Digital Logos Edition
Walter Brueggemann puts forth a “fresh hearing of the gospel” communicated in Old Testament tradition. Brueggemann focuses on how we neglect how the Bible affirms human culture, capability, and responsibility as a part of the biblical narrative and gospel story. He zooms in on the book of Proverbs and the wisdom traditions it contains that affirm the world and celebrate culture.
Get more from Walter Brueggemann in the Select Works of Walter Brueggemann (9 vols.).
“What we are called to achieve cannot be avoided by turning it over to God. When these problems are solved they will be solved by human choices requiring courage and insight. God will not do our work for us. A human future is possible only when we exercise human responsibility.” (Page 22)
“The following discussion tries to explore elements in the Old Testament which perhaps make contact with our needs and questioning in the midst of all the trickiness.” (Page 7)
“He is free, but he will pay for irresponsible freedom. He is free to use, but he will suffer if he abuses” (Page 67)
“enough power and know-how can be assembled to have life on our own terms” (Page 52)