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Products>Master Journal Bundle 2.1 (2,000+ vols.)

Master Journal Bundle 2.1 (2,000+ vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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For the most up to date version of this bundle, check out the Master Journal Bundle 3.1 (2,200+ vols.).

Examine issues in theology, biblical studies, ministry, and church history with distinguished scholars and practitioners from around the world with the Master Journal Bundle 2.1. Featuring journals that zoom in on a specific topic in each installment or volume, as well as eclectic journals that provide commentary and insight on a variety of topics, this bundle adds massive breadth to your library. Draw on a wealth of ecclesiastical experience and theological reflection and inform your passion for the church while you deepen your understanding of theology, history, and Scripture. The Master Journal Bundle 2.1 features over 250 new volumes.

The Logos Master Journal Bundle 2.1 enhances your study with amazing functionality. Fully integrated into your digital library, the Timeline enables you to instantly contextualize the people, places, and ideas discussed in the journal with thousands of other biblical and world events. Perform powerful searches to instantly gather relevant biblical texts and resources together. Free tablet and mobile apps let you take the discussion with you. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.

This journal bundle fully integrates with the Logos Journal Feature and includes specialized tagging by author, passage, and topic. To learn more, visit our Logos feature page.

Key Features

  • Presents cutting-edge scholarship
  • Covers a vast range of topics related to theological inquiry
  • Provides journals dedicated both to the life of the church and the academy
  • Includes more than 2,000 volumes

Product Details

  • Title: Master Journal Bundle 2.1
  • Journals: 66 (plus Religious and Theological Abstracts)
  • Volumes: 2,000+
  • Years: 1825–2015
  • Resource Type: Journals
  • Topic: Biblical Studies, Theology

250+ New Volumes in Version 2.1

New Volumes in 2.1

  • Adventist Today Journal 22–23, 2 vols. (2014–2015)
  • Biblical and Ancient Greek Linguistics 3, 1 vol. (2014)
  • Bibliotheca Sacra 172, issues 685–687, 3 issues (2015)
  • Bulletin for Biblical Research 24, 1 vol. (2014)
  • Conspectus: The Journal of the South African Theological Seminary 19, 1 vol. (2015)
  • Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal 19, 1 vol. (2014)
  • First Things, 249–255, 7 issues (2015)
  • Founders Press 95–96, 2 issues (2014)
  • Journal for the Evangelical Study of the Old Testament 3, 1 vol. (2014)
  • Journal of Dispensational Theology 18, 1 vol. (2014)
  • Journal of Markets and Morality 16–18.1, 2+ vols. (2013–2015)
  • Journal of Modern Ministry 7–9, 3 vols. (2010–2012)
  • Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 38–41, 4 vols. (2012–2015)
  • Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society 27–28, 2 vols. (2014–2015)
  • Journal of Theological Interpretation 7–9.1, 3 vols. (2013–2015)
  • Letter & Spirit 9, 1 vol. (2014)
  • Maranatha Baptist Theological Seminary 5.1, 1 issue (2015)
  • Priscilla Papers 29, issues 1–3, 3 issues (2015)
  • Puritan Reformed Journal 6.1, 1 issue (2014)
  • Themelios 40, issues 1–2, 2 issues (2015)

New Journals in 2.1:

  • The American Journal of Theology 1–24, 24 vols. (1897–1920)
  • Artistic Theologian Journal 1–3, 3 vols. (2012–2013, 2015)
  • Harvard Theological Review 1–16, 16 vols. (1908–1923)
  • Mutuality Magazine 7–22, 15 vols. (2000–2015)
  • Sehnsucht 1–8, 8 vols. (2007–2014)
  • Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 1–18, 18 vols. (1997–2014)
  • Syndicate Journal 1–2.2, 1+ vols. (2014–2015)
  • Tyndale Bulletin 1–60, 60 vols. (1956–2009)
  • Westminster Theological Journal 1–73, 73 vols. (1938–2011)

All Journals Included

  • Adventist Today Journal 1–23, 23 vols. (1993–2015)
  • The American Journal of Theology 1–24, 24 vols. (1897–1920)
  • American Theological Inquiry 1–7, 7 vols. (2008–2014)
  • Artistic Theologian Journal 1–3, 3 vols. (2012–2013, 2015)
  • Ashland Theological Journal 1–45, 45 vols. (1968–2013)
  • Biblical and Ancient Greek Linguistics (BAGL) Journal 1–3, 3 vols. (2012–2014)
  • Biblical Archaeologist 55–60, 6 vols. (1992–1997)
  • Biblical Repertory 1–5, 5 vols. (1825–1829)
  • The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review 9–43, 35 vols. (1837–1871)
  • The Biblical Repertory and Theological Review 2–8, 7 vols. (1829–1836)
  • Bibliotheca Sacra 1–172, 172 vols. (1844–2015)
  • Bulletin for Biblical Research 1–24, 24 vols. (1991–2014)
  • Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 285–368, 84 vols. (1992–2012)
  • The Bulletin Series of the Near East Archaeological Society: New Series 1–58, 55 vols. (1971–2013)
  • Chafer Theological Seminary Journal 1–13, 13 vols. (1995–2008)
  • Churchman, 1, 6, 12–13, 15–21, 32, 38–40, 42–44, 46–126, 99 vols. (1886, 1892, 1898, 1901–1907, 1918, 1924–1926, 1928–1929, 1932–2012)
  • Conservative Theological Journal 1–7, 7 vols. (1997–2003)
  • Conspectus: The Journal of the South African Theological Seminary 1–19, 19 vols. (2006–2015)
  • Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal 1–19, 19 vols. (1996–2014)
  • Filología Neotestamentaria 1–22, 22 vols. (1988–2009)
  • First Things 1–255, 255 issues (1990-2015)
  • Founders Press Journal, 96 issues (1990–2014)
  • Harvard Theological Review 1–16, 16 vols. (1908–1923)
  • Imaginatio et Ratio: A Journal of Theology and the Arts 1-3, 3 vols. (2012-2014)
  • Jewish Quarterly Review: New Series 1–13, 13 vols. (1910–1923)
  • Journal for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, 19 vols. (1995–2014)
  • Journal for the Evangelical Study of the Old Testament 1–3, 3 vols. (2012–2014)
  • Journal of Biblical and Pneumatological Research 1–4, 4 vols. (2009–2012)
  • Journal of Biblical Apologetics 1–11, 11 vols. (2000–2008)
  • Journal of Biblical Literature 100–125, 26 vols. (1981–2006)
  • Journal of Cuneiform Studies 43–64, 22 vols. (1991–2011)
  • Journal of Discipleship and Family Ministry 1–4, 4 vols. (2010–2014)
  • Journal of Dispensational Theology 10–18, 9 vols. (2006–2014)
  • Journal of Markets and Morality 1–18.1, 17+ vols. (1998–2015)
  • Journal of Ministry and Theology 1–17, 17 vols. (1997–2013)
  • Journal of Modern Ministry 1–9, 9 vols. (2004–2012)
  • Journal of Moral Theology 1.1, 2.1–3.1, 2+ vols. (2012–2014)
  • Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 1–41, 41 vols. (1975–2015)
  • Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society 1–28, 28 vols. (1988–2015)
  • Journal of Theological Interpretation 1–9.1, 9 vols. (2007–2015)
  • Letter and Spirit 1–9, 9 vols. (2005–2014)
  • Maranatha Baptist Theological Seminary 1–5, 5 vols. (2011–2015)
  • Mutuality Magazine 7–22, 15 vols. (2000–2015)
  • Near Eastern Archaeology: Bulletin of the Near Eastern Archaeological Society 1–4, 6–10, 9 vols. (1958–1961, 1963–1967)
  • Near Eastern Archaeology 61–75, 15 vols. (1998–2012)
  • The New Princeton Review 1–6, 6 vols. (1886–1888)
  • The Other Journal: An Intersection of Theology and Culture 18-23, 6 vols. (2011–2014)
  • The Presbyterian and Reformed Review 1–13, 13 vols. (1890–1902)
  • The Presbyterian Review 1–10, 10 vols. (1880–1889)
  • The Presbyterian Quarterly and Princeton Review 1–6, 6 vols. (1872–1877)
  • The Princeton Review, 7 vols. (1878–1884)
  • The Princeton Theological Review 1–27, 27 vols. (1903–1929)
  • Priscilla Papers 1–29, 29 vols. (1987–2015)
  • Puritan Reformed Journal 1–6, 6 vols. (2009–2014)
  • Sehnsucht 1–8, 8 vols. (2007–2014)
  • Semeia: An Experimental Journal for Biblical Criticism 1–91, 91 vols. (1974–2002)
  • Southern Baptist Journal of Missions and Evangelism 1, 1 vol. (2012)
  • Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 1–18, 18 vols. (1997–2014)
  • Syndicate Journal 1–2.2, 1+ vols. (2014–2015)
  • Themelios: An International Journal for Students of Theological and Religious Studies 1–40, 40 vols. (1975–2015)
  • Tyndale Bulletin 1–60, 60 vols. (1956–2009)
  • Westminster Theological Journal 1–73, 73 vols. (1938–2011)

Other Titles Included

  • Christian History and Biography Magazine, 1–99, 99 iss.
  • Credo Magazine 1–4, 4 vols. (2011–2014)
  • Critical Review of Books in Religion, 11 vols. (1988–1998)
  • Religious and Theological Abstracts, 65 vols. (1948–2012)
  • Review of Biblical Literature 1–9, 9 vols. (1998–2006)


6 ratings

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  1. Nick



  2. Kevin A Lewis

    Kevin A Lewis


    Master Bundle 2.2 - or Master Bundle 3 - are we going to see an announcement soon. The lead time on these is getting rather long! Otherwise "outstanding resources" - we just need more of them
  3. Michael Henderson
    These are very useful for research and Bible study. Thanks Logos.
  4. Corriell  Brotherwood
  5. Tom Bohnert

    Tom Bohnert


    Why is this bundle currently unavailable for purchase? It was to ship on July 1. I was waiting to order after the shipping date, now I cannot. When will it become available? Or are the Journal Bundles going to change again?
  6. Wild Eagle

    Wild Eagle


  7. Paul Boone

    Paul Boone


    Have you thought about approaching the sales department with your grievance. They might give you a rebate, reduce the price or try to make a good somehow.
  8. Greg B

    Greg B


    I started with the Theological Journal Library from Galaxie Software. It was nice when I could update it for about $50/year. But the layout for this is just too high. I'll have to pass.
  9. Stephen Jones

    Stephen Jones


    I have most of these from the Theological Journal Library. The ones added are not worth an additional $625. But I do not want to complain about that. I want to address something else concerning these journals. In college, in order to do proper research, one has to look at both sides of the argument, and mostly from their point of view. There is very little, if any critical scholarship in this bundle other than Semeia and Harvard in its early days (I'm not even sure they went liberal at this point). The best you could do was up to 1928 for Harvard? What about new journals they publish? What about Princeton, Harvard, Yale, BYU, Baylor, etc.? Talk about getting the up to date issues such as "The Transgender Debate," "Marriage of Homosexuals, the Church and the First Amendment to the Constitution," "Justifiable War," or "The Christian and the Second Amendment." If you really want students to be able to do all their research through Logos and be a scholarly work, then it behooves Logos to incorporate them into their options. Just be sure to have a "Critical Scholarship Bundle" so people will know what journals are from liberal, critical scholars, and which ones are conservative. You have Baptist bundles, why not critical bundles? Perhaps then it would be worth the money because we could see both sides of the argument, and not have to take a scholars word for it. We can see and read it for ourselves, and use Logos to truly do scholarly work. After all, that is the goal of Logos, correct?
  10. Matthew C Jones
    My dynamic price for this Pre-Pub keeps creeping higher. $461 to $497
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