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Lent for Everyone: Mark, Year B

, 2012

Digital Logos Edition

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This volume focuses on the Gospel of Mark, taking the reader through the designated lectionary readings for every day of Lent and Easter. The New Testament passages are done by N.T. Wright, and each extract is followed by a freshly written reflection and a prayer that will encourage readers to ponder the relevance of Mark’s Gospel for their own lives.

Lent for Everyone: Mark Year B is an ideal study companion that will help to make Lent a period of rich discovery and growth for both individuals and groups.

Save more when you purchase this book as part of the Lent for Everyone Collection.

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Key Features

  • Provides a reading for each day of Lent from N.T. Wright’s For Everyone Bible translation
  • Includes reflections and prayers for each day
  • Presents a format suited to group or individual study

Top Highlights

“At the heart of John’s gospel stands the claim, which blows a gaping hole not only in the old Temple but in most modern-day understandings of the very words ‘God’ and ‘human’—the claim that Jesus was, as it were, the Temple in person. He was the place where heaven and earth met, once and for all and completely. He was the place of sacrifice, the place where God would provide the lamb to take away the sins of the world, the reality to which Passover and all that it meant was simply one of the greatest advance signposts.” (Page 60)

“Ash Wednesday is no bad time to face up to such a moment if it’s got to be done. But John’s message of repentance was essentially forward-looking. God’s doing a new thing, so we have to get ready!” (Page 2)

“Underneath it all is the larger picture, that of a God who never abandons anyone, no matter how ‘far gone’ they seem to be; of a Jesus who is acting with authority over all the ‘forces’ that rear their ugly heads in this world; of the spiritual power that can transform the saddest and most frightening of human situations (consider what it was like for the man’s family, knowing the behaviour described in verse 4, and then being confronted with their brother, their son, perhaps their husband, their father, coming home cured). This, Mark is saying, is what it’s like when God takes charge. It will be a bumpy ride, because the terrain is so uneven. But the kingdom is on the way.” (Page 43)

“He insists on being in charge, even though it will be at the cost of his own life. That is the pattern of the whole gospel, ending up on the cross itself where, strangely, Jesus defeats all the powers of darkness.” (Page 7)

Praise for the Print Edition

Like Mark’s Gospel, Wright’s pace gradually builds up, a massive locomotive steaming towards the ‘perfect storm’ of Holy Week and Easter, demanding a commitment costing not less than everything: ‘We cannot be Easter people if we are not first Good Friday people and then Holy Saturday people.’ A fitting end; and beginning.

The Church Times

  • Title: Lent for Everyone: Mark, Year B
  • Author: N. T. Wright
  • Publisher: SPCK
  • Print Publication Date: 2012
  • Logos Release Date: 2014
  • Pages: 144
  • Era: era:contemporary
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subjects: Bible. N.T. Mark › Meditations; Lent › Meditations
  • Resource ID: LLS:LENTMARKB
  • Resource Type: Bible Commentary
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2024-03-25T20:12:22Z
N. T. Wright

Nicholas Thomas “Tom” Wright (1948–) is a New Testament scholar, Pauline theologian, and Anglican bishop and currently Research Professor Emeritus of New Testament and Early Christianity at St. Mary's College in the University of St Andrews and Senior Research Fellow at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford. Christianity Today named him one of today's top theologians. 

Wright was born in Morpeth, Northumberland, and recounts an awareness of God's presence from a young age—and that relationship with God ever since is reflected in his life and work. He's a prolific author; one of his most popular books, Surprised by Hope, frames the resurrection of the dead as the appropriate hope for all believers rather than an overemphasis on just "going to heaven when you die." He's among the leading theologians in the New Perspective on Paul debate. Wright has several honorary doctoral degrees, and in 2014, the British Academy awarded him the Burkitt Medal "in recognition of special service to biblical studies." In 2015, he was made a fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

Wright served as chaplain at Cambridge from 1978 to 1981, then as assistant professor of New Testament language and literature at McGill University in Montreal. Before becoming a chaplain, tutor, lecturer, and fellow at Oxford in 1986, Wright served as dean of Lichfield Cathedral, canon theologian of Westminster Abbey, and the bishop of Durham from 2003–10. In addition to the entire New Testament for Everyone Series, some of N. T. Wright's books include The New Testament in Its World: An Introduction to the History, Literature, and Theology of the First Christians, Who Was Jesus, The New Testament and the People of God, God and the Pandemic, Evil and the Justice of God, Surprised by Hope, and Simply Christian. He coauthored Jesus the Final Days with Craig A. Evans.


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  1. Glenn Crouch

    Glenn Crouch


    Whilst this devotional is obviously geared towards those of us in a Liturgical Setting (thus the "Year B") in the title, it is a fine book for all. For those who want something a bit "meatier" (say rather than a short passage, and a short devotional thought) for their journey through Lent and Easter (up till the Saturday following Easter Sunday), then this is a good choice. However, I would think it is also a good choice for those who don't traditionally observe Lent as they prepare themselves for Easter. Of course you could just as easy use this at any time of the year, for a good focus on Jesus - his ministry, his crucifixion and his resurrection.
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