Americans from the antebellum period to the early twentieth-century. Readers interested in A.M.E. Church history, Episcopal church history, and African-American history will find this collection an invaluable resource.

Interested in a recent African-American pioneer? Check out Fortress Martin Luther King Jr. Collection (5 vols.).

  • Contains 15 volumes that document the African-American experience of faith in the United States
  • Addresses the challenges African-Americans faced as they established their spiritual roots
  • Provides a snapshot of the history of African-Americans, the A.M.E. Church, and the Episcopal church
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||Partially included
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4 ratings

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  1. Patrick L. Frazier, Jr.
    This seems to be primarily a history of the AME Church. While you included a few Baptists, you missed the major streams. Noticeably absent were the Holiness-Pentecostal traditions as well. The role of Charles H. Mason and COGIC and the spread of Pentecostalism throughout the world. There is also the role of William Edward Fuller, Sr. in the transition of the Fire Baptized Holiness Association into the Fire Baptized Holiness Church in 1898, which split along racial lines in 1908. The African-American branch was called The Colored Fire Baptized Holiness Church. There are also other branches such as The Pentecostal Assemblies of the World and Progressive Church of our Lord Jesus Christ. Some may say that Father Divine and Daddy Grace were on the fringe , but their movements played a role in the socio-religious fabric of the Africam-American community. Thanks for what you have provided.
  2. Octavia Stanton Caldwell
    Rev. Dr. Esau McCaulley's, "Reading While Black; African American Biblical Interpretation As An Exercise in Hope" is an effective blend of biblical hermeneutics, black church history, and insightful exegesis of select New Testament texts. While not denomination specific, he includes those common aspects of Black Christian History in America and the African presence in the Bible. An excellent scholarly work, worthy of attention.
  3. Faithlife User
    You can't speak on African American church history without including all of the history. The CME church Baptist Church the COGIC and many others.
  4. Leonard Crawford
    Bidding since 2015?
  5. Faithlife User
    I have always believed that there was NO such a thing as Black or White in the Brotherhood of believers, than a distinction is made, why?
  6. S1atch1



    Failure to include the historical Christian development in the National Baptist Convention is puzzling. Even the Southern Baptist Convention strongly emphasizes Black leadership, also electing a black president recently. The absence of Bishop James Mason and his contributions to the Church of God in Christ is insensitive. Inconclusive and separatist ideas are gleaned from the information.
  7. J. Allen Kimbrough
    The spiritual wealth of information compiled by African - Americans for quick access is a foundation to build upward. Could you make it happen?
  8. Ezrel McCowan

    Ezrel McCowan


    When does the bidding end?
  9. Leonard Crawford
    They've been bidding on this forever when does it end?
  10. Eric Jewell Hayes Sr
    I appreciate the effort by Logos to chronicle the faith history of Blacks in America but you should have simply labeled it 'AME History in America' or something like that. Not to include Baptists is simply not approaching anything exhaustive and with most Blacks being Baptist the interest is reduced.


Collection value: $231.85
Save $136.86 (59%)

In production