Digital Logos Edition
Dr. Lloyd-Jones’s much loved series on Ephesians is one of the most complete commentaries on that book. This eight-volume set displays the respected author’s elegant style and probing exegesis. Each volume covers a portion of the Book of Ephesians, from an overview of God’s ultimate purpose to an exploration of the Christian soldier.
Lloyd-Jones begins by showing how the first chapter of Ephesians is basic to all New Testament studies. He asserts that the great doctrine Paul lays out in this chapter illuminates the entire teaching of Ephesians. The series concludes with an examination of the general principles of spiritual warfare. Here, Lloyd-Jones discusses in detail the pieces of armor Paul mentions that make up “the whole armor of God.” Other issues Lloyd-Jones deals with include:
Originally preached as sermons at Westminster Chapel, this commentary exhibits the author’s trademark blend of profound insight and practical application. Eight volumes comprise an unfailing resource for preachers and Bible teachers. However, they are equally rewarding for personal study. In fact, Christians at every stage of development will find them an invaluable guide to living the Christian life in today’s world.
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In the first volume of the collection, Lloyd-Jones begins his panoramic description of the wondrous and glorious work of God in Jesus Christ. Topics discussed include: the concepts of adoption, redemption, grace, peace and glory; what it means to be sealed with the Spirit, the final consummation, and many others.
This volume continues the description of God’s plan for this world, moving verse by verse through the second chapter of Ephesians. Here, Lloyd-Jones examines: man in sin, life without God, the blood of Christ, peace with God, and other significant concepts.
In this volume, Lloyd-Jones exhorts Christians to seek not only knowledge of God, but a genuine experience of His love and blessings love in their lives. Issues under discussion include: boldness, access, and confidence; God’s strange design, praying to the Father, Christ in the heart, and others.
The question unity in the Christian church has been ineffectually answered by much of that church with vague generalities and misplaced doctrinal emphasis. In this volume, Lloyd-Jones presents the Pauline standard for unity, as expressed in the fourth chapter of Ephesians. Specific subjects brought up include: keeping the unity of the Spirit, revival, differing gifts, edifying the Body, and more.
Ephesians 4:17 to the end of Paul’s letter represents the last great division in the epistle, wherein Paul comes to the practical application of the earlier teaching. Lloyd-Jones’s fifth volume is concerned with sin in a pagan world, the differences between sinful and righteous anger, how to communicate with fellow Christians, the emptiness of Christless living, and many other essential truths gleaned from Ephesians.
We’re living in a time when the institute of marriage is being queried, the generation-gap emphasized, parental control flouted and derided, and industrial strife rampant. These matters are of contemporary concern, but by no means are exclusive to our era. As Lloyd-Jones shows in this volume, Ephesians long ago conveyed the practical knowledge Christians require to face these tough issues.
As Lloyd-Jones contends, the history of the 20th century can only be understood in terms of the unusual activity of the devil and the “principles and powers” of darkness. Why, then, are so many Christians denying the existence of a personal devil and of demons? It is imperative to acknowledged and understand the spiritual warfare constantly raging around us and in us. Issues discussed in this penultimate volume include: the enemy, the origin of evil, the wiles of the devil, heresies, cults, attacks upon assurance, discouragement, and many other vital subjects.
The Apostle Paul never stops at mere diagnosis of our ills and problems. He always goes on to reveal their true nature and character, and shows us how to act with this knowledge to fight the good fight. In this final volume, Lloyd-Jones details Ephesians’ spiritual warrior. He discusses the call to battle, morale, discipline, the whole armor of God, and many other important and practical aspects of our Christian struggle against the forces of darkness.
Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899-1981) was born in Cardiff. He attended St. Bartholomew’s Hospital as an assistant to the famous Lord Horder. Returning to Wales after leaving medicine in 1927, he became the minister of a Welsh Presbyterian Church in Aberavon, South Wales. He was there until 1938 when he moved to London to share the ministry of Westminster Chapel in Buckingham Gate with the late Dr. G. Campbell Morgan. This ministry lasted for 30 years until Dr. Lloyd-Jones retired in August 1968. He best-loved works include Singing to the Lord, Not Against Flesh and Blood, Heirs to Salvation, and True Happiness.
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Mac McClanahan
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Allen Haynie
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