Digital Logos Edition
As Moses went up a mountain to receive the law from God, encapsulated by the Ten Commandments, so Jesus went up a mountain to give the new law, encapsulated by the Beatitudes. Thus, understanding the Beatitudes is crucial for understanding how Jesus instructs his disciples in the Christian life.
This collection brings together 10 classic works that shed light on the Beatitudes and what they mean for not just knowing about Jesus and his law but for living the Christian life as Christ envisions it. Containing both rousing sermons and insightful monographs, these works will assist in sermon preparation and biblical studies alike.
For insight on the rest of the Gospel of Matthew, check out Classic Commentaries and Studies on Matthew (25 vols.).
You can save when you purchase this product as part of a collection.
In these 17 sermons, Robert Eyton preaches on each of the eight Beatitudes. These readable discourses draw out the profound depth of the Beatitudes to show how they provide a complete map of Christian living. For Eyton, the Beatitudes capture the way Christ is calling people to live, by laying down a series of principles to form the “moral faculty” of each person, rather than giving instructions for every circumstance.
Robert Eyton was the rector of St. Margaret’s and canon of Westminster. He was educated at Shrewsbury and Christ Church College, Oxford, and was ordained as a priest for the Church of England in 1870.
George Crum’s stated goal in these nine lectures is “to expound and apply the truth as taught” in the Beatitudes. Crum’s lectures are composed in straightforward prose, and he draws out what the Beatitudes show us about Christ’s heart and how they speak to the human experience.
I take pleasure in expressing my decided approval of brother Crum’s work. The topics chosen are of vital importance in the formation of Christian character; the style is admirably adapted to the subject; the principles laid down are evangelical, and a spirit of heavenly sweetness is diffused throughout the whole. To all who seek the path of life as marked out by Him who is the light of the world, these beautiful and instructive lectures are cheerfully recommended by me.
—Thomas A. Morris, bishop, Methodist Episcopal Church
George C. Crum was a pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church (now the United Methodist Church) in Ohio.
This volume collects eight sermons by E.H. Chapin on the Beatitudes. Chapin takes special care to look at how each Beatitude applied to Jesus’ immediate disciples and what difference that makes in interpreting these sayings.
E.H. Chapin (1814–1880) was a Universalist minister and popular preacher from New York. He also wrote Discourses on the Lord’s Prayer and Moral Aspects of City Life.
A Lenten devotional, J. Howard B. Masterman’s Aspects of Christian Character looks at the Beatitudes in a common sense way that also displays depth of thought. Masterman—through his reflection on the Beatitudes—illustrates the power and reasonableness of the Christian character as the antidote to an age of moral confusion.
J. Howard B. Masterman (1867–1933) was canon of Coventry, and Anglican bishop of Plymouth. He was educated at St. John’s College, Cambridge, and was a distinguished scholar. He served as vicar at St. Aubyn’s Church, Devonport, and St. Mary-le-Bow, London. He wrote several books, including In the Footsteps of the Master, The Christianity of Tomorrow, and Studies in the Book of Revelation.
Crafted for use during Holy Week and Easter Sunday, these sermons from Alexander Watson show how Jesus was the greatest example of living out the Beatitudes. Through this illustration, Watson makes the case for the gospel as the “highest and most perfect law” which is obligatory for all to follow.
Alexander Watson was curate of St. John’s Church in Cheltenham.
How can I be happy? This is a fundamental question that everyone asks at some point and that Jesus answers through the Beatitudes. Henry Bolo explores this question with an in-depth analysis of the first two Beatitudes.
Henry Bolo (1858–1921) was a Catholic priest from France.
Alexander Maclaren was a celebrated preacher in his day. This volume gathers his sermons on the Beatitudes as well as an assortment of more than 20 other sermons on a wide range of passages from both the Old and New Testaments.
Alexander Maclaren (1826–1910) was a Baptist preacher in England. He was educated at Stepney College, London, where he studied Hebrew and Greek and learned the discipline of expository preaching. He presided over Portland Chapel in Southhampton for 12 years, Union Chapel in Manchester for 45 years and was twice elected as president of the Baptist Union. His ministerial career spanned nearly 65 years from 1842 to 1905. He was revered by all who heard him speak and has served as an exemplar of expository preaching for all who have come after him. He’s the author of The Holy of Holies, After the Resurrection, and the Expositions of Holy Scripture (33 vols.).
In this work, James Gardiner looks at each Beatitude in turn and examines how practical they are for living out a Christian life. Though written 300 years ago, the Gardiner’s sensible advice drawn from these verses remains as useful for us today as it was to his original audience.
James Gardiner (1689–1732) was an Anglican sub-dean of Lincoln, England where his father of the same name was bishop.
This volume includes George Moberly’s sermons given at St. Mary’s in Oxford on the Beatitudes—along with several other sermons. Moberly delves into each Beatitude and opens up the ways in which they articulate a Christian moral character that is necessary to live as a disciple of Christ.
George Moberly (1803–1885) was a respected Anglican theologian who eventually became the Bishop of Salisbury after serving as headmaster of Winchester College for three decades. He was the author of The Sayings of the Great Forty Days between the Resurrection and Ascension.
As a professor, W.R. Benedict always stressed the importance of reason to his students. In this volume, he asserts that reason is the “servant of feeling” and that the Beatitudes chiefly deal with these higher feelings. While reflecting on each Beatitude, Benedict takes the reader to a place of passionate love for God rather than mere clinical knowledge.
W.R. Benedict (1848–1915) was a professor of psychology at the University of Cincinnati where he also twice served as president. He spoke often on issues of psychology and ethics.
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Jim Julian
Antonio Pires