Digital Logos Edition
An abridgment of the critically acclaimed Expositor's Bible Commentary, this Gold Medallion-winning resource gives you in two volumes all the essential information and practical insights of the original twelve-volume set, while trimming off cumbersome technical details.
When you want to dig more deeply into the meaning of God’s Word, a good expository Bible commentary is ideal. You want more than a simple, one-volume commentary that just scratches the surface. But you don’t want a large multi-volume set laden with fine points you can’t use. The Expositor’s Bible Commentary: Abridged is tailor-made for you.
Based on the critically acclaimed Expositor’s Bible Commentary used by pastors, students, and scholars across the world, this two-volume abridged edition offers you the full, penetrating, verse-by-verse commentary of the 12-volume series, while leaving out technical details. Marshalling the knowledge of fifty-two top biblical scholars, it brings tremendous insight to your Bible studies.
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Verlyn D. Verbrugge (Ph.D., Notre Dame) is senior editor of academic and professional books at Zondervan. He has authored several books, including Early Church History and Your Church Sign.
Richard Polcyn (Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary) edited the Old Testament volume. He was an editor for Union Gospel Press and continues to work as a freelance editor.
17 ratings
Meyvis Hawkins
Tom Kelly
Jeff Baker
Scott Skones
Samuel Rodrigues Costa
Jason A. Smith
Grace Lengen