Digital Logos Edition
Michael Middendorf’s Romans commentary articulates the meaning of the Greek text of Romans in its original context for the benefit of the church and world today. Those without any knowledge of Greek will also profit from utilizing the volume. Middendorf provides insights that will enhance the understanding and effectiveness of scholars, pastors, and teachers who have the privilege of proclaiming Paul’s most famous letter. This commentary seeks to be theologically thorough in as few words as possible, working from the basis that Romans is the Spirit-breathed, living, and powerful Word of God. Its purpose is to bestow the righteous of God, which comes through faith alone, and to inculcate the life of faith in and through our Lord Jesus Christ.
“δοῦλος. Being ‘a slave of Christ Jesus’ means he is bought, paid for, and owned by Christ” (Page 61)
“Paul’s Good News is that God’s saving righteousness comes to us in Christ ἐκ πίστεως, ‘from faith,’ and not from anyone, anywhere, or anything else (e.g., works, ethnicity, intent).” (Page 105)
“In the OT, however, ‘faith is always man’s reaction to God’s primary action.’28” (Page 89)
“The arrival of the message ‘does not merely declare salvation; it effects it.’” (Page 86)
“It emphasizes the initiative and activity of God through his Word” (Page 57)
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Rev. Robert Sundquist