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George Müller Collection (12 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $122.38
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George Müller was an ordinary man with an extraordinary zeal for the preaching of God’s Word and remarkable compassion for the poor. For ninety-three years, he preached the Gospel in more than forty countries, wrote and lectured at a breakneck pace, built orphanages which housed thousands of destitute children, and wrote a bestselling autobiography—still in print more than a century later. Müller was an inspirational figure in the church in his own time, and a model for Christians of every age.

The George Müller Collection contains the 4-volume A Narrative of Some of the Lord's Dealings with George Müller, a detailed autobiographical account of Müller’s entire life and ministry—his conversion, his move to England, and the key events of his ministry. This collection also contains Jehovah Magnified, a bestselling compilation of more than thirty lectures and addresses, as well as secondary literature about his life and work. It also includes five volumes about Müller’s life, written by his contemporaries, including his wife, Susanna Grace.

Resource Experts
  • Müller’s 4-volume autobiography
  • Five volumes of secondary literature on Müller’s life and work
  • All Scripture references linked to the Bibles in your library
George Müller’s life was one long witness to the prayer-hearing God; and, throughout, God bore him witness that his prayers were heard and his work accepted. The pages of his journal are full of striking examples of this witness. . . .

—Arthur T. Pierson

  • Title: George Müller Collection
  • Volumes: 12
  • Pages: 4,565

A Narrative of Some of the Lord's Dealings with George Müller, Vol. 1

  • Author: George Müller
  • Publisher: London: J. Nisbet & Co.
  • Publication Date: 1881
  • Pages: 604

In his 4-volume autobiography, A Narrative of Some of the Lord's Dealings with George Müller, Müller narrates the story of his life. He kept a careful record of his life—his thoughts, travels, inspirations—which together amount to a revealing look at both the minutia of the day-to-day events of his life, as well as a chronology of his spiritual journey. Volume 1, in particular, captures the latter particularly well. In it, Müller recounts the memories of his childhood—his vices, addictions, and rebellions. He also tells the story of his conversion. This volume covers the events in Müller’s life from his birth in 1805 through the end of 1844.

A Narrative of Some of the Lord's Dealings with George Müller, Vol. 2

  • Author: George Müller
  • Publisher: London: J. Nisbet & Co.
  • Publication Date: 1886
  • Pages: 403

Volume 2 begins the narrative Müller began in Volume 1, and covers the period between 1844 and 1856. The popularity of Volume 1, as well as hundreds of letters of encouragement, inspired Müller to continue the telling of his story. Volume 2 is focused on how God answers prayer, on how God provided for the orphans under Müller’s care, on the building of the Orphan House, and of Müller’s initial work with the Scriptural Knowledge Institution. This volume covers the years between 1844 and 1856.

A Narrative of Some of the Lord's Dealings with George Müller, Vol. 3

  • Author: George Müller
  • Publisher: London: J. Nisbet & Co.
  • Publication Date: 1874
  • Pages: 615

Volume 3 continues Müller’s autobiography where Volume 2 ended. It is devoted to telling the story of running the large orphanage to which Müller devoted decades of his life. It provides a revealing glimpse of the portion of what Müller considered to be the most important part of his ministry, including the process of building the orphanage, raising money for expansion, and the impact on Müller’s family. This volume covers the years between 1856 and 1874.

A Narrative of Some of the Lord's Dealings with George Müller, Vol. 4

  • Author: George Müller
  • Publisher: London: J. Nisbet & Co.
  • Publication Date: 1886
  • Pages: 447

In the final volume of Müller’s autobiography, he chronicles his travels through Europe, the Americas, Africa, and Asia. Müller spent much of the last twenty years preaching and teaching—both in England and abroad. Written at the age of 81, this final volume also provides a retrospective on the sum of his life and his accomplishments.

Autobiography of George Müller

  • Author: George Müller, G.F. Bergin
  • Publisher: London: J. Nisbet & Co.
  • Publication Date: 1914
  • Pages: 736

This volume contains the abridged version of Müller’s autobiography, edited by G.F. Bergin after Müller’s death. It provides a condensed account of Müller’s upbringing, his ministry at the orphanage, his preaching, and his travels, and is widely cited.

Jehovah Magnified: Addresses

  • Author: George Müller
  • Publisher: Bristol: The Bible and Tract Depot of the Scriptural Knowledge Institution
  • Publication Date: 1876
  • Pages: 324

This volume contains a collection of Müller’s addresses—some transcribed from listeners, others revised and edited for publication by Müller himself. This compilation was issued at the request of local booksellers and a receptive public. It contains thirty-four addresses—more than 300 pages—on stories from the Bible, theological topics, practical living, charity, and much more.

Brief Narrative of Facts Relative to the New Orphan House

  • Author: George Müller
  • Publisher: London: J. Nisbet & Co.
  • Publication Date: 1867
  • Pages: 68

Although Müller wrote at length in his autobiography about ministering to orphans, this volume summarizes and condenses his work into one compact volume. In his Brief Narrative of Facts Relative to the New Orphan House, Müller writes about the day-to-day tasks of running the orphanages—such as administrative work and fundraising. He also writes about his own ministerial tasks, as well as the profound spiritual impact on his own life. This volume also contains valuable statistical information, expense records, summaries of correspondence, inventories of needed supplies, and other valuable historical information.

Preaching Tours and Missionary Labours of George Müller (of Bristol)

  • Author: Susanna Grace Mueller
  • Publisher: London: J. Nisbet & Co.
  • Publication Date: 1889
  • Pages: 315

At the age of 70, Müller began a series of missionary and preaching trips which took him to dozens of countries across four continents, including multiple trips across continental Europe, the United States, Canada, and the Far East. He began his travels upon realizing that his orphanages were well-funded and properly administered and could be run without him. Müller set out on his travels with the objective of “preaching the Gospel in the simplest way possible, that persons may understand how the blessing, which sinners receive through faith in Christ, is to be obtained.” He also aimed to “promote brotherly love among Christians,” reflecting his desire to heal denominational splits and theological rifts.

Ten Years After: A Sequel to the Autobiography of George Müller

  • Author: George F. Bergin
  • Publisher: London: J. Nisbet & Co.
  • Publication Date: 1911
  • Pages: 380

Müller’s massive autobiography lacks the important details from the final years of his life. Ten Years After recounts the final years of Müller’s life, along with the beginnings of his legacy following his death in 1898.

The Life of George Müller: A Record of Faith Triumphant

  • Author: William Henry Harding
  • Publisher: London: Morgan
  • Publication Date: 1914
  • Pages: 21

William Henry Harding’s The Life of George Müller is an important appraisal of Müller’s life and ministry. This biography conveys the important events in Müller’s life—his childhood and upbringing, conversion, move to England, and missionary efforts—along with Müller’s spiritual journey. It also relates the biographical details of Müller’s life within the larger historical context of Müller’s ministry.

George Müller of Bristol

  • Author: Arthur T. Pierson
  • Publisher: London: Pickering & Inglis
  • Publication Date: 1899
  • Pages: 375

Arthur T. Pierson’s biography of George Müller was one of the first to appear after Müller’s death. Pierson wrote it in order to update Müller’s own 4-volume autobiography. Where Müller’s autobiography is written in chronological order, Pierson’s biography is arranged topically, examining the broad themes and spiritual principles of Müller’s life. This illustrated volume also contains an introduction by Müller’s son-in-law, James Wright.

George Müller: The Modern Apostle of Faith

  • Author: Frederick G. Warne
  • Publisher: Frederick G. Warne
  • Publication Date: 1898
  • Pages: 277

Frederick G. Warne’s biography of Müller remains among the most important, since it was written in the final years of Müller’s life and published during the year of his death. It provides a detailed biographical sketch of Müller’s life and ministry, and—more than a century after its first publication—remains an important volume for historians of Müller’s life and ministry.


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Collection value: $122.38
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