Digital Logos Edition
The Lemma in Passage Dataset creates a whole new way to find insight into the original languages of the bible. By tagging the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek words that appear in Old and New Testament commentaries, Logos Bible Software users are able to leverage the insights of scholarly commentators examining the original text. The Lemma in Passage Dataset makes available a special section in the Passage Guide, Exegetical Guide and Bible Word Study Guide that searches through your library's commentaries for their references to original language words you might want to study.
For example, the Greek word “logos” (λόγος) is an important word to study in John 1:1. Before the Lemma in Passage Dataset was available, it was only possible to look up commentaries that discussed John 1:1. Now using the Lemma in Passage section of the Passage Guide, discussions of logos (λόγος) throughout all your commentaries, providing easy access to insights previously hidden away. Results are categorized according to the dictionary form of the word, and organized by resource.
Additionally, it is also now possible to right-click on Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic words in your commentaries, see the dictionary form in the context menu. From there it's just a simple click to look up the word in your favorite dictionary or even perform a word study on it directly from the commentary.
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Diane S Dowling
Rob Lambert
George Breedlove
Brother Walker