Digital Logos Edition
This volume reveals how Matthew developed and delivered five main teaching emphases that simultaneously gave the growing early church a rich and complete understanding of Jesus’ sayings and demonstrated how he fulfilled many messianic prophecies.
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“Probably the words should be understood in a more general way as counsel against sharing spiritual truth with those who are unable and unwilling to accept it.” (Page 65)
“The righteousness for which men and women long is the ability to live out one’s days in conformity to God’s will.” (Page 40)
“Anxiety is pagan, in that, apart from a knowledge of the true God, there is ample reason to be anxious about many things.” (Page 62)
“The verses warn believers that without a changed life they will be rejected at the Last Judgment.” (Page 206)
“Jewish weddings involved three separate steps. First, there was the engagement. This was often arranged by the parents or by a professional matchmaker while the couple were still children. At a later stage came the betrothal, a legally binding relationship lasting for one year. During this period the couple lived apart and had no sexual relations. Should either party not wish to go ahead with the marriage, a divorce was required. The penalty for sleeping with a virgin betrothed to another man was stoning for both (in Deut. 22:24, she is called ‘another man’s wife’). The third step was the marriage itself.” (Page 9)
Robert H. Mounce . . . is a gifted educator and communicator. He blends scholarship with exposition, and the result is consistently helpful for study, encouraging for sermon or lesson preparation, and a personal blessing for those desiring to grow in understanding God’s word. . . . Mounce offers insight as well as refreshment.
—Book News and Notes