Digital Logos Edition
Gain understanding in interpreting the Scriptures, applying biblical teaching on the sacraments, and understanding Trinitarian theology. Through the Peter J. Leithart Theology Bundle, you will obtain many helpful tools for ministry and will be presented with theological lessons that will deepen your connection and commitment to the heart of historical Christianity.
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Sacramental theology has to be understood in the context of ecclesiology, in the context of the doctrine of the church. That’s not always the way that sacramental theology has been understood. Many of the debates about the Lord’s Supper, for example, seem to be based on a forgetfulness that the Church is present at the Lord’s Supper. The debates have been about the mode of Jesus’ presence in the bread and the wine. All of those questions are important questions, but they all can be asked without even considering the fact that the Church has gathered at the Lord’s Table to do something. All of those questions assume that our only concern with the Lord’s Supper is the bread and the wine set out on the table. In order to understand sacraments properly, we have to put the sacraments within that ecclesial context, within that liturgical context. If we don’t, we are liable to ask bad questions and come up with bad answers. In laying out that primary point, in this course, we will look at first the question of, what are sacraments? Are sacraments signs, are they symbols, are they something else?
Explore the art and science of Bible interpretation, teaching you how to become a good reader of the Bible so you will hear everything God says in His inspired Word. Dr. Leithart teaches a hermeneutical approach grounded in a robust theology of language, modelled after the way Jesus and the apostles interpreted the Old Testament, and drawing on elements from patristic and medieval methods. Other crucial topics are discussed, such as the nature of texts, semantics, intertextuality, biblical allusions, and literary structure, all reinforced with a plethora of examples from both biblical and extrabiblical literature. All of this contributes to the main point of reading Scripture: to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ.
Delve into Trinitarian theology and understand how how the Trinity is a biblically rooted doctrine inherent in the gospel. Explore the God who’s revealed in Scripture, the God who’s revealed in the NT, the God who’s revealed in Jesus, is the God of the gospel, who is Father, Son, and Spirit. Understand the distinction between the ontological and the economic Trinity and develop the concept of perichoresis, the mutual indwelling of the Father, Son, and Spirit in the life of God. The Trinitarian theology is the development of that great good news and of our share in it as disciples of Jesus Christ.
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Kevin Bratcher
Eric Hillegas
Small Heath