Digital Logos Edition
At a time when so many disaffected Christians are trying to recreate the Church from scratch, Fr. James Guirguis offers a clear and accessible case for simply returning to what Christ’s Church was always meant to be, as found in the Orthodox Church.
“Works can’t save us; it is works that demonstrate that we are indeed saved people with the fingerprint of God all over our lives.” (Page 43)
“At the time of this schism, there were five great centers of Christianity: Alexandria, Antioch, Jerusalem, Constantinople, and Rome. Each of these was led by an archbishop or patriarch who was in full communion and fellowship with all the others. Because of a great dispute among the five, there was a break in communion. A split occurred, and four of the archbishops along with the Church in the East continued on one path, while the Christians of Rome under the leadership of their archbishop (called the pope) separated from the rest.” (Pages 29–30)
“The Orthodox Church is the Church that has existed since the Apostles first preached the gospel of Jesus Christ.” (Page 30)
“Unlike written sources of instruction, tradition refers to what is passed down orally or by word of mouth.” (Page 26)
“ a way, we might say fasting trains us to overcome temptations” (Page 104)