Digital Logos Edition
Please note: This product does not contain the Bible text, but does include all the study notes found in the equivalent print version. The study notes featured in this resource are from the New American Statndard Bible (1995) edition of the MacArthur Study Bible. You can purchase your preferred translation here or in a Logos Bible Software collection. The MacArthur Study Bible can be used together with any Bible in your digital library. Just open The MacArthur Study Bible and another Bible, then click the "chain link" icon in each resource and select "Set A" for each.
“They had the truth but shamefully did not believe and follow it (cf. 2Co 13:5); thus, these questions did not reflect a genuine interest in the resurrection but were mocking taunts, by those who denied the resurrection, perhaps under the influence of gnostic-oriented philosophy. But supposing it were true, they queried as to how it could ever happen. Cf. Ac 26:8.” (1 Corinthians 15:35)
“The submission is not the husband’s to command but for the wife to willingly and lovingly offer.” (Ephesians 5:22)
“The book of Hebrews may briefly be summarized in this way: Believers in Jesus Christ, as God’s perfect sacrifice for sin, have the perfect High-Priest through whose ministry everything is new and better than under the covenant of law.” (source)
“It is likely that the gospel was first brought to Ephesus by Priscilla and Aquila” (source)
“They must be doing their ministry for God’s glory not their own. Second” (3 John 7)
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Susan Rehfield
Aaron Sauer
William Bechdel
Kevin Lee
Paul Timm
Pamela Waldrop
Jose Carlos Garduno Ramirez