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Products>Studies in Jesus and the Gospels (23 vols.)

Studies in Jesus and the Gospels (23 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $529.77
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The Studies in Jesus and the Gospels collection assembles recent scholarly treatments of Jesus Christ and the books of Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. The authors behind each of the 23 volumes apply the latest critical and methodological practices to the four Gospels and beyond, innovatively reconstructing the world and persons of Jesus and His followers. Erudite and far-reaching, the collection examines a wealth of fascinating issues surrounding Jesus and the Gospels. These include the depiction of Christ in the Bible, theology, arts and literature; the criteria for authenticity in historical-Jesus research; footwashing in the Johannine community; women in the Gospels; the temptations of Jesus, and many, many others.

Resource Experts
  • Title: Studies in Jesus and the Gospels
  • Publisher: Continuum
  • Volumes: 23
  • Pages: 7,368
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4 ratings

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  1. Forrest Cole

    Forrest Cole


  2. Debra W Bouey

    Debra W Bouey


  3. J.R. Woods

    J.R. Woods


  4. Tin




Collection value: $529.77
Save $164.78 (31%)
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