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Three Views on Creation and Evolution (Counterpoints)

Digital Logos Edition

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For Christians, the issues raised by the different views on creation and evolution are challenging. Can a young earth be reconciled with a universe that appears to be billions of years old? Does scientific evidence point to a God who designed the universe and life in all its complexity? Three Views on Creation and Evolution deals with these and similar concerns as it looks at three dominant schools of Christian thought. Proponents of young earth creationism, old earth creationism, and theistic evolution each present their different views, tell why the controversy is important, and describe the interplay between their understandings of science and theology.

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Resource Experts
  • Provides numerous perspectives on creation and evolution
  • Compares and critique multiple distinct views
  • Includes contributions from a diverse assortment of distinguished scholars and theologians
  • “Young Earth Creationism” by Paul Nelson and John Mark Reynolds
  • “Progressive Creationism” by Robert C. Newman
  • “The Fully Gifted Creation” by Howard J. van Till

Top Highlights

“In sum, the fundamental issue in the creation-evolution controversy is this: How much of the acceptance of evolution—theistic or naturalistic—is merely the result of accepting scientism and materialistic, naturalistic philosophical assumptions and how much is really justified by the empirical evidence and relevant arguments?” (Page 15)

“Second, a coherent recent creationism would be a great boon to religious belief” (Page 50)

“Second, young earth creationism has been the overwhelming view of the traditional church” (Page 97)

“The problem of evil in the world is hard enough to explain without the addition of millions of years of animal suffering to round it out. What is the justification for all that animal pain? After the Fall, this difficult problem can partly be laid at the feet of human beings. Our sin caused the pain of the world and its creatures. The naturalistic scientist, theistic or otherwise, has no such out. If death and extinction came before human sin, we cannot receive the blame for the millions of years of brutal suffering by countless beings! If the standard scientific chronology is true, then God willed it that way in an unfallen world.” (Pages 47–48)

“A third way of understanding evolution is as a shorthand reference to the neo-Darwinian mechanism to produce ‘change over time.’ Natural selection, random mutations, time, chance, and other mechanisms produce all the life-forms now in existence.” (Page 25)

J.P. Moreland is a distinguished professor of philosophy at Biola University’s Talbot School of Theology, and the director of Eidos Christian Center. He has written more than 100 articles in magazines and journals and authored or coauthored over 20 books, including Love Your God with All Your Mind and Scaling the Secular City: A Defense of Christianity. He is also coeditor of The Apologetics Study Bible.

John Mark Reynolds is the chief academic officer at Houston Baptist University. He is the author of When Athens Met Jerusalem: An Introduction to Classical and Christian Thought.


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