Digital Logos Edition
In this commentary on Mark written for pastors and Bible teachers, Mark L. Strauss exegetes each passage of Scripture succinctly in its grammatical and historical context. He argues that Mark is indeed energetic and forceful, yet at the same time presents a well-structured and powerful theological drama.
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“The first half of this energetic story is characterized by three main themes: authority, awe, and opposition.” (Page 17)
“If the first half of the gospel presents Jesus as the mighty Messiah and Son of God (1:1–8:30), the second half develops the theme of his suffering role (8:31–16:8).” (Page 18)
“The most likely identification for the leaven is blindness to Jesus’ identity and opposition to the kingdom of God.10” (Page 345)
“Everything Jesus says and does in the first half of the gospel confirms the author’s initial claim: Jesus is indeed the mighty Messiah and Son of God (1:1).” (Page 18)
“It seems best to conclude that John’s baptism was a new practice that he initiated (no doubt drawing from Jewish precedents) and that its goal was to call the people of God to repentance and preparation for the eschatological coming of God.” (Page 64)
Strauss has provided us with a judicious commentary on Marks’ Gospel that is sensitive to its historical and theological dimensions, which center around who Christ is and what it means to follow him. It should be one of the commentaries that teachers, pastors and students reach for in any serious study of Mark’s Gospel.
David L. Mathewson, Ph.D., Associate Professor of New Testament, Denver Seminary
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Christian Meyer
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Stephen Ian Morgan
sukjae lee
Rev. Dr. Larry T. Crudup