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Products>Psalm 23

Psalm 23

ISBN: 9781628621013


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Psalm 23 has been read and cherished by countless generations and is considered the most popular psalm in the Bible. Packed with charts, illustrations, simple summaries, and more, Psalm 23 is a great Bible study tool that provides a number of scriptural references that shows the importance of following the good shepherd.

Now you can get an insider's look at what Psalm 23 is all about —a view from the shepherd. Learn how -

  • Psalm 23 reveals the yearly cycle of sheep moving through their pastures
  • A nomadic shepherd cared for his flock
  • Danger, drama, and salvation from death figured into shepherding
  • Sheep learned to trust and recognize their shepherd
  • Compare rod and staff references throughout the Bible

The Psalm 23 pamphlet is a word-by-word study of this cherished psalm, providing a meaning and an application for each phrase, as well as related Bible passages. For example:

  • "He restores my soul"
    • Meaning—God cares for and keeps my heart and mind.
      • Sheep may become "cast," stuck on their backs, unable to get up. A downcast sheep is one that has rolled over into a depression and cannot right itself to stand. In this condition, a sheep struggling to raise itself may quickly become dehydrated in the simmer sun. A cast sheep is also easy prey for wild animals—top heavy, body down in a hole, legs flailing the air, a sheep in this state is a funny sight to see—funny, but also helpless.
    • Application—We can trust God for the needs of the body and spirit.
      • How has God restored your soul?
    • Related Passages—John 16:33; 17:13; Psalms 42:11

    Psalm 23 also includes a number of charts that compare a shepherd's duties with Jesus' actions, Old and New Testament shepherding imagery, Scripture references that show how different people in the Bible use their rod and/or staff, and other information that will help you with your daily walk the Lord.

Product Details

  • Title : Psalm 23
  • Author: Rose Publishing
  • Publisher: Rose Publishing
  • Publication Date: 2008
  • ISBN: 9781628621013


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