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Products>Peter J. Leithart Course Collection (3 courses)

Peter J. Leithart Course Collection (3 courses)

Digital Logos Edition

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Gain understanding in interpreting the Scriptures, applying biblical teaching on the sacraments, and understanding Trinitarian theology. Through the Peter J. Leithart Theology Bundle, you will obtain many helpful tools for ministry and will be presented with theological lessons that will deepen your connection and commitment to the heart of historical Christianity.

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Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion you should be able to:

  • Articulate the meaning and symbolism of The Lord’s Supper
  • Understand the development of theological language used to describe the biblical concept of Trinitarian deity
  • Use a method of biblical interpretation that points to Christ

Product Details

  • Title: Peter J. Leithart Theology Bundle (3 courses)
  • Instructor: Peter J. Leithart
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2016
  • Product Type: Logos Mobile Education
  • Resource Type: Courseware, including transcripts, audio, and video resources
  • Courses: 3
  • Video Hours: 8.5

TH275 Sacramental Theology

  • Instructor: Peter J. Leithart
  • Video Hours: 1.5

Sacramental theology has to be understood in the context of ecclesiology, in the context of the doctrine of the church. That’s not always the way that sacramental theology has been understood. Many of the debates about the Lord’s Supper, for example, seem to be based on a forgetfulness that the Church is present at the Lord’s Supper. The debates have been about the mode of Jesus’ presence in the bread and the wine. All of those questions are important questions, but they all can be asked without even considering the fact that the Church has gathered at the Lord’s Table to do something. All of those questions assume that our only concern with the Lord’s Supper is the bread and the wine set out on the table. In order to understand sacraments properly, we have to put the sacraments within that ecclesial context, within that liturgical context. If we don’t, we are liable to ask bad questions and come up with bad answers. In laying out that primary point, in this course, we will look at first the question of, what are sacraments? Are sacraments signs, are they symbols, are they something else?


Unit 1: Introduction: What Are Sacraments?
  • Introducing the Speaker and the Course
  • A Rite of the Christian Church
  • Sacraments and Church
Unit 2: Sacraments and the Old Covenant
  • Sacraments of the Law
  • Rites of Worship, Purification, Access, and Atonement
  • Signs and Rites Mark Out a People
Unit 3: Sacraments of the New Covenant
  • Rites That Declare Old Testament Promises Are Fulfilled in Christ
  • Baptism: 1 Corinthians and Galatians
  • Baptism: Romans 6
  • The Lord’s Supper
  • Enacted Fulfillment of Promises
Unit 4: Conclusion to the Course
  • How Many Sacraments?
  • Reviewing the Basics

BI111 Typological Hermeneutics: Finding Christ in the Whole Bible

  • Instructor: Peter J. Leithart
  • Video Hours: 4

Explore the art and science of Bible interpretation, teaching you how to become a good reader of the Bible so you will hear everything God says in His inspired Word. Dr. Leithart teaches a hermeneutical approach grounded in a robust theology of language, modelled after the way Jesus and the apostles interpreted the Old Testament, and drawing on elements from patristic and medieval methods. Other crucial topics are discussed, such as the nature of texts, semantics, intertextuality, biblical allusions, and literary structure, all reinforced with a plethora of examples from both biblical and extrabiblical literature. All of this contributes to the main point of reading Scripture: to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ.


Unit 1:History of Interpretation
  • Early Church to Middle Ages
  • Reformation to Present
Unit 2: The God Who Speaks Human
  • God Speaks
  • God Speaks Human
  • God Speaks Truth
  • Three Models of Theological Language
  • Poetry of Creation in Genesis 1: Light
  • Poetry of Creation in Genesis 1: Images of God
Unit 3: Everything Concerning Himself
  • The Bible Is about Jesus: Part 1
  • The Bible Is about Jesus: Part 2
  • Typology is a Film, Not a Picture
Unit 4: Open Ears: Becoming a Good Reader
  • Qualifications of an Interpreter
  • Reading According to the Spirit
  • Rules of Reading
Unit 5: Verbal Magic
  • Exegesis and Eisegesis
  • Semantics: Part 1
  • Semantics: Part 2
  • Intertextuality: Part 1
  • Intertextuality: Part 2
  • Scenic Imagery: Part 1
  • Scenic Imagery: Part 2
Unit 6: Textual Rhythms
  • Reasons for Paying Attention to the Structure of Biblical Texts
  • Stage 1: Determine the Subunits of the Text (Part 1)
  • Stage 1: Determine the Subunits of the Text (Part 2)
  • Stage 1: Determine the Subunits of the Text (Part 3)
  • Stage 2: Discern How the Units Are Arranged (Part 1)
  • Stage 2: Discern How the Units Are Arranged (Part 2)
  • Stage 2: Discern How the Units Are Arranged (Part 3), and Stage 3: What Does It Mean?
Unit 7: Reading to Teach
  • Quadriga: The Medieval Fourfold Method
  • Strengths of the Quadriga
  • Examples of the Quadriga: David and Goliath
  • Examples of the Quadriga: Ruth

TH215 Trinitarian Theology

  • Instructor: Peter J. Leithart
  • Video Hours: 3

Delve into Trinitarian theology and understand how how the Trinity is a biblically rooted doctrine inherent in the gospel. Explore the God who’s revealed in Scripture, the God who’s revealed in the NT, the God who’s revealed in Jesus, is the God of the gospel, who is Father, Son, and Spirit. Understand the distinction between the ontological and the economic Trinity and develop the concept of perichoresis, the mutual indwelling of the Father, Son, and Spirit in the life of God. The Trinitarian theology is the development of that great good news and of our share in it as disciples of Jesus Christ.


Unit 1: Trinity: Unique to Christianity
  • Greco-Roman Polytheism and Jewish Monotheism: Framework for Trinitarian Theology
  • The Practical Nature of the Doctrine of the Trinity
Unit 2: God of the Gospel
  • Triune Life of God Evident throughout the New Testament
  • Trinitarian Theology: Jesus Inserted into Jewish Confessions of Faith
  • Trinity in Assertions the New Testament Makes about Jesus and the Spirit
  • Trinity in the Structure of the Gospel
  • Jesus as Yahweh of Israel
Unit 3: A Brief History of Trinitarian Theology
  • Early Trinitarian Theology Worked Out in Response to Modalism
  • Early Trinitarian Theology Worked Out in Response to Arianism: Part 1
  • Early Trinitarian Theology Worked Out in Response to Arianism: Part 2
  • Moddle Ages Trinitarian Theology
  • Modern Trinitarian Theology
  • Contemporary Trinitarian Theology
  • Themes in Contemporary Trinitarian Theology
Unit 4: Basic Categories of Trinitarian Theology
  • Essence
  • Person
  • Ontological and Economic
  • Rahner’s Rule
  • Filioque
Unit 5: What Difference Does Trinitarian Theology Make?
  • Trinity and Attributes: Part 1
  • Trinity and Attributes: Part 2
  • Triune Ontology
  • Perichoresis
  • Perichoretic Worldview: Part 1
  • Perichoretic Worldview: Part 2

About the Instructor

Peter J. Leithart received an AB in English and History from Hillsdale College in 1981, and a Master of Arts in Religion and a Master of Theology from Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia in 1986 and 1987, respectively. In 1998 he received his PhD at the University of Cambridge in England. He has served as editor and writer for American Vision in Atlanta, Georgia (1987-1989), and as a pastor of Reformed Heritage Presbyterian Church (now Trinity Presbyterian Church), Birmingham, Alabama from 1989-1995. From 1998-2013, he taught Theology and Literature at New Saint Andrews College and between 2003 and 2013 served as pastor of Trinity Reformed Church. He is currently President of the Theopolis Institute, a pastoral training institute in Birmingham, Alabama.


2 ratings

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  1. Kevin Bratcher
  2. Eric Hillegas

    Eric Hillegas


  3. Small Heath

    Small Heath


    I wonder why this bundle only has an 18% discount. Most early pre-pub Mobile Ed products have had a 40% discount.


Collection value: $494.97
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