Digital Logos Edition
The SBL Handbook of Style is the definitive style manual on writing and publishing in the field of biblical studies and related disciplines. The updated second edition reflects the latest practices and trends among scholars, editors, and publishers. It also includes key style changes, expanded abbreviation and spelling sample lists, a list of archaeological site names, material on qur’anic sources, detailed information on citing electronic sources, and expanded guidelines for the transliteration and transcription of 17 ancient languages.
For more reference works, check out Brill’s Companion to Ancient Greek Scholarship (2 vols.).
“SBL practice, in keeping with long-standing American style and CMS, calls for placing quotation marks, whether double or single, outside periods and commas.” (Page 14)
“In the bibliography, cite only the theological dictionary.” (Page 95)
“Books of the Bible cited without chapter (or chapter and verse) should ordinarily be spelled out in the main text. Books of the Bible cited with chapter are more commonly abbreviated unless they come at the beginning of the sentence.” (Page 121)
“SBL Press no longer recommends including access dates—the date on which the author last consulted a source—as they are unreliable, unverifiable, and unnecessary.” (Page 84)
“Any manuscript prepared today should be typed using Unicode fonts, particularly if it includes non-Latin alphabets such as Hebrew, Greek, Coptic, or Arabic.” (Page 3)
Every graduate program should make The SBL Handbook of Style a required text.
—Carol A. Newsom, Professor, Candler School of Theology
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Daniel Tulalessy
Reuven Milles
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James Womack
Goran Zivkovic
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Chan Yew Ming
Darren Slade